Chapter 2

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You were disappointed with how much your situation was turning from bad to worse. Your best friend hasn't talked to you since the night of the raid a few days ago and on the same night your parents surprised you by saying you were joining dragon training while they were out looking for the nest. It surprised you even more when you saw Hiccup joining the training as well. You've been trying to talk to him since the day after but he keeps pushing you away.

It was one of those days again when Hiccup was practically ruining training. He was acting strange and he would honestly would've been killed if it wasn't for you and Gobber. Currently, it was like a maze in the arena and you and the others were being hunted down by a Deadly Nadder. You have already found the blind spot but you avoided the dragon at all costs. You didn't want to be any part of it. You only participated when it was necessary.

"[Name]! Get in there!" Gobber shouted from outside the arena.

"Why don't you come down here and join us then?" I retorted.

"Because this is your training, not mine!" His accent came out thick.

You sighed and rolled your eyes. Typical, you thought. I might just die before I even get the chance to talk to Hiccup again. It went downhill from there. Hiccup was being chased and the Nadder started hopping from wall to wall trying to follow him. Astrid became its new pray and she started hopping over the walls as well. It ended with Astrid crashing onto Hiccup. You would've laughed at their situation and the clear visible blush spreading across his face but they were about to be attacked. You were about to step in and help but you saw Astrid giving up on her weapon and stood up. She picked up the ax that was still stuck in the shield and swung. She didn't severely wound the creature but it whimpered away.

"What is wrong with you?" she seethed in rage, "Do you think this is some kind of joke? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on." She pointed her ax at Hiccup. She walked away from him and started leaving.

"Astrid," You started.

"Don't defend him anymore, [Name]." She glared at you. "Instead of babying him, have him defend for himself."

Your eyes narrowed. "I wasn't going to defend him. If anything, I was going to criticize you." You crossed your arms. "You made a mistake of jumping over the walls. You could've used the walls as coverage from the Nadder." You began walking away and out of the arena. "You need to understand that not everyone is perfect and you're no exception." You didn't even care if you seemed heartless. She was in no position to criticize Hiccup when she had made dumb decisions as well. You left and were going to think about Hiccup later for you were in no mood to do so now.


"Hey, [Name]," someone whispered, "wake up." The same person gently shook your shoulder. "We need to get back to Berk."

"Can I please sleep in?" You mumbled.

You heard the person chuckle. "If you need help waking up, I can help with that."

A sudden flash of an image of you being tossed in the water made your eyes widen. "I'm up," you shouted and sat up straight. You sat up straight a little too quickly when you knocked heads with Hiccup. Both of you cried out in pain and rubbed your heads from the sudden impact. You heard a laugh from a certain dragon. Both of you made eye contact and chuckled.

You gazed at the sunrise peaking over the mountains. It was beautiful seeing the forest come alive with color. You took a deep breath and took in your surroundings. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now