Chapter 8

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You remembered when you first met your friend's father. He was a very imitating indeed, but when you two made eye contact, he smiled.

You met Stoick before you met Hiccup. He and your father had to meet on a certain discussion that they didn't give you any hint on (which drove you crazy). When your father and Stoick ended the conversation (one you knew it was about yourself), they looked at you.

"[Name], come here, lassie," Stoick called, waving you over.

You listened and got up from your spot to walk over to him. You were timid and not because he was intimidating, but because you sort of admired him. He was a viking to look up to. You didn't keep any eye contact when you approached him.

"You're looking like your mother as you start growing older," he smiled kindly to you.

"Thank you, sir," you thanked politely.

His laugh suddenly echoed and boomed in the room you were in with him along with your father. "Now, what's with the formalities?" You squeaked slightly when he put his hands under your armpits and picked you up. He tossed you slightly a few times. "Call me, Stoick."

You giggled and squeal in enjoyment. Soon after, he stopped and settled you down gently.

"You're welcome anytime here, [Name]," Stoick smiled.

You grinned, "Thank you, Stoick."


You felt yourself surprised at the situation you're in but you half expected it because a part of you knew that a little Hiccup was right in front of you. There was no way that you didn't recognize his unique smile. "Well, then, Hiccup, let's take you home." You stretched your hand in front of him.

He grabbed hold of it and both of you began walking. "What's your name?"

"My name is..." you stopped yourself. You didn't want to give your name to confuse the boy. By looking at the boy's age, it was around when you met him. Now that you think about it, you met him before you guys first met because it was his seventh birthday when you met him.

Oh! Now, I'm just confusing myself!

You quickly made up a name. One that you could remember.

Oh, I got it!

"My name is Ragna," you smiled.


The little boy fell asleep in your arms as soon as you asked him where his home was (you didn't want to seem to know him even when you knew). If this boy is Hiccup as a six-year-old, then I must have gone back in time. You looked at the boy in my arms. He's just adorable! You came to an opening and saw the village. Your grip slightly tightened. You didn't like these times in Berk and you needed to leave as soon as possible.

"You're almost home, Hiccup," you whispered gently. The boy cuddled into your neck slightly as you held a giggle from the ticklish touch.

You immediately faced towards the top of the hill where a home faced all of the village and bigger compared to the homes, something fit for a chief. You started walking towards the home.

"Hiccup!" A voice called.

You turned towards the voice to see a rather large man searching the village. "Where are you, Hiccup?"

You recognized the man as Stoick, the boy's father and chief. "Sir, I have him here. He was lost in the woods." You gently gave the man his son.

"Thank the gods," he sighed in relief as he found only one wound on his son, "Nothing major but at least he's in one piece." He looked up to you. "How can I repay you?"

"It's the least I could do," you shook your head and smiled.

He smiled and raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry but I don't recognize you as one of my people. Are you new?"

"Uh..." you stutter. It was hard hearing that fact you were not one of his people when in fact, you were! You decided to act as a total stranger. "No," you shook your head once again, "I'm a traveler."

"I see," the man hummed, "Well, if you ever want to come to visit, you are more than welcome. My boy seems fond of you and I'm sure you two just met. It's strange because he doesn't like strangers."

"Thank you, sir," you smiled kindly.

"Please, call me Stoick," he insisted.

"Thank you, Stoick, but I'm sad to say I won't be staying." You smiled sadly. You thought of your situation.

It's possible that I went back in time. What I'm talking about! There is a six-year-old Hiccup right in front of me right now!

You mentally groaned at your situation.

How am I supposed to go back home?!

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Uh, I'm going back home," you answered truthfully.

"Ah," he motioned you to follow him, "where is your home?"

You followed him. "I'm afraid it's very far."

"I see," he said. You two reached the chief's home. "Thank you, again." He turned to open the door but then stopped and turns to you. "I didn't get your name, lass."

You answered, "My name is Ragna."

He nodded, "I hope you have safe travels, Ragna."

"Thank you, Stoick."

He went inside before you reentered the woods. The sun was setting while you walked back to where you woke up. You walked in front of the thick bark tree. The light was very dim when you looked at the same direction as the setting sun. You were suddenly blinded when you thought it was going to be darker but became brighter with a flash of a white light. The same bright light that took you here in the first place.

Word Count: 907

Status: Unedited

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