Chapter 7

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Slight Warning: The true meaning of Fan-fiction comes to life from here on out. Anything outside of all the releases of HTTYD (1&2), Dragons (all series), and RTTE are fiction. Longer chapter.

You didn't want to go. You didn't want to go meet a boy. You didn't want to go meet the Chief's boy. You didn't want to meet the Chief's boy who was known to always get himself into trouble and almost killing himself.

You didn't want to meet the boy who wasn't a viking.

Your parents dragged you to meet the boy because they thought you needed a playmate since neither of you did anyways. They took the chance of pairing up you two.

The problem was; you didn't want to socialize with anyone.

And that included a talking fish bone.

"Gobber, where is Stoick?" your mom had asked.

"Ah," he waved in a direction, "he had to do an errand, but I have his boy with me right now."

Your mother pushed you to the front of her when a scrawny boy was also pushed in front of Gobber. You struggled because you didn't want to do any of this.

"[Name], be nice and talk to the boy," your mother commanded.

"Hi," you said simply and that's all you plan to say. You don't even try making eye contact with him.

"Uh, hi," he stammered.

There was an awkward silence before you heard your mother and Gobber start to chitchat.

"So, what's your name?" he asked.

"[Name]," you answered.

"Oh," he didn't ask any more questions.

You took a glance at him. "What's yours?"

"My name's Hiccup," he smiled cheekily.

You couldn't help but adore his gaped smile.


It was dark, but oddly warm. You realized you were waking up. You don't even remember falling asleep. You remember falling from Toothless when you were hit...

So, then, why am I so comfortable?

You suddenly felt itchy as your senses started to wake up. You felt soft blades brush against your skin. You groaned as you felt a headache to start. You pushed your hand to grab your head in pain. You blinked your eye trying adjust to the lighting. Once your eyes adjusted, you took in your surroundings. It seemed to be early morning; you can tell by the morning breeze. The area looked oddly familiar.



Your mind screamed at you, but you didn't want to confirm it just yet. You got up and pushed yourself up onto your feet while dusting yourself. As you were dusting yourself, you noticed you were just lying next to a very huge tree. The bark was thick but its branches were covered in many leaves.

Berk doesn't have thick trees like these.

You gently touched the bark of the tree. Once your fingers grazed it, a sudden flash of nausea passed you. You released your touch to use the same hand to grip your head. thought, Did I just see Hiccup?

When he was seven?

You stared at the tree and took a chance at touching it again. You released a breath (one you didn't realized you were holding) and began climbing to the top. You had an excellent view of the little world in front of you.

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now