Chapter 5

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Warning: Mention of violence and blood

"[Name]..." I gasped in awe. "What are you doing?"

[Name] rose an eyebrow. "I'm helping. What else am I doing?" She continued to haul in the dragons gently with the skills I taught her to befriend a dragon.

I shook my head. "No, I mean, what are you doing here? You should be at home where it's safe."

She stopped petting the Nadder to face me with her hands on her hips. "Are you saying I can't help?"

I shook my head and frowned. "I don't want to see you get hurt." I took steps towards her and stopped enough for my hand to reach her shoulder. "It's dangerous."

"And you don't think I'm not worried about you either? You don't think I can't help you?" she challenged. "I know how to handle myself and I'm going to help."

"[Name], please, listen-" I was cut off.

"No, Hiccup," she shook her head but smiled to me and said, "Don't stop me."

My heart raced when I saw her smile but I was aggravated. Couldn't she see I was trying to help her? I didn't know what I would do if I saw her get hurt, let alone, die. Because of the small argument we had, my pride and my anger got the best of me. I didn't talk to her and ignored her until we got to the nest. I felt bad when she tried talking to me but I ignored her anyways. The only time I was able to talk to her was when I had to rescue her from a fall. I was worried, yes, but I was also childish.


I was currently on a mission. One, that might even be a little dangerous for me but I couldn't risk Dagur finding something that was a "game changer". The dragon riders and I have not a clue what it could be or if Dagur has it already. All we knew was it was on near islands where our base was. It didn't help that we didn't know what it was but our plan was to locate the idem and get it in our grasp and away from Dagur's.

I was surprised when I saw Gobber approaching us with even more news about this so called "game changer". Apparently, it was on the island where our base was and Dagur was already there.

"Alright, gang," I called, "Let's saddle up and face Dagur head on before we lose our base."

"Yes, we need to meet [Name] over there quick." Gobber hopped on his dragon.

"Wait," I narrowed my eyes and turned to Gobber, "[Name] is where?!"

"She's at your guys' fort." Gobber said calmly.

"You left her there, let alone, bringing her here?!" I shouted in frustration. I felt a headache coming on and gripped the sides of my head.

Gobber shrugged. "The lass wanted adventure and she wanted to see the fortress, so I brought her with me." He ignored the part where he possibly put my best friend in danger.

Without any more words exchanged, I hopped on Toothless and sped towards the fort. Please be okay, please be okay. I repeated in my head. I couldn't afford to loose my childhood friend. Especially, when I have yet to confess to her.

Please tell me that I'm not too late.

I arrived first at the base and I saw nothing but a ghost town. It didn't look like they have yet to discover our territory yet. There wasn't a single thing out of place.

Then, where is [Name]?

"Hiccup," I heard Fishlegs stutter a call. I turned towards him in anticipation. By the way he called me, it didn't sound good. "You might want to take a look at this."

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