Chapter 1

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You were behind a crowd of people trying to look over or under them. Something was going on with your best friend and you didn't like the looks and the sounds the village was giving off.

"You step outside and disaster strikes!"

"I can't help it. When I see a dragon, I just want to kill it."

You gasp when you heard Hiccup's voice arguing with his dad who was also the chief. You didn't get to hear anymore because more people were coming and pushed you back. You huffed and squeezed through the intimidating vikings. "Excuse me," you grunted.

"Okay, but Dad, I shot down a night fury."

You heard groans from the villagers.

"This again..."

"When will that boy learn?"

What are you doing, Hiccup? You thought.

The one sided conversation ended quickly and Gobber, who was the chief's right hand man, escorted Hiccup back home. They past by the group of kids and they were all making fun of him. You quickly caught up with them and started a converse with Hiccup.

"Hiccup, what are you doing? You knew you can't back up your lie." You argued.

"What lie?" He ask defensively.

"About catching the night fury. You know it's impossible to catch that thing."

"Wait, are you saying you don't believe me?" You saw the fury grow in his green eyes.

You only shook your head. "I saw what happened to your contraption, Hiccup. It was destroyed."

"That was after-" he stopped mid-sentence gripping his hair, "I can't believe this. I would understand that if the others didn't believe me, but you, [Name], I thought you were my friend!"

After his tantrum, he marched up with Gobber and slumped. You stopped walking when you knew he wouldn't talk to you for at least the rest of the night.


"Faster, bud, faster!" The wind was brutal against Hiccup's face but the excitement and adrenaline rush was worth it. The dragon below him obeyed his excited chant and sped forward. He was having just as much fun as his human. They pasted by an opening where a girl was sitting on a bolder. She was watching them as they flew. She waved when they spotted her. He waved back when he passed her. She giggled when she spotted the night fury was sticking his tongue out. Hiccup continued to fly with his dragon. He cheered and hollered when they did some new tricks. They both continued until the dragon was getting visibly tired.

"How about we go for a break and get you something to eat, bud?" Hiccup patted Toothless.

The dragon purred in response and return to the open area to fetch the patiently waiting girl. All three went to the cove and decided to rest there and fish from the pond.

"How's the updated tail?" [Name] asked.

"It's great!" Hiccup grinned. "I definitely felt a difference in our speed. Isn't that right, bud?"

Toothless grunted and then purred out to [Name] laying his head on her lap.

She gushed at his adorable act. "You're tiring out poor Toothless." She stroked his scaly head. He purred to her touch and rubbed against her. [Name] held the dragon's head and made a pout face. "Is he being mean at making you tired all the time?" The dragon nodded his head in response.

Hiccup rolled his eyes at his two friends. "I'm right here."

[Name] continued babying Toothless. "Poor Toothless, you must be exhausted!"

Hiccup noisily exhaled. "Stop babying him, [Name]."

"Don't listen to him, Toothless. You deserve to be spoiled."

"Whatever did I do to deserve this?" Hiccup shook his head. All of a sudden he was tackled by his dragon and was coated in saliva. Hiccup grunted with disgust. "Oh, Toothless! That's not funny!"

The other two's actions said otherwise. The girl laughed and the dragon made a gurgle noise that made a laugh. Hiccup's cheeks went pink from hearing the [hair color] haired girl laugh. He smirked as he thought of his revenge. He walked up to [Name] and picked her up pulling her in a hug. The wet saliva was now on [Name] instead of just Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" The girl gasped. "Now I have to try getting this off!"

Hiccup chuckled. "I can help you start."

The girl scrunched her eyebrows when she heard him but began to panic when he started walking to the pond. "No, don't do it, Hiccup!" She was tossed into the deeper part of the pond. She came back up and glared at the laughing boy. She smirked when she saw the black dragon behind Hiccup and laughed when he was pushed into the water as well. Hiccup came back up and glared at the both of them. "Come on, we need to feed Toothless." [Name] began to swim back after splashing him a bit. Hiccup followed behind.

After about a half hour, they were enjoying their meals. It was dark by the time they were eating their meals. They sat in silence as they listened to the nature around them.

"Hey, Hiccup," the girl started.

Hiccup took a sideways glance at his friend. "Yeah, [Name]?"

"Would you believe where you were at right now three years ago?" [Name] turned to her best friend.

Hiccup looked directly into [Name]'s eyes. After three years, her eyes never changed their brightness and the light he sees in them. They would always make his day just staring into them. He smiled slightly. "I honestly didn't see me becoming what I am now. Sure, I had a goal to be noticed but that was only for me to finally fit in," he said seriously.

She stared at him, almost like she was holding back. She looked down at her hands. "Do you ever wish you could go back and change the way things were?"

"No," Hiccup said quickly, "why would I?"

[Name]'s eyes widen and stared again at Hiccup. She knew he didn't think nothing of it but it haunted her every once and a while. "Oh, no reason," she answered.

Word Count: 966

Status: Unedited

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