Chapter 3

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"He is quite the hunk!" Brittany said. "Please tell me that is the type of guy you want as a boyfriend?"

"Maybe, he is quite nice and handsome I guess, but I want to find out what my mom is up to and why she wanted me to meet him so badly."

"I'm sure she just wanted you to show him around the school because he is cool and it could possibly be a favor for your father."

"Yeah I guess, but lets worry about shopping now and him later."

"Okay but promise me whatever you learn about this guy let me know?"

"Yeah I promise."

"Girls are you done? We should make our way to Rue 21 and Staples before it is time for dinner."

"Okay Mom, we will check out and meet you outside the store."

We made are way up to the check out line and when we got everything in a bag we left to meet my mom. We made our way over to Rue 21, but not seeing anything we left to go to Staples and pick up our school supplies. We made our way towards Staples and as we walked in my heart skipped a beat. Standing right in front of me was Nathan looking at notebooks. He glanced up and saw me standing there, and putting down the notebooks practically ran over to me.

"Funny I should see you here." Giving me a smile that would make any girl's heart melt.

"Well I need supplies and this is the only  store in town that provides it."

"I guess so," he said still grinning like a fool.

"Okay well I better pick out my supplies before my mom kills me for taking too long."

All of the sudden I heard her behind me, "No honey that is fine! Talk to him all you want!! I can pick up your supplies and maybe we could have dinner together?"

"That sounds amazing Mrs. Roberts! Meet you at Applebee's then?"

"Awesome idea!" my mom said absolutely gushing over Nathan.

"Talk to you later?" he asked turning to me.

"I guess," I replied not letting on that I was quite interested in this guy.

"Awwwwww you two will be so cute together!" Brittany said in a singsong voice. I just rolled my eyes at her and kept looking at notebooks. My favorite color was purple and I got everything I could in purple. When I was finished I went to the check out line and bought everything I needed. Brittany was still trying to find a mouse that went with her computer so my mom and I waited for her.

"So what do you think of Nathan?" my mom asked.

"He seems like he is a really nice guy."

"And easy on the eyes?" she looked at me slyly.

"Sure I guess." Honestly he was quite cute.

Finally Brittany found the perfect mouse and all her things were checked out. We went out to the car and got in.

"Are you excited to finally meet Nathan and learn a little more about him?" Brittany asked.

"Yes I guess. Honestly I really do think he is cute, but don't tell my mom that," I said whispering to her.

"Aww that is cute! You like him, you like him!" she chanted out in a sing-song voice.

"Shhh be quiet! She will hear you!" I said pointing towards my mom.

"Okay girls, you all buckled up?"

"Yep, lets go," I replied.


Author's Note

I hope you liked the new chapter! Please vote and comment what you think of the new one! Also do you think Chelsea will warm up to Nathan? Let me know in the comment's box!! Update will hopefully be coming out soon!!

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