Part Twenty-Six

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37 Days to Go

I wake up, and Jay is already gone. Reaching over his pillow, I grab my phone. The bright light scares me, but I click the phone and call my mom.

"Hi honey," she whispers. I want to know what happened to her. Guessing isn't enough.

"Mom, what happened to you?" I ask softly.

"It was him..." she confessed. The sadness in her voice seemed to have slapped me across the face.

"Who?" I beg.

"The man who raped you. That's why I kept telling you to go away. Sorry, I will call you back later," she hangs up.I mentally scream as loud as my mind will allow me. She can't do this again. I absolutely refuse for her to! The whole staying up worrying about her and not being able to think about anything else shit is over! My mental and physical state, as well as my baby's, can't fuck around anymore. To be honest, I might break down just thinking about another dilemma like this. I fling my phone across the room, and it hits Jay's signed baseball card. It's in a frame and everything. He loves that thing more than me... Probably.

I run over to the destroyed baseball card. Shit shit shit. There are pieces of glass in it, and it is practically torn in half. Ugh! Great. Just fucking great! I text Jay, YOU NEED TO COME HOME NOW.

I throw myself onto his bed. Eventually, Jay comes home to see me. "What's wrong?" he yells worried. He is breathing heavily, and his normally loving blue eyes are filled with anxiety.

I wrap my arms around him and cry," I am so sorry. I was so angry and I threw my phone and-and, it broke! I am so sorry. I know you loved that stupid baseball card."

"I am not worried about the baseball card... What made you so upset that you threw your phone across the room?" he asks pulling me into his shoulder.

Crying into his chest, I choke out, "My mom was hurt... By-by the person that raped me."

His eyes rage and his body tenses so much that I can feel his pulse just standing next to him. He musters up the courage to say," I am sorry."

"What do I do?" I ask. Then, I explain everything she told me.

He listens carefully and replies with something I don't want to hear," Well obviously she doesn't want you around. I would stay back until you have the baby. Plus, you're on bed rest."

"I know that is the right thing to do, but I just can't. She is my mom. The only family I have ever had," I sigh. He looks at me angrily. Did I say something wrong?

"What about me and my mom? Are we not family? I mean we do everything together. We sleep in the same bed, live in the same house, eat the same food, and I was thinking about getting married," he states. His eyes seem sad almost, but his voice remains the same to get his point across.

"You were?" I ask hugging him. He holds me tight, and I feel safe... For now.

"Of course! When you turn eighteen we will have a big wedding," he laughs. He holds me tighter, and I smile.

"That sounds perfect," I say. "What kind of ring would you get me?"

"A huge diamond Tiffany engagement ring, our daughter as a flower girl, and your dream dress. Would that be nice?" he whispers into my ear, but it is slightly muffled because my hair is in the way.

"Can my mom come?" I ask holding him tighter.

"I think you two just need time me to heal. You've been through a lot," he explains. I understand, yet I want to resist. Knowing how it feels to have anything wrong with your child, I guess I just don't want to hurt her anymore.

"I need to lay down," I laugh. He follows me over to his bed and plants a gentle kiss  on my head.  "What do you have for homework?"

"Not a lot for once... We have a history project on WWI. What topic should I pick?"'he asks relaxing. I don't want him to stress over me anymore than he already has.

"The trenches!" I shout excitedly. He kisses me briefly and stands up.

"I am going to the craft store. I have an idea for the poster," he states.

I grab his hand and pull him closer to me," That was the worst kiss ever. Have fun at the craft store. I love you." He kisses me again but better. Then, he leaves. I put a movie on until he comes back.

"Hey baby. I got all the junk I need," he smiles looking suspicious.

"What else did you get?" I ask hinting to the thing he was holding behind his "back.

"Flowers and French fries?" he says holding up a bag from Burger King and roses.

"Thanks you. I love it!" I exclaim. He hands me the flowers and fries. "I needed food so bad!"

"I have an idea. Let's go somewhere," he says randomly.

"Where?" I ask laughing.

"You'll find out," he laughs. Taking my hand and leading me to the car, Jay helps me in. He drives down winding back roads that I have never been on. Eventually, we reach the bottom of a hill, and Jay says," You ready?"

"I suppose," I laugh curious as to what lies beyond. We drive up the hill to the peak. Then, we stop. "The stars are-are just breathtaking."

"Yeah...But still not as pretty as you," he smiles rolling on his side.

"You're cheesy af," I laugh hysterically. Eventually, I drift off because I am exhausted. We ride home, and Jay stays up until five doing his homework. The bright lights of the mansion awake me enough to drag myself into sour bed. Suddenly, when I wake up in the middle of the day, something strange has happened...

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