Chapter 4

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"Hiccup!" You found yourself dangling upside down trying not to scream your lungs out. You looked towards where a dragon claw is holding you around your ankle. The dragon looked back giving a gummy smile with his tongue sticking out. You couldn't help but smile back. You were flipped over and landed on your feet smoothly. The dragon landed but it's rider remand on top.

"Are you okay?" Hiccup asked.

"I'm fine," you panted. There was a mighty roar coming from behind you. You looked at Hiccup with a worried expression.

"I have to go," he frowned. He was about to take flight but you grabbed hold of his arm. He stopped. "Don't try stopping me, [Name]."

"I'm not," you let go slowly. How badly you wanted to hug and hold him crying out to him not to go. "Stay safe."

He seemed surprised at first but nodded his head and took off. You watched him leave with a tear streaking down your cheek.


It's been a few days since [Name] has seen her friends. They have gone on one of their many adventures that [Name] can never go on...again. One of the main reasons why she couldn't go was because she didn't have a dragon to call her own. She keeps telling herself that she didn't mind not having one (which she honestly didn't) but an example like this was a disadvantage.

There was also the fact Hiccup didn't want her to come on some trips. His excuse is that she didn't (it felt like he was rubbing it in her face when he said it). She just offered to ride with him but he shot that down. Even Astrid offered to ride with her but Hiccup answered the same way. He refused to have [Name] go unless she had a dragon. What she thought the reason why she couldn't go was totally different from why Hiccup wanted her to stay.

[Name] groaned and flopped on her back on the docks. Her legs were dangling over the edge and over the sea. "I'm so bored." She closed your eyes basking in the early morning sunlight.

"Then, you should come help in the shop. I've been needing some help." A voice called.

[Name] turned to see Gobber hauling metal and broken weapons from a ship up the docks behind her. "No offense, but no thanks. Black smiting  isn't my specialty."

"At least I tried," Gobber shrugged, "I have to make a visit to Stoick's boy. Want to come with me to Dragon's Edge?"

"Yes, please," she smiled. [Name] was excited because she has never been to Dragon's Edge. She has been dying to go from all the stories she was told from the others.

He chuckled, "Help me drop this off at the forge and we'll go."

After taking care of things at the forge, [Name] and Gobber hopped on his dragon and flew off. [Name] didn't know it was going to be a long trip. It made it even longer with Gobber's stories. She would be truly interested if it wasn't for the fact it was the umpteenth time he has told her. They finally made it way before the sun would set. She awed at the sight of her friends' base. She noticed how they seem to be divided into sections. She could probably easily guess who's area was whose.

They landed in the center of the base where there was an open area where dragons would land. Gobber huffed, "I wonder where everyone is. Usually, they would be out already greeting us." He slid off of his dragon and offered a hand towards her.

"That is strange," she grabbed his hand and slid off as well, "better check the place out. Maybe I could look on foot while you get a dragon's view?"

"Great idea," Gobber nodded and hopped back on his dragon taking flight. He disappeared behind a building.

[Name] took this chance to check the place out. She went through each section and skimmed for any sort of life. The [hair color] haired beauty started to become worried because no one was around. It was like a ghost town.

She came across a dome like building. She already checked it out but no one was around. She turned her sight towards the sea. Her eyebrows furrowed when she stopped ships ahead. She had a feeling they weren't friendly either. She approached the edge of the cliff and leaned over. She squinted at the symbol. She didn't fully clearly see it but she recognized it right away. She gasped.


Of all times, they show up when no one is around. She knew they were planning either a surprise attack or even sabotage the base.

They can't reach the base. I have to stop them.

[Name] clicked her tongue in frustration, her teeth baring.

You and what army? Her subconscious said.

She looked at what was in store for her and her friends.

Actually...I don't need it...

She saw there was only two ships approaching shore. They weren't even that big. The ships stopped on what looked like on the other side of the island.

I can actually do this...

[Name] went into what she guessed to be Astrid's area and grabbed two swords, bow and arrows, and a dagger. She started setting foot into the forest. These were one of the times that she wished she had a dragon. Not one to defend her, for she already knows how and mastered it. Even to the toughest viking (who we all know is the chief himself), admits she's hard to beat and to "stay down". No, she needed one for transportation. She would already be at their campsite by now if she had a dragon, but she was pretty sure they were already in the forest heading for the base.

She stopped. Where can I look if I don't even know where to look? She sighed. This is becoming more frustrating by the minute.

There was a noise to her right and she jerked to face the direction of the noise. She smiled when she found a wild Gronkle walking aimlessly.

"Hey, girl," she called. The Gronkle looked towards her direction and growled when the girl approached her. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She smiled. [Name] was always good with dragons even when she never had one for herself. She spotted a decent sized rock that she knew she could use a treat. "How about a treat?" The Gronkled willing took the treat and rubbed against her new friend. "There, I knew you were a sweetie." [Name] patted the Gronkle. "Can you help me, girl? I need a lift."

The Gronkle willingly let her on her back and flew towards the direction where her new companion wanted to go. They land just a few feet away from the forest's borderline. "Thank you, girl. Now, leave before anyone spots you. I don't want you to get hurt." The dragon purred and rubbed her head against her friend before she left.

[Name] faced towards where the ships were docked. She hid behind bushes and tree to see what she was up against. Men were setting camp. She thought there were a little more than what she expected but they still wouldn't be a problem.

"Set up camp tonight boys. Tomorrow, we find some more supplies and then we'll sail out again." A man instructed who seemed to be the ship's mate.

[Name]'s eyes widen a little. They didn't know the base was here. They only came because they were low on supplies. She mentally face palmed. That's why they're still here, she figured. That still means they could accidentally stumble upon the base and destroy it. She still had to stop them. She looked again and saw their leader no where in sight. She took a very deep breath wondering where her best friend could be at.

Hiccup, she thought. Wherever you are, stay safe.

Word Count: 1323

Status: Unedited

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