Taking a Hit

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Jake POV

We got home and poor Ness was just showered in hugs and kisses. After her family was through, Andrew and Anthony took a turn. I tensed up as they hugged her. Her family was one thing, but did they have to hug her so tight? She giggled her beautiful laugh, no doubt at my thoughts. She wrapped her little arms around me and I picked her up. She buried her pretty face into my chest and I couldn't help but smile. She yawned. My angel was tired, time for bed. I carried her to our room. "I can walk" she mumbled. "But beautiful, I love carrying you" I said sweetly. She giggled her perfect laugh and snuggled into my bare chest. I loved when she did that. She went to sleep almost instantly with her little arms wrapped around me, I still couldn't believe how lucky I was to be this amazing girl. She was so beautiful and loving. Her sweet nature is one of the countless things I love about her. I remember I thought I was going to hate her. Got that wrong. Way wrong. I have gotten a lot wrong in my life, Renesmee is the one thing that I have done right. She was so peaceful when she slept. I fell asleep and woke up to a loving gaze. She smiled as she saw my eyes open. I kissed her passionately. We spent about another hour in bed and then got up and showered. She was in a great mood considering everything that happened with Raphael. I just wish I knew why he wanted her. I'd never let him get close though. Nessie was deep in thought as I wrapped her towel around her. I wonder what she was thinking about. She automatically did her long hair and went to our huge closet. She threw purple spandex and a white sports bra, I tossed on white sweats. I went to go make some breakfast for us and she wandered out, still lost in her own thoughts. What was that beautiful girl thinking about? She went and sat up on the counter, continuing to think. I whipped up some omlets and bacon all while she sat there pondering. It was driving me crazy. I couldn't take it any longer. I kissed her sweetly, instantly pulling her out of her thoughts. She looked up at me and smiled. "Sorry babe. I totally just zoned out" she said apologetically. "No big honey, the foods ready and I really want to know what you were thinking about" I said shyly. She shifted uncomfortably. What was it? She hopped of the counter but I wrapped my arms around her and looked her in the eyes. "Baby you can tell me anything. You know that" I said calmly. "I know" she sighed. "Itsjust I dont want you to be upset" she said carefully. Why would I be upset? "Whys that baby?" I asked curiously. "Well. I read Raphael's mind and his thoughts were about me and two other males. They looked oddly familiar. Like I've seen them in a picture or something. I can't put my finger on where I have seen them, but they were all brothers. They will not be too happy about their brothers death.." she said quietly. I pondered the thought. They wouldn't be happy but Renesmee will not be in harms way. "Oh and when Raphael found me, he seemed relieved. He literally thought, thank God I found her" she added softly. Why would he be so relieved? Did he want to hurt her? "No" she said angelically. What if he thought she could help him somehow? "Thats what I was thinking" she said softly. I slightly regret hurting him, but he would never have gotten close to her. She layed her head on my chest and sighed. "I'm not hungry" she said decidedly. I ate most of the omlets while she sat on my lap. I was able to feed her a few bites. I joked and would kiss her every time she took a bite. She turned and layed her head on my chest. "Still tired honey?" I asked curiously. "No. Just worried.." She said sadly. I kissed her lightly on the forehead. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I picked her up and just held her in my arms. I turned on a slow song and I was slowly swaying with her. She giggled and kissed me softly. She got off and we were doing the Waltz. She was giggling at how bad I was. Anything to hear her laugh. I twirled her around and she laughed het perfect laugh. She stopped and hopped on the top of my feet. I laughed this time. I heard the elevator move up and put her on my back protectively. It was just Edward and Bella. She hopped off and ran to them. "Mom! Daddy!" she shrieked happily. Edward grabbed her first and hugged her tightly. He kissed her forehead repeatedly. I hugged Bells while he had his moment with his stunning daughter. She looked so beautiful when she was happy, or sad, or emotionless. She was stunning in every way. Edward smiked at my thoughts. I sort of disike the lack of privacy of my own thoughts. "Imagine hearing them all the time. 'Renesmee is so stunning. I don't understand how she is so beautiful. Gow did i get so luvky to he with someone so perfect?'" He mimicked. I started seeing red and shaking. Renesmee came and kissed me lovingly. "You are just perfect baby" she said cutely. Man, I wanted to be mad, but I just couldn't she was just so sweet and perfect. "And daddy, no more recounting what Jakey thinks. Its impolite and you always taught me to be nothing but respectful" she said kind of firm. Edward hugged her and agreed to not do it. Bella looked irritated because she hasn't gotten to hug her daughter. She grabbed her quick, before I even let go. I stifled a growl, I only stifled it because I knew it would sadden Ness. Bella finally let go and Ness jumped in my arms. She always had her little legs wrapped around my waist. I loved her being so close. I kissed her delicately. She smiled in our kiss and I let a laugh slip. She got down and danced as she walked to our room. She came back in five minutes, she was picking our room up. I followed her example and cleaned the kitchen. She hopped on my back just as I finished putting the last dish away. "So honey... We wanted to. Um. Warn you..." Bella said lightly. "About what mom?" she said concerned. She got off my back and sat on the couch awkwardly. I followed her and sat next to her. She scooted onto my lap. I held her securely. She snuggled into my chest. Her parents came and sat next to us. "Sweetheart" Bella cooed. "Nothing will happen to you. His brothers are going to come. They want to talk to you. They feel you can help them somehow. Alice's visions are blurred." Bella said "When?" Nessie almost whispered. "Now" Edward said emotionless. "Ohh" she said in shock. Just as they finished their sentence, two vampires came through the elevator. They need to leave.

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