Part 24

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39 days to go

"Jay... wake up... Wake up," I alert Jay in the middle of the night.

"Jessie are you okay?" he asks with hint of fear in his voice. I can't seem him, but I can feel him. Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him closer looking for safety.

"Babe something is wrong," I cry. Without questioning, he picks me up and carries me all the way down to the car. He jumps in, and we leave. A sea of fear gushes over me as I think this may be the last night with my daughter. Jay grabs my hand and squeezes on the border of he could brake my hand and I need someone holding me this tight.

"We will figure this out okay baby," he reassures me. I can see the look in his face,  the look he had when the doctor first told us about her condition.

"I am scared," I explain to Jay. He doe s his best to stay strong and not look afraid otherwise I will be.

"Why?" he asks even though he knows the answer.

"What if this is the last night I have with her?" I shudder at the thought. It makes me not want to live, or breathe, or do anything.

He releases my hand and sets it on my leg rubbing it up and down. "What exactly are you feeling?" he wonders aloud.

"Contractions," I reply. We arrive at the hospital, and I am beyond scared. The smell of the hospital makes me want to throw up. Hospitals have always scared me, but Caden's condition has made me resent them. They waste no time getting me in a bed hooked up with a million wires. Nurse Nancy checks me down there. When she rises her head up, she seems much more pleased than I thought she would. Gripping my itchy hospital dress, I prepare myself for the worst.

"Good and bad news. The good news is your baby is fine. The bad news if you are having Braxton Hicks contractions and there is nothing we can do for you," she explains. Jay shoots me a look of relief. I slowly exhale not realizing I had held my breath. Jay wheels me back to the car, and helps me in. Contractions hurt, but it is nowhere near the pain I felt when I thought I was loosing my baby.

"Relief much," Jay laughs as he steps into the car.

"I was so scared," I reply still shaking. He leans forward to plant a small kiss on my lips, and we head home. Blues and oranges highlight the sky as the sun rises, and we finally reach home. Once we park the car, we head right upstairs.

Once he lays down, he says," Everything is alright now. Just calm down. I am here."

I reach forward and rest my hand on his cheek. "Jay, what will I do if she doesn't make it?"

"We will see if it happens," he calms me. He inches his body closer to mine, and I drift off exhausted...

My alarm clock jolts Jay and I awake. "I don't want to go to school," he moans.

"Jay stop being a baby... It is only seven hours and then you get to come home to me, your mom, and Caden," I assure him. He lays face down and refuses to move.

"Or I could just stay home," he offers jokingly. Rolling over to his side, he smiles and gives me a soft kiss.

"Or you could just graduate early like your genius girlfriend," I joke. He shoots me a we know that's not happening look, and I stick my tongue out at him. He grabs a pair of pants and sweatshirt from his draw.

"No no no," I scold him. "Where a nice button up shirt, a tie, and a sweater over it." Slowly, I rise from the bed as he grabs the other clothes. Once he is done dressing, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"When is your next doctors appointment?" he asks.

I rest my head on his shoulder and respond,"Tomorrow, but I could be on bed rest for the next two weeks... Awful."

"I thought you were all tired. Would you want to be in bed?"

"No. I hate doing nothing." Just as I finish saying that, he kisses me and grabs the hem of my shirt. "Haha... None of that. That is not rest, and you have to leave for school now."

I lead him downstairs and out of the door. He turns around and places a kiss on my cheek. "Try to have a good day baby," I offer.

"Get your rest," he advises. As he leaves, I walk back upstairs to bed. Struggling to get comfortable, I finally fall asleep... That is until Elle walks in.

"Hi Jessie! Did James leave?" she asks cheerfully.

"Yes he did," I answer placing my hands on my belly.

"So why don't we go to the mall?" she offers.

"I can't. I am on bed rest," I reply. I feel bad that I can't go, but I am on bed rest.

"Why?" she asks tilting her head. The cheerfulness raids away. Before responding to her, I mentally prepare myself. Everything is okay...

"I was having contractions. They were only Braxton Hicks, but the doctors don't want to take any chances with me," I explain. She turns the television on and makes me some soup. I hope Jay is having a good day... He only has a couple more months until he graduates. Jay is very intelligent, but he hates school. It makes me not angry, but upset that he isn't happy... Massaging my belly in small circles, I slowly drift to sleep.

Jolted by the sound off the door opening, I sit up to see Jay. "How was school baby?"

He looks upset and sympathetic. He replies,"While I was at school, the police station called. It's your mom..."

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