Chapter 20

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"No, Toothless! We need to get back!"

Hiccup desperately tried to pull on the reigns of his dragon. He was frustrated to the point of crying. He should have helped her. He should be fighting with her. He should be there with her. Toothless roared back to his human. He was just as worried for the girl as Hiccup was, but she wanted him to take his rider to safety. Hiccup crouched over in agony and cried into Toothless' saddle.

They were getting close to the island and Toothless could see a figure waving them over. Toothless gurgled in surprise at the figure. He landed next to the person and turned his head to coo at his rider.

Hiccup felt Toothless land but he could care less. He continued to cry silently as he heard his dragon rumble from beneath him.

"Hiccup, what's wrong?"

Hiccup felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up with puffy eyes at the girl in front of him.

"[Name]," he choked.

"Hiccup, what's wrong?"

Hiccup slipped off the saddle and wrapped his arms around you in an embrace. He laid his head on your shoulder. This caught you by slight surprise as he did this but you understood it was just a little scare he experienced.

"Everything's okay, Hiccup. I'm here," you soothed his back.

You heard him mutter, "I thought I left you back there." He lifted his head to look you in the eyes. You smiled kindly and wiped away the last of his tears. "It was you."

You blinked at his statement. "I'm sorry," you asked.

"You were Ragna, weren't you?" Hiccup said.

You nodded, "How did you finally figure it out?"

"I just remember someone always being there for me when I really needed someone," he explained, "But you don't look any different than before. What is going on, [Name]?"

You looked off to the ships that looked like tiny dots now. "Let's get back to the Edge. I'll answer your questions there."


"Ow!" you heard Hiccup cry out in pain. "What was that for?!" You turned your head to see the after affects of Hiccup being punched on the shoulder from Astrid.

"For going off like that! What if something had happened to you?" Astrid growled. She jerked her head towards you. You jumped and squeaked slightly when you saw the raging fire in her eyes. "And you!"

"Me?" you squeaked again.

"Where have you been?" she punched in the shoulder like she did to Hiccup. You rubbed your arm and gave a small 'ow.' "Not only did you make us worried, but you made this guy restless." She pointed towards Hiccup.

You saw a pink hue spread on Hiccup's cheeks as he turned away from you in embarrassment. "I know, and I'm sorry for causing any distress."

Astrid was slightly surprise from your answer. She blinked unsure and crossed her arms. "Well, are you going to tell us what happened?"

"Let's have a little meeting, then. I'm sure all of you have questions."

When everyone finally got into the meeting room, you picked up two spare swords. You tossed one to Astrid and she caught it with ease but was confused as to why you would do that. You ran towards her making the first move and clashed swords with her. She was surprised as to why you were sparing with her.

"[Name], what are you doing?" you heard Hiccup call. In the corner of your eye, you saw everyone move to stop you but Astrid's voice stopped them.

"Wait, she's not trying to harm me," Astrid gaped when she felt the familiar feeling. Your moves were way to familiar when you kept on attacking. She would never forget who she sparred with that day. "No way, Ragna?!"

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now