Chapter 12

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Warning: Slight mention of blood.

The sun shined bright, showing no remorse of the tragic you have gone through. It showed how cruel life was to you. It showed life would go on, and life wouldn't freeze for a moment for your sake and sanity.

You couldn't help but think of the positive outcomes because of the traumatizing events. Because of the war, your people had made amends with dragons, you have become closer to your friends, and you have a more understanding of the precious life around you.

Thanks to your friends, you finally managed to crawl out of your depression hole and eat regularly. You started laughing again. You started smiling again. You started training again. You started working again. You started loving again.

What would destroy you at the end of the day, though? Coming back to an empty home.

Your depression started to grow again, so you avoided to come to the once lively house as much as you could. It didn't mean you left it to decay. You still kept it clean but you refused to come home to a dark lonely house. You refused to go back in your vulnerable and depressing state.

That's why when everyone left from dinner you took a stroll around the village. You were lonely on your walk but it beats your quiet house. You decided to go to the docks to sit at the edge and to star gaze.

"What are you doing here, lass?" a voice surprised you. You flinched and spun when you heard Stoick's intimidating voice. His eyes soften when he realized he startled you."Shouldn't you be at home?"

You answered, facing forward with your head down looking at the ocean rage underneath you. "Is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone?"

You didn't get an answer and you couldn't see his reaction either. You refused to cry in front of a man who you admire so much.

"I'm sorry, [Name]," you heard the wood creak closer as he sat down next to you and put a hand on your shoulder, "but your loved ones are not gone. You have your friends and I know you certainly have Hiccup there for you."

You still didn't look at him, trying to calm your nerves and you sudden shaking.

You heard him sigh, "I have known you since you were a little girl, [Name]. I knew the moment I met you, you would be a strong young lass. Your parents couldn't be anymore proud. I was proud to even know you. What I'm trying to say is; I see you as my own daughter."

The next few words made you look up as tears started streaming down and then, wrap your arms into the welcoming hug he offered to you as you sobbed your troubles away into his chest.

"You are more than welcome in our family, [Name]."


You first noticed that you were breathing heavily. Your rib cage ached and your lungs screamed for air because you barely got any air. It was getting hard to breath. It felt like you might have broken a rib.

The second thing you noticed was your unconscious body was laying on something soft. Whatever it was, it was much more comfortable than the hard ground you wake up on when you time traveled. You weren't expecting it actually. You have gotten used to it sadly.

With a grown, your eyes fluttered open. A wooden roof was over your head was the first thing you saw. You moved your head from your laying position looking around the room. You were laying on a bed with what you saw a side table next to it; a used candle simply sat on it. You saw a desk that had all sorts of scribbled paper scattered and a chest right next to it.

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