Part 16

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This chapter is dedicated to   she is a super dedicated follower, and she is always voting. Thanks so much for 200 reads! It means so much to me. Please try to tell your friends, give me shoutouts, whatever to help get this book more known and popular. Also. feel free to comment. I Basically have no comments on this, so don't be afraid!

Jay and I jump out of the car and try to walk past those kids, but it is useless. One of them screams, " Look, the quarterback got some tramp knocked up. That's gonna help his football career."

Another yells,"Slut!"

They continue,"Hoe, Tramp, Slut..."

I am proud of Jay for keeping his cool. He says,"We don't mean any trouble. Just let us through."

I however am not so kind, so I scream,"What the hell are you ghetto assholes doing at a mall like this?"

One of them walks behind he and smacks my butt while saying,"Oh, she has an attitude. What should we do with them?"

Jay swivels on his heels and screams,"Don't you dare touch her again."

The boy swings at Jay, but Jay ducks and clocks him in the nose. With the leader of the pack down, all of the others flea. Happily leading me into the mall, Jay and I talk about how we don't need them to ruin our night. We head to meet Elle at the baby store. 

"What do you want for her?" Elle asks.

"Just clothes for today," I reply. 

"The doctor says she will likely be born early, so we should shop some preemie clothes," Jay sighs. I can see that I am not the only one who is being damaged by her condition. Jay is hurting, too.  We shop for clothes that are comfortable knowing that our poor baby will be in the hospital for a long time. My favorite thing that picked out was a little jumper that says "I Am A Fighter" with little boxing gloves. Hopefully, she is a little fighter. I am astonished at all of the things in the baby store. It is actually decorated very nicely, and it makes me slightly more excited for our arrival. The store is split down the middle. There is blue on one side and pink on the other. On the back wall everything is white. After we finish shopping at the baby store, we each head our separate ways to buy gifts for each other.

I head down to the jewelry store to buy Jay's and Elle's gift. Wandering the mall, I come across a little jewelry store. After walking around for a minute, I catch a glimpse of a watch for jay. Perfect. This is a perfect gift, but I also want to get him one more thing, a little framed picture of our baby. Okay. Gifts done for Jay. Now that I am finished with Jay's gifts, I wander around to find Elle's a little longer. Ending up at the same jewelry store, I pick out a simple,dainty gold heat locket. On the inside, 'Grammy' is carved. I plan on adding my favorite picture of Elle kissing my belly on the other.

Walking back to see them is hard. Every time I see them, I think of how bad this is going to hurt all of us. I need to suck it up for them. They are all I have left, and I need them...

On Christmas morning I wake up over joyed. Christmas was always so fun for me. I stare out at the horizon line where the sun comes up. A boat sails peacefully across the water. Planting a small kiss on his face, I wake Jay up. His touch and words are the only thing getting me through this. The love I feel for my baby and Jay are different but so strong and explainable. Honestly, I would take a bullet for them. Actually, that is what my entire pregnancy feels like. A bullet shooting at me in slow motion. When she goes, the bullet will hit me. Hard.

"Merry Christmas beautiful," he laughs.

I put my hand on my belly and giggle,"Merry First Christmas baby."

Jay and I sit there and snuggle while watching the magnificent view. As soon as the clock hits six, Jay and I run downstairs. I feel like a little kid again. And I am enjoying the time with my family. Especially my baby...

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