Part 27

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"Jayyyyy!" I scream feeling the covers around me. "Elle!"

Elle comes slamming through the door. "What's the matter?" she shrieks. She inches towards me sitting on my bed. A worried look spreads across her face.

"My water broke. I can't move I just- I just," I cry begging for her to help me.

"Jessie, I am calling an ambulance. Call down," she advises carefully. She shows no sign of emotion, yet I know what she is felling. Slowly, I turn over reaching for my phone. Dialing Jay's number, I swipe the tears from my eyes, for they are pouring down so hard it renders me blind. No Answer. Shit! It all goes by in a haze. The ambulance arrives, and I grabs the young girl's arm.

"Please get me there fast," I beg. I look deep into her green eyes and sense that she knows that my baby and I might not make it.

"Jessie, you need to let us pick you up and get you on the stretcher. You are bleeding quite a lot," she explains in a dull, calm voice. They wheel me through the mansion down into the ambulance. All through the ride, I realize that these are the last moments I have with my baby. Contemplating on whether or not I should cry or die, I decide that I need to remember this. I know it sounds stupid, but I grab my bag, put some makeup on, and ask Elle to film everything.

We arrive at the hospital, and I am drenched in blood. They race me to the ER into surgery. No questions asked. "Elle, I need Jay. I need Jay!"

"Honey," she says,"Jay is in finals. I can't get a hold of him."

Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice at the front desk. "You need to let me go into surgery with her!"

"I can't allow you to do that. You are not the father," another voice says.

"Bullshit!" the voice screams. Jay! It's Jay!

"Jay! Baby!" I scream. He runs toward me grabbing my head and pulling me in for a brief yet meaningful kiss. He sets his hand on my leg and then looks at me with deep concern.
"I have to go to surgery. Just stay in the room with your mom please. I love you," I cry holding him closely. And what happens if I never see him again?

"I love you," he whispers into my ear. The doctors no longer wait. They race me to the OR. Just breathe. It's all going to be over soon. The surgeon sets the mask over my face, and............

23 hours later

I wake up in a hospital room with Jay and Elle in the corner, dreadful expressions on their face. "She didn't make it did she?" I cry.

"I am so glad your up. They told us you might not wake up. How are you? I love you, " Jay rambles sitting on the bed with me.

"I don't want to hear it!" I scream. "How is she!" Grabbing the glass of water next to me, I pick it up and throw it. Crashing on the wall across from me, it shatters everywhere.

"Mom, could you give us a second?" Jays asks Elle. This is it. He is going to tell me she is gone.

"She made it but is in really bad condition, and so are you," he whispers. The hurt in his eyes show, but he won't tell me how she is feeling.

"I need to see her!"

"They won't let us. She needs time in the incubator to get better, so she can have the surgery."

I slap him across the face," Don't you dare tell me I can't see her! That's is my daughter! I carried her for 34 weeks! I gave up my life for her. You can either help me or leave! There is no room for the weak in this situation." What I said hurt him, but why should I care right now?

Standing up, he yells," No room for the weak? All I have done this entire time is been strong! I was the one to fall in love with a girl who is three years younger! I was the one who didn't care if you were pregnant! I was the one who let you sleep in my bed and take my virginity! The one who let you and Caden take my life away!"

"That's all I am to you? A young, homeless girl who took over your life. Some pregnant hoe? " His words hit me like a gun.

"No Jessie. I love you, but I am hurt too. Just please understand!" I have never seen Jay like this. He is yelling and the veins in this arm are bursting out since he is clenching his fists so tight

"I understand more than anyone else," I scream ending the discussion.

"Jessie, please I'm sor-" he leans in wrapping his arms around me.

"Get the hell out. I don't need you right now," I insist.

"Fine, but next time you have a twenty hour surgery, call me and let me know who stays up waiting for you the entire time," he slams the door closed and leaves. Is that it for Jay and I? I don't know, but I have to find my daughter....

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