Part 28

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"Yes! I found it!" I whisper to myself. The Neonatal ICU. She has to be in here. Yes. I know I'm not supposed to walk, but it is beyond important that I have see her. Shit! You need a badge to get in. I hade around the corner and wait for a nurse to go in. Then, I grab the door and search for Caden.

Shock hits me like a few ton of bricks.  Little Caden lays there weak a barely moving in her incubator. I stare for a while, but one thing hits me particularly off guard. Her little heart is beating out of her chest. Bile raises in my throat, so I turn my attention to her beautiful lips. Luckily, she looks nothing like the monster who raped me. She looks like me. A spitting image actually. Suddenly, a nurse walks in. I feel a strong grip around my ankle pull me back and into the dark, musky smelling closet. I go to scream, but a hand wraps sound my mouth. "Jessie don't talk."

After a few minutes the hand release me, and I turn around to see Jay. "I am sorry," I cry flinging myself into his large, muscular arms. He was his arms around me a squeezes. I lean in kissing him harder and harder. "I don't know what I was thinking. I am so so sorry I love you."

"She's okay," he laughs," And so are we."

In the small closet, I inch closer while kissing him. He slides his warm hands up my shirt. "We can't Jay," I explain.

"Why?" he laughs looking at me with those seductive crystal blue eyes.

"Stop playing me like that. One, we are in a hospital closet. Two, we can't do anything until six weeks after she is born," I say touching his chest. He wraps his arm around my back and helps me up. Once we head back to the room, Elle announces that we can leave.

Returning home is the best thing that has happened to me in a while. The familiar scent of lemongrass welcomes me, and my postpartum emotions take over. Of course, I lay in bed most of the time just chilling. Suddenly, I get a call from my mom.

"Hey mom. How are you? Sorry I haven't talked to you. I've been busy, but I have astounding new-" I am cut off by someone else.

"Hello? Is this Jessie? I am sorry Jessie. Your mother has unfortunately passed away," the voice says then hangs,up.

"Jay?" I ask turning to him.

"What sweetie?" he asks.

"My mom... She didn't make it."

*sorry it's a really short chapter*

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