Part VII

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*Above is the homecoming dress."

Jay offers, "Why don't we order some Starbucks? Then, we can go back to my place to eat."

"That sounds wonderful."

Once we get to his house, I say hello to his mom. I run right up the stairs to his room. I mentally prepare myself for what is going to happen. I want him to accept it, but I know he is going to run. As he walks up behind me, I feel my stomach doing flips. I turn around and look him right in the beautiful blue sparkling eyes. He grabs my hips and pulls me into him. In the comfort of his arms, I finally choke out," I got in a fight with my mom."

"Why babe?"

"I am pregnant."

"What do you mean?"

"I was raped nine weeks back, and now I am pregnant. I never planned this. I... I... I..." I realize that I am now full on sobbing into his chest.

He sits on the edge of the bed, and I wrap my legs around him.

"Why were you fighting with your mom."

"She wants me to get rid of it, and I can't even imagine doing so."

"Don't do it."

"I am not. I am assuming you are going to run."

"Never." He slips his hands underneath my shirt, but he just tickles my back. It feels soothing. He can read my mind. It is exactly what I need. He continues, "I really like you. It was at first sight that I knew you were special. It sounds crazy, but I really like you even if you need me here just as a friend..."

"Thank you," is all I can manage to whisper. He is very special to me. I feel like I have known him forever, but it has only been three weeks.

Jay takes me home because it is getting late. I am ready to face my mom.

"Where have you been?"

"Starbucks. I am not getting rid of this baby. Or adopting he or she. This is my baby, and I am going to do everything in my power to give him or her the best life possible."


"Thank you. Now, I was wondering if you would like to go shopping with me to see the homecoming dress."

"Of course! Who asked you?"

"Just a friend."

"Okay. Let's go."

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