Part Twenty-Five

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38 Days to Go

Early in the morning, when the sky is just turning from black to blue, Jay and I arrive at the hospital. Yesterday, at the police station, they notified me that they found my mother, and she was at Saint Hellen's hospital. Of course, I am on bed rest, so Jay refused to let me go, but I convinced him last evening, just before bed. This morning, we jumped in the car and headed off. Unfortunately, the hospital lays over an hour away. This car ride has my stomach in knots, and all I can think about is my poor mom.

"Babe, everything is going to be alright. Just please calm down," he whispers, but the tone in his voice makes him sound like he is whisper-yelling. He looks forward and does not make eye contact with me, for he knows I can get him to do anything if I look in the eyes.

"Jay, look at me," I demand. Defeated, he slowly turns his head and looks me in the eye. The sapphires in his eyes hit me, and I feel sympathetic. No. No. You are the one baking him feel guilty, not the other way around. He strong. Don't give in to those gorgeous eyes.

"I know... It is your mom and you are worried about her. I would be too. I just don't want you getting stressed," he confesses turning his attention back to the road. "We will be there is five minutes."

When we arrive at the hospital, I book it to the front desk. After demanding my mother's room number, I run up to the top floor, the ICU. Jay goes in first. I follow closely as he leads me behind the curtain. Keeping my hands on his shoulders, I squeeze my eyes shut and prepare myself for what I am about to see.

"Mom..." I cry. Seeing her in this hospital bed with a million monitors and wires causes me to collapse on her bed. "What happened?"

" I am sorry honey. I never meant those things. I was trying to get you out of their, so he wouldn't get you," she croaks. He eyes look glassy and hollow, like their is no one behind them.

"You did that for me?" I ask, crying. Who would do this to her? And why?

"Of course. You are my daughter," she mumbles. I squeeze her frail, little hand and hold it close to my heart.

"I want to be that good of a mom to my daughter," I sob into her pillow. She reaches up and strokes me hair softly. I stare at Jay as if to say I told you so. He thought I was incorrect. Ha! I know my mother.

Breaking me from my frustration-slash-victory from Jay, my mother exclaims, well what seems to be exclaiming,"You are having a girl?"

"Yes momma. Her name will be Caden," I explain to my mother. She continues further and further, but I don't have that heart to tell her I won't have Caden for long.

Finally, she asks," Who is that young, handsome man?"

I giggle," Mom, this is Jay. Jay, this is my mom. We are very close."

"It is nice to finally meet you,"Jay says. My mother motions me to bend down to her ear. I do so, and places her lips to my ear.

"Did you do him yet?" she laughs. To see her laugh makes me happy, but not like that. That was uncalled for.

"Mom," I shriek. Jay's mom is the same way. After spending my time with my mother, the nurse escorts Jay and I out. Visiting hours are over. I explain how I wont be able to see her until she gets discharge because I am on bed rest. I decided not to tell her why I was forced to be on awful bed rest. She could not handle it yet. She is too broken down. She won't even tell me what happened. Jay and I leave and head back to his house. Of course, he makes me head straight upstairs. Eventually, he follows. Plopping down on his bed, I feel a giant kick.

"Whoa," I gasp. "Jay look." I pull my shirt up to see her doing somersaults. Flipping and twisting, he dances her way around. Jay laughs and just stares at her until she calms down. Suddenly feeling depressed, I roll over into Jay. He wraps his muscular arms around me and holds my belly. "I just want to keep her in here, so she can be happy and energetic like this her entire life.

"I know baby, but we just have to hope," he holds me tighter, and suddenly Lady jumps over onto the bed. She licks my belly and jumps all over me. Is that a sign? Of hope? With my right hand, I scratch behind Lady's ear, and with the other, I run my fingers through Jay's silky hair.slowly, I drift off, awaiting the challenges of the next day to come.

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