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Renesmee POV

I was crying so hard, I couldn't see straight. Jake was supposed to want me forever. After we got married, I never thought I would feel so unwanted and unloved. I just made the cheer team, hell I just got captain and main flyer, I shouldn't be so upset, yet here I was balling my eyes out! I heard a soft knock at the door. I cried harder, I heard a snapping sound. "Damn door" Jake hissed. He pulled me on his lap. I put my hand to his cheek and let him know how I felt. His lips were on mine. I read his mind, "Ness if you can hear me, I want you. I want you now and forever. I will prove it every day and every night. You are too perfect to ever feel like that. I just didn't want to catch our pretty house on fire." he thought. I turned to be on top of him. I was staddling his waist. I pulled away. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too baby" he said lovingly. I sighed and just laid in his chest, I wasn't in the mood anymore. "I am kinda hungry" I said. "Good. Toss together a salad while I set the table?" he suggested. I kissed him as a yes. We ate and then I laid in his lap, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in bed and heard dishes clinking. I looked over and it was 8:43. He had to of held me for like two hours. How sweet. I walked out of the room and he was humming a little song. I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back. He laughed. I hopped off and gave him a quick kiss. "Let me finish, you need to phase anyway." I said calmly. "Why would I need to phase?" he asked, suddenly tense. "I was gonna show you everything with Josh" I said uncomfortably. He thought of me as a sex object and someone who would look great on his arm, someone he could throw around. He had ideas of capturing me and... and... and raping me to "show me who's boss" I shuddered at the thought. I felt warm, comforting arms around me. I relaxed into them. I finished the dishes without Jake moving an inch. He did most of it, so I was done pretty quick. He took me by the hand and we went on the elevator, we reached my grandparents floor and left towards the woods. Jake undressed then phased. I put my hand on his furry self, showing him all his thoughts and how he grabbed my arm after I told him I would not go somewhere with him, I showed him how it hurt, how hard he grabbed me. I also showed him the horrible things in his head that he would do to me if he ever got me alone. Jake released the growl he had bottled up. I ran away, crying. Jake should have moved before he growled like that! I heard Jake phase back, I fell to the ground and curled up in a ball. He picked me up without saying a word and took me back to our room and set me on our bathroom counter. He started a bath and undressed himself. He started to undress me but looked in my eyes for approval. I nodded and helped. We sat in the bath together. He always knew how to relax me. "Sorry baby. I shouldn't have growled like that. Just the things you showed me..." he said, struggling not to shake. I pressed my hand to his hand and told him how special he was and how much I loved him. He stopped shaking and relaxed. I flipped over and straddled his waist. I gave him a light kiss on the chest and moved up to his lips. We made love for an hour and ended up in bed at like 10. I fell asleep in his warm arms and woke up in the same position. I woke up first so I gave him a light kiss and his eyes fluttered open. "Morning beautiful" he said sleepily. "Morning honey" I said sweetly. My hair was perfect so I went straight for an outfit, black skinny jeans with a carribean blue sheer blouse. I paired it with some brown boots that went up my calf. I matched it with the golden version of the locket of Jake and I. Jake had on some black shorts and a dark blue polo. Almost. Haha. We ate some cereal. I could tell he was upset about what I showed him about Josh. "Honey. Isn't the big game on Friday?" I ask, it was already Wednesday and he, my uncles, and my dad were joining the team today apparently. It worked out better because then Auntie Alice and my mom joined the Volleyball team. We were all doing a sport, our practices ended at the same time too. "Yeahh, I am pretty excited to start as quarterback, I trust Emmett as my center" he said smug. "You're cute when your arrogant." I said with a wink. "I love you Ness. I know I don't tell you as often as you should hear it, but I do. I love you with everything I am and I will never let anything hurt you." he said meaningfully. "Babe. I love you too. And you tell me plenty, and I know you will protect me, why do you think I feel so safe with you?" I counter with a wink. He kissed me madly, leaving me in a daze when he broke away. He saw my little stupor and picked me up and took me downstairs. "For the safety of the car, I'll drive" he jokes as he kisses my cheek. "Okay" I say, "Didn't want to drive anyways." I add, faking a bitter moment. "Where is she!?" My Uncle Emmett booms as he burst into the garage. "Who Uncle?" I ask politely. "You, monster" he says, very serious which is odd for him. "If that sad excuse for a human so much as breathes the same air as you, I am telling you now that I will suck him dry. If I EVER hear how he put a finger on you again, it WILL be the last thing he does. No one will hurt my niece without feeling my inevitable wrath" he screams. "Goodmorning to you too Uncle Emmett" I joke, hugging him and kissing his cheek. He laughs but it sounds more like a bear trying to shout. "I just love you Ness and if anything even considers hurting you, I will decimate it." he says in a caring yet confident way. "I love you too Uncle Em" I respond sweetly. He smiles and piles in the jeep. We ride in silence, Jake held my hand as he drove and I leaned on his bicep. He was so muscular yet comfortable. Kinda like my Uncles. I could fall asleep so easily with them because I felt so safe. I knew they would do anything to protect me. First period English flew by, I wrote the essay that was supposed to take the class period, in less than ten minutes. The teacher called me back up and some girl made a snide comment on how I wasn't so perfect afterall. The teacher asked if she could enter my essay in a contest because it was the best she had ever read. The look on the girls face was priceless, I just smiled politely. Second period music was a blast, I practiced for the play with my daddy's help. Next period I got to see Jakey.... and Josh. But Uncle Jasper and Jake were there too, plus Aunt Alice. Daddy led me to Jake and Jake and I walked to class together. We sat down and were talking to my Aunt and Uncle when Josh came up to me. Great. This should be interesting. "So. I think we got off the wrong foot yesterday, I am a really nice guy" he starts. I cut him off, "You know, I am a firm believer in actions opposed to words. Therefore show me you're a nice guy by leaving me alone. I can understand getting off on the wrong foot but leaving a mark on someone because they grabbed them so hard is practically unforgivable." I say as rude as I could. "You're lying. I didn't leave a mark." He says, trying to make me seem a fool. I pull up my sleeve to reveal five perfect finger like bruises on my forearm, right where he grabbed me. "So, I suppose I put these on myself too?" I counter. he takes my arm in his hands delicately. Uncle Jasper is about to attack him, his glare on him is to kill. "Renesmee... I am so sorry I didn't think I grabbed you that hard" he mumbles. "Well maybe if you did think, there would be a future conversation between us." I banter, pulling my arm out of his hand. He grabs it just as I pull away and now has my like bicep, gripping tight. "I tell you when we won't see each other anymore" he tells me harshly. "If you want to keep that arm, let her go" my Uncle threatens so meanly that I literally jumped in my seat. He refused to let go. "Josh. Stop looking like an idiot and let go. You're starting to hurt me." I tell him, annoyed. Jake is shaking madly and I need to calm him down before a huge wolf appears. Aunt Alice punches Josh, square in the jaw and you can literally hear the crack of it breaking. "And if you ever touch my little girl again, your face will not be the only thing I break" she says harshly. He yelps in pain. Jake calms down and starts laughing. "Have fun watching me be quarterback Joshie" he teases. The teacher flipped out, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED" Awkward silence. "Alice punched me for no reason." Josh said in broken bits of pain. The teacher looks pissed. "He grabbed my baby sisters arm so hard yesterday he left a bruise of his fingers, excuse me for stopping him before he left another bruise from the death grip he had on her today. But according to Josh, thats no reason" Auntie said calmly and firmly. "I was raised to protect my family, and not let anyone hurt the ones I love most." she adds, looking at me with much care. "Well if this is all true, I understand completely. Personally, I would have punched him yesterday if he did that to my little sister." the teacher said honestly. "I was also raised not to have quick temper" Auntie jokes. "Well take him to the nurse and I will have to report this. Jake, Renesmee, and Jasper please go with her. Josh apparently can't take a hit from a girl." the teacher jokes. "Obviously not" I respond, smiling. Josh looks in just utter disbelief. We start to escort him to the nurse, "You have made me look like a complete fool! You will not get away with this. You will pay" he threatens me. "Do you really want Alice to deck you again? Or can I have the honor this time?" I reply, annoyed. I had the strength equivalent to the force of two cars crashing together at top speed. "Like you could hurt me. It was a lucky shot for her." he retorts. I turn to face him, he towered over me by a good foot. I punch his stomach. He doubles over. "You were saying" I say smugly as I turn around. He grabs my shoulder and whips me around and tries to punch me but his hand is caught by Jake. "How about I set your jaw." he said, smiling like a madman. Josh is frozen in fear. Jake punches him and I heard two more prominent cracks. Jake hurls a left hook in his stomach and Jake catches him before he could double over. "Try and touch her again, and you will become paralyzed from the neck down. I will make you a vegetable without even a second thought." Jake hissed on his ear. After that, he let him slump to the floor. Uncle Jasper squatted next to him. "By the way, I would have loved to of had the pleasure of beating you senseless, however I don't think I would have been able to stop. For your own sake, do not provoke that urge to hurt you. Oh and I assure you, it will not be to your benefit if you even associate your thoughts with Renesmee." Uncle Jasper says through clenches teeth. "Understand?" Uncle adds with fake excitement. Josh nods once. "Then let's get you to the nurse." Uncle said formally. "Can you walk?" Jake asked. "Not really" Josh admitted. "Good." Auntie replied harshly. He hobbled to the nurse and we were very honest and told her everything. She took one look at my arm and told Uncle Jasper that he could take Josh away and she would act like we never came in. I giggled at that. Jake wrapped his warm arms around me. The nurse smiled at us nicely. We stayed with Josh for the rest of the day, apparently it's the office's protocall since we brought him up. Jake, Alice, Jasper, and I each had individual conversations courtesy of my gift. Josh was plotting revenge as soon as he was well. Uncle suggested not letting him get well and say it got infected and it took a fatal turn for the worse. I didn't mind that idea. Regardless, I met up with Aunt Rose and went to cheer. We stunted for a while and my group was hands down, the best. We tried every stunt, easy or hard and nailed it. Aunt Rose was a great base. There was never a problem with strength. I pulled off every stunt and taught the dance I made up last night. Everyone loved it, except this girl Amber from my chemistry class. I helped make a few more stunts go up and then practice ended. Amber was a little bitter because she was captain and a flyer last year and its her senior year, so she wanted to be captain and main flyer, but it wasn't like I asked to he main flyer and we voted for captain. Regardless, I was so excited for my game on Friday, Felix and Demetri are coming to watch! Plus, they wanted to be updated from my perspective on the whole Josh thing. I text them daily, letting then know what's going on in my life Demetri already had his address, recent purchases, family history, and blood type. He should really be a cop. They were willing to take him out, no questions asked. I told them I would tell them everything when they came. Everything was starting to fall in place.

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