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Jake POV

I held Renesmee in my arms, she was so beautiful when she slept, and when she was awake for that matter. Suddenly I smelled a horrible stench. A bloodsucker I could vaguely recognize. Before I could realize what was happening, Jane and Alec Volturi jumped through the window. A vicious growl escaped my lips, startling Renesmee awake. Jane smiled an evil smile and whispered, "Pain" I felt the most excruciating pain and then it stopped. I saw Renesmee focused on me. Could she have another gift? Like her mother? "Yes" she said, answering my thoughts. Wait... ANSWERING MY THOUGHTS. "If I focus, I have the talents of my parents" she said modestly. I know her too well, she didn't want to brag so she never told me. Her whole family probably knew however. She smiled in agreement. Jane looked pissed beyond belief. She wasn't used to her power being rendered useless. Alec on the other hand was glaring at her trying to make her stop. "Aro has sent us to invite you to Volterra. He would like to see your progress." Alec said grimly to Renesmee. "Feel free to bring the mutt" Jane added smirking at me. Right as I was trying to get out of bed to attack, Renesmee grabbed my arm, I relaxed at her touch and saw the fear in her eyes. That angered me, how dare the Volturi come into my Renesmee's room and scare her. How dare they demand my angel goes to Italy. They have no right being here. They will die if it's the last thing I do. Renesmee will feel safe. I have to protect her. "When?" Renesmee whispers, barely audible. "Within the next week, you don't want us coming to get you" Jane replied threateningly. "Don't threaten her." I said so rudely that it shocked my little angel. Jane glared at me, but I ignored her. "Sorry" I murmered in her ear. I had wrapped my arms around her protectively, she relaxed substantially. I felt better that she felt safe in my arms even when danger was literally right in front of us. "Feel free to stay until we leave. We will come back with you." she said pleasantly, surprising the evil twins. "I am assuming you will not mind me bringing my family?" she added in her angelic voice."I suppose we could stay..." Alec said eyeing Jane. "And I suppose your family could come." Alec added, still slightly confused at her hospitality to them. "Its settled then." she said with a dazzling smile that actually mesmerized Alec for a second. I cleared my throat of a growl. She was mine. If anyone was going to be mesmerized by her, it would be me. She giggled, most likely at my thoughts. She twisted so she was able to plant a sweet kiss on my jaw. She was so reassuring, so perfect. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum stared at us awkwardly and I think I saw a hint of jealousy in Alec's eyes. Well he better get used to it. She was MINE. "You are so cute when your jealous" she whispered so only I could hear. "Allow me to show you to your rooms. Or would you prefer to be in the same?" She asked politely while I had to reluctantly let her go. I grabbed her hand however, she was not going out of my sight, especially with that bloodsucker with lingering eyes. "Same" they said in a creepy unison. "As you wish" she said sweetly. "Uncle Emmett, Uncle Jasper, Daddy, Mommy, Auntie Rose, Auntie Alice, Nana, and Nanu come here please!" she called. They were there in seconds staring at our "Visitors" she went and touched each face and then a wave of confusion then understandment seemed to flow from each family member. Edward looked as proud as a parent who's kid just won state, he knew how smart it would be showing Alec and Jane hospitality. I knew it would benefit us having them in the house and being nice, but that didn't mean I liked them being around my angel. Especially Alec, it seems he has taken a liking to her. Edward nodded slightly, agreeing. Great. This bloodsucker wants my girlfriend. Edward cringed as I thought the word girlfriend. Renesmee must have heard the silent conversation because her hand gripped mine tighter. It was past 11 and we were both dead tired. Edward not only agreed, but encouraged me to stay with Renesmee. She hugged and kissed each of her family members and even hugged the Volturi freaks. I didn't like how happy Alec looked as she hugged him. I made direct eye contact with the little twerp and picked her up bridal style. The room was suddenly filled with her musical laugh, my favorite sound. He seemed disturbed. I loved it. She buried her face in my bare chest and we went back to her room. She changed and I waited patiently, I was already in sweats so I didn't need to change. She came back in one of my shirts and some leggings. The way my shirt engulfed her was adorable. I loved seeing her in my clothes. She crawled in bed with me and cuddled up to my awaiting arms. I didn't quite sleep for hours, but I wasn't quite awake either. How could I sleep knowing that some bloodsucker was in the next room ready to either suck the life out of the one I love or take her for his own!? "Honey, don't worry about it. I love only you" she said drowsily. She turned up and gave me a soft kiss on my neck. She knew I couldn't resist. I kissed her forehead and drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

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