Chapter 3

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"Hiccup, please," you cried. "I'm sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry I doubted. I just don't want to lose you. You're my best friend."

"Then why did you doubt me in the first place?" Hiccup glared daggers. "Why should I trust you anymore for what I have to say?"

"I..." You trailed off. You honestly don't know how to answer any of those questions. "I don't know..."

Hiccup rolled his eyes and shook his head. "After all we've been through...and I thought you were different than the others..."

"But I am," you proclaimed.

"No," he cut you off short, "you're not."

He walked away.


After the meal, you decided to go to the bakery today for work. Nothing interesting else happened after the topic of the chance of being a distraction to Hiccup. You did catch Hiccup glancing at you every so often. That might have been because you were oddly quiet than how you usually are and he was just concerned. Shortly after, the group disbursed and continued on their daily lives.

You entered the bakery and immediately smelled the fire already starting. A middle-aged woman who could afford to put on some weight was already there stirring up the ingredients that slowly started turning into dough.

"Hello, Eira," you called.

"Oh, [Name]," she smiled, "you're just in time. I need you to start crushing some berries. Leave some out for I have a new recipe I want to try out."

"Okay," you nodded as you put on an apron. You picked up a bucket full different kind of berries. You started sorting them into groups before squeezing the juice into a cup.

"So, how was your outing with the "Pride of Berk"?" Eira suddenly asked.

You didn't think anything of it and answered immediately. "Well, he installed a new tail for his dragon and it worked pretty good. Afterwards, we just stayed in the forest for the night." You flinched when one of the berries' juices squirted onto your face. You didn't bother wiping it off since it was on your cheek and your hands was messy anyways.

Eira hummed as she started rolling out the dough. "Has he confessed yet?"

You froze when she asked that. You wondered how she knew about his crush on Astrid. "No, he's stubborn and won't admit his admiration for her."

"Her?" After separating the dough, Eira slipped them in the fire oven. She immediately started another batch but added a little more sugar. "Who's her?"

"Astrid," You answered simply.

"Astrid, I thought he got over her a few years ago." She stopped momentarily to look at you with a raised eyebrow.

"No," You shook my head. "You should see the way they look at each other. Sometimes, it's frustrating to see them like that. They need to come out and just confess already." You flinched again when even more juice flew at you. This time even more than before. You glared at the fruit in your hands and flicked it into a bucket where they would be used for tarts later.

Eira stared at your body language and mistaken it as jealousy showing through. She chuckled to herself and continued what she was doing. "Well, I'm sure you don't have to worry about those two, [Name]. I think Hiccup is moving onto someone else."

You paused. Your mind flashed back to the conversation with Hiccup.

I'm not interested in her anymore.

Why is he lying? You're his best friend, right? So, why is he lying to you?

Of course, you thought, it's because he doesn't trust me as much anymore.

"So, has he kissed you yet?"

You mind snapped back to reality and you were caught off guard by the question. You nearly knocked over the cup full of juice. "What? By who?"

"Who else? Hiccup." Eira giggled.

"Wait," you proclaimed, "why me?" You felt yourself became flustered.

"Hey [Name], Eira." Speaking of the devil, Hiccup walked in and came up to the counter. He looked innocent as he smiled and waved at you two. You were still flustered and jumped in surprise when you heard him. You knocked over the dried berries bucket on accident in the process. You groaned.

"Hello, Hiccup," Eira answered with a smile.

Hiccup merely ignored the kind greeting he received from Eira to look at you. "Uh, [Name], are you okay?"

"I'm just peachy," you stammered. You finished throwing the berries away. You washed your hands afterwards.

You heard Hiccup chuckle. "Just checking."

"How can I help you, Hiccup?" Eira asked. She starting kneading at the dough to start looking like a roll.

"Oh, right!" Hiccup scratched the back of his neck. "My dad wanted some bread with his meal to start off the day today."

"Oh, there's some in the oven right now. [Name], can you pull them out to cool? I'm certain they're ready now."

"Yes, Eira," you obeyed. You pulled out the bread to see them perfectly cooked. You wouldn't expect any less from Eira. She always has perfect timing. You let it cool for a few minutes before rapping it in cloth. You came back only to find Hiccup scratching the back of his neck again. You noticed a pink hue was showing when he caught sight of you. "Here's your bread, Hiccup."

"Thank you, [Name]." You stretched your arm out to give him his bread. While he grabbed the bread, his fingers lightly grazed your palm. This caused a light but noticeable shiver down your spine.

"Are you okay?" You looked up into Hiccup's eyes and saw sincere concern.

"Yeah," you uttered. "Just a little cold."

He nodded. "Get warm and stay warm. Odin knows how you get sick easily. I'll see you later." Before he left, he swiped a finger on your cheek and put it in his mouth licking it up. He hummed leaving the shop.

"Hiccup!" You squeaked and watched him leave. Your hand flew to your cheek where he has gotten the substance from. You could feel the heat building up on your cheeks and ears. You turned to see Eira smirking at you with her hands on her hips. "What?"

"Nothing," she laughed and shook it off. You tried bugging about what she was thinking but you didn't get anything else.

Word Count: 858

Status: Unedited

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now