Proved Wrong

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Renesmee POV

Jake helped me throw away the papers and then we went home and had some alone time. It was a little past four so we decided to get our homework done. We stayed in our bedroom and I sat on his lap as we did all the homework. He would kiss my cheek occasionally and watch me work. We finished everything at about six. Jake put all our homework away while I made some spaghetti. We ate and Jake cleaned the dishes while I ran a bath for us. I undressed just as Jake came in. "I was gonna do that" he fake pouted. "Sorry honey, you snooze you lose" I teased. He undressed quickly, picked me up, and got in the bath. We relaxed and talked about our first day at school. I was optimistic about the year and he couldn't wait for it to be over. I got out and he wrapped me in a towel. I brushed out my hair and let it dry natural. He shook his dry and we both went to our closet. He threw on his usual pair of sweats and I grabbed the shirt he had in his hand and winked then added some spandex with it. "Looks better on you anyway" he teased lovingly. "haha thanks babe" I said blushing. He picked me up and kissed me sweetly. He carried me into the gameroom and passed me a controller. "Babeeeeee can we please?" he asked with his big brown eyes intense. "You are such a little kid." I giggled. "But I'm your little kid" he countered with a wink. I blushed and looked at the time, it was about 6:32. "Fine. But then we get to do what I want." I say cutely as I turn to plant a few kisses on his jaw. He raises his eyebrows at me. "We can do what you want first" he says as he lays me on the couch, kissing me. We did what I wanted for two hours. We played a few different games for an hour until we got tired, Jake creamed me in all of them but like two. I went and sat in his lap but I had my legs wrapped around him. It was a little past 9:30. "Sleepy time, you tired me out babe." I told him as I lean my head on his chest. "It was your idea" he counters lightly as he picks me up and carries me to our room. I cuddled up close to him and fell asleep instantly. He woke me up with a sweet kiss. I got up and fixed my hair so it hung without frizz. I went to the closet, I picked out designer jeans and paired it with a white spaghetti strap and a brown sweater that was long and had a deep V revealing the white. I topped it off with some brown Uggs and a silver locket with a picture of Jake and I in it. Jake came in with some jeans and a white T-shirt and a brown pullover sweater. He looked really cute. My family thought it was funny how Jake and I always matched. Sometimes we didn't do it on purpose though, like today. We only planned it when I picked out his outfits too. He looked at me and closed the distance between us and picked me up and kissed me. I giggled, breaking the kiss. I smelled eggs, Nana probably. Since I was still half vampire, I was faster and I had better senses than a human, but it wasn't as perfect as a vampire. Jake has about the same senses as me except he was a lot faster, but only in wolf form. He must have smelled eggs too because he threw me on his back and we raced for the stairs, the elevator takes too long. He jumped most the stairs, when we got to my parents floor my dad started yelling at Jake to be careful cause I could still get hurt. I hopped off his back and gave my daddy a big hug. "Love you Daddy" I called as I hopped back on Jake's back. "Love you too darling." he called back to me. We arrived on Nana and Nanu's floor the eggs were there. We sat down and ate, I on his lap. Like always. After we finished, Auntie Alice complimented my outfit, giving me the usual talk about fashion. We all got in the cars, same arrangement as yesterday. Apparently all the notes didn't ease my Uncles enough to drive with their wives. Whatever. The notes were harmless. Right?

Jake POV

Renesmee drove to school with her Uncles in the back, they were as uneasy about the notes as I was. We arrived to school. "Did you get my note Renesmee?" Some kid asked her eagerly. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. She leaned into me so I wrapped my arm around her. He looked at me then her. "I'll uhh talk to you later." he stammered. "No you won't" I countered with a smirk. He walked away pretty quick for a human. Ness was not the girl to mess with. She untangled herself from me and human speed ran to her Jasper and Emmett. "I don't know what to say. Obviously I don't like them, but I don't want to hurt their feelings. As much as I wish, Jake won't be there every time someone asks me that." she says, sighing. "I just don't like the idea of potentially hurting someone." she adds, frowning. "We'll take care of it Monster" Em said matter of factly. She lightened up just a little. The bell rang, time for class! I had Junior's English then Mechanics and than I got to see my Nessie. English was so boring. Mechanics was fun, I had Blondie in there with me. All the boys gawked at her almost as much as they did at MY Renesmee. Rose was a little jealous of Ness, but she let it go. Finally came AP chemistry, I met her outside of her music class. She was glowing. She really wanted to tell me something. "Guess what Jakey!" she bursted, she only calls me Jakey when she wants something or is super excited. Either way, I loved it. "What is it love?" I asked tenderly. "Okay well two things!" she started. She was so cute when she was excited. "First, I was asked to be the main pianist in the play and second I am trying out for cheer!" she said, almost jumping from excitement. Cheerleaders could be... Mean, but if its what she wanted, I would support her. "That's wonderful babe!" I say, mirroring her excitement. I wonder if I could play football, quarterback would be cool, maybe wrestling too, baseball looks pretty fun too, I could pitch. She would do cheer for football and basketball and then knowing her she would want to play tennis. "Then during tennis season, I'm gonna try to be 1st girls singles!" she adds excited. Called it. I stop to face her. "Honey, no matter what you do, I will be in the stands being your biggest supporter." I say with a light kiss. "Thanks babe" she gushed. "Tryouts are today for cheer. During PE the cheer coach is going to work with me, she thinks I'll be a great flyer. I guess a lot of girls try out but only a few make it. I hope I get lucky." she adds nervously. "You're perfect in every way. How could they not take you?" I ask honestly. She giggles her musical laugh, turning one, two, three, four, five, six heads. I turned it into a game to see how many heads she turns when she giggles so I don't get mad.

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