Chapter 14

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You felt so alone.

It has been a few days since the death of Red Death and a few days of Hiccup not waking up. You have lost your parents and no one has noticed of your absence yet. You wanted someone there for you. Someone you could cry to and be a burden for just a few hours. It was dark and cold. You usually wouldn't mind it but it was the emptiness of the house that made you want to cry. This was once a home with a lively family, but now it was only you cry on your father's chair.

You just wanted someone.

It was too lonely.

Your parents are gone and Hiccup has yet to wake up.

You felt so alone.


Later that day, you continued to watch over Hiccup, giving him a few glances here and there. Your observation concluded to one thing and one thing only.


Hiccup was acting strange.

Well, stranger than usual.

You ask why?

First, it was him making a very thick shield.

Second, he kept glancing at his pocket knife.

Third, he bought a fish that was way too big to be his supper intake.

And finally, he kept fiddling something in his hand or most of the time in his pocket.

He was acting as if he was going to war.

By the time it was sundown, Hiccup started walking into the forest after looking over his shoulder to see if anyone would follow. You followed with quiet steps avoiding any dry leaves or fallen branches while following his trial.


If he's trying to be sneaky, he's not doing it right.

For example, not covering your tracks isn't sneaky.

You sighed as you crouched down with your hand under your chin staring at the foot tracks.

Oh, Hiccup...

You continued to walk the trial until it came to a stop where a shield was wedged in between two boulders.

Not wanting to take the obvious entry, you climbed to peak over the left boulder. Your eyes widen when you saw the beautiful beast. Toothless was right in front of Hiccup but not like how you usually see him at all. Toothless wasn't purring up to his human. He wasn't playing with his paws with Hiccup either. The night fury eye pupils were in slits as if he was ready to pounce and kill his opponent.

And his opponent was Hiccup.

You were surprised that Hiccup didn't run off like he did when he was smaller. Hiccup was actually talking to the dragon trying to calm it down. You saw Hiccup dig for his pocket to get the pocket knife and toss it to the side only to kick it in the water near him.

The dragon that you recognize now as your best friend's companion went from the holy offspring of lightening and death itself to...well, a cute pet.

This is how Hiccup first started training Toothless.

You watched with amusement as Hiccup started discovering the dragon's traits such retractable teeth and vomiting back up the fish for Hiccup to share with. What made you lose your control of your giggles was the returned smile Hiccup was given from Toothless.

You hid immediately after when Toothless heard you. You didn't want to be caught just yet, not when Toothless and Hiccup just started bonding. The thread of their complete bond has yet to be sewn up and you didn't want to be the one to rip that away from them.

You heard a growl but any noise didn't come near where you were at.

"What's wrong?" You heard Hiccup say. You heard flapping and the noises were quieter. You climbed back up where you were at and stared at the curious dragon. You saw he was curled up on his makeshift bed. Hiccup decided to sit at a good distance away from the dragon. You saw the interaction between the two from Hiccup wanting to touch the injured tail to Hiccup jumping up and getting the message of not wanting to be disturbed. They walked their separate ways.

After that, for a while, you were bored because they haven't done anything else.

Hiccup was known to bond with dragons, you thought, so why isn't it working?

Hiccup was getting bored as well, you can tell, because he started drawing in the dirt. Your eyebrow was raised when you saw Toothless was approach Hiccup from behind.watching as he draws. Toothless decided to follow Hiccup and grab a giant branch off the tree and doodled on the ground as well. You couldn't help but smile when you saw Toothless finish.

Hiccup stood up and stepped on a line. Toothless growled. Hiccup saw what he did and began experimenting where he stepped. He avoided any lines that he came across. Your breath was held as you saw how close he was getting to the dragon. He was getting closer than he had before.

Hiccup stopped and let out his hand while facing Toothless. Toothless growled slightly. Hiccup retracted but this time looked away and put his hand out to give the option for Toothless to bite his hand off or put his head on the hand. Toothless hesitated but in the end, rested his head on the hand.

You were tense the whole entire time but you knew in the end it would've been okay. You saw the thread sewn together now. A bond has been formed.

Toothless shook his head and flew in the other direction trying to shake off the feeling he just had leaving Hiccup to his own thoughts.

He walked away. It seemed he was satisfied with how far he got with the dragon. You slide off the boulder and waited for Hiccup to come through the exit between the two boulders. Once he did, you grabbed him from behind slipping your hand onto his mouth and had your arm to secure around his torso and arms.

His surprised gasp was muffled from your hand and he made a sort of grunt.

"Don't panic. On the count of three, I will let go." You whispered. You counted and let go of him. He looked at you in panic.

"Ragna, I can explain." He stuttered.

"Hiccup, I just told you not to panic," you hissed quietly, "and keep it down. I don't want Tooth-" you cleared your throat, "your toothless dragon to hear or we're both dead."

"You saw that?"


"Even the fish-?"

"Yes, even the swallowed fish."

There was a muffled groan as he covered his face. He took a peak through his finger at you.

"Wait," he paused, "you're not mad?"

"Why would I be? Wasn't I the one who told you not to kill them?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Well...because..." He trailed off.

"Because you think befriending a dragon is something you shouldn't do?"

"It's something that I can't help but think. I grew up and raised to think dragons were killers." He argued.

"You don't think we aren't the same?" you challenged. You sighed, "Hiccup, you may have been raised to act like a viking but you're different and different isn't bad. You think differently because you have experience that is different from everyone else."

"Different is the reason why I'm here trying to get along with a dragon, yes, but different is the reason why I'm an outcast, why no one likes me, why no one believes in me, not even my closest friend." He frowned.

You were taken back with Hiccup's emotions. You were speechless with how he felt. You had no idea.

Seeing at how you had nothing else to say, he began to walk away. You didn't stop him.

You had no idea.

He felt so alone.

Word Count: 1251

Status: Unedited

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