Part III

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The ride home is silent. I try to put this out of my head; however, a baby is growing inside of me. A precious little baby. The last thing I want to think about is getting rid of the baby one way or another. I did not want to give up my innocence, but now I am giving up my life. My mind scrambles with thoughts. When I get home, I sleep.

Two Weeks Later (When School Starts)

My little belly bump is just starting to be noticeable. I think I am the only one who notices it though. The morning sickness has just begun, but some natural home remedies are helping. I do not feel movement yet, obviously. My OBGYN is really nice. She understands and doesn't give me an awful look like I thought she would.

School starts at nine, so I leave at eight thirty. This gives me just enough time to unpack and decorate my locker. Anyways, senior year seems interesting. The classes are fun. The day just runs by. Finally, I get to my last class, science. Science has always been my favorite, and it will continue to be. My science teacher is awesome. His tame is Mr. Bond. Personality is always important to me, and Mr. Bond sure has one. Truly, he is my favorite teacher.

"Alright people! Look at your lab partner," Mr. Bond announces. I look to my left and see a gorgeous boy. He has blue eyes and dark blonde hair. I think of how lucky I am. Stop. What if he is a total douche bag? And I have no time for a boy. Anyways, he would not like a fourteen year old. A pregnant fourteen year old!

"I am Jessica," I say. "But you can call be Jessie or J."

"No way really?" He asks. His blue eyes sparkle. This is killing me.

"Yeah, why?"

"My name is James. Everyone calls me James, but I hate it. Call me Jay."


"I love The Great Gatsby."

"Me too! It is my favorite book!"

Mr. Bond cut everyone's conversation off, "These will be your partners for the rest of the year. Please at least try to like them."

Oh... Don't you worry Mr. Bond. I think.

I hear Jay mutter something. I hope it is something good about me.

"Your first project is to get together and study each other. I know it sounds stupid, but I  want you guys to really get to know each other. You have to come up with something like a power point or just a written essay. When you present it to the class, everyone will get to know each other. This year, there will be a lot of bonding," he continues.

I turn to Jay,"Interviews?"

Jay responds, " What do you mean?"

"I think we should do something different. I think we should come up with questions and interview each other in front of the class as our presentation."

"Yeah," he says. He is mostly quiet, and I am begging to think he is not very fond of me. That is alright. I will live. He is the least of my worries right now. 

"Should we meet up?" I am a little bit hesitant because of everything that has happened to me. Whatever.

I shut my brain up and respond,"Of course. Do you want to meet at like Starbucks or Chipotle?"

"Basic," he scoffs.

"I am anything but basic."

"Sorry. I was just joking. Dinner at Chipotle?"


"See you then."

I scurry home from school to finish my homework get ready. Forget makeup or hair Right now, I just wish I could be a high schooler. I would be trying weed or fucking guys or drinking. This was supposed to be senior year. The big year. Not any more. I have done some research as well as talk to my doctor. I want what is best for her.

I check my phone to see that Jay texted me. Shit! I have to leave soon. I put my hair in a braid and run a flat iron over it a couple of times. Then, I take the braid out. Big beautiful waves are left in my hair.   I added a wing to my eyeliner. Then, I put my clothes on. I don't want him to think that I think this is a date, so I just wear what I was wearing to school: a maroon skater skirt, an off white sweater, a black infinity scarf, and black booties.  Alright... 

I take a deep breathe. 

I can do this.

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