Chapter 12

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It was nice hanging with Brittany and watching a movie with her. I started to clean up the theater and throw all of the garbage away. I got done and walked out into the kitchen and saw that my dad had gotten pizza.

"Hi honey, how was your girl's day?" my dad asked.

"Really good. We watched a lot of movies we watched when we were younger."

"That is good. I got you some cheese pizza and also some Canadian bacon pizza for Brittany."

"Thanks dad." I said grabbing the two plates and some napkins. I brought them up to Brittany who was in my room watching some TV and petting Dixie. I gave her the plate and asked her what kind of pop do you want.

"Crush pop, please."

"Okay I will be right back."

I went downstairs and grabbed a crush pop for both me and Brittany. When I got a pop for the both of us I went back upstairs and gave it to her.

"Thanks," Brittany said.

"How is Ben?" I asked her.

"Really good. We finally said we liked each other," she said smiling towards me.

"Oh my gosh Brittany! That is amazing! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because we just told each other last night! Plus you were already in bed, and I didn't want to bother you."

"Oh duh! I am so glad for you!"

"Thanks! I am glad it is working out for you and Nathan."

"And I am glad it is working for you and Ben!"

We talked for a little longer. Then Brittany said she wanted to go home and spend some time with Ben before school started tomorrow. I cleaned up the plates and pop cans and took them downstairs. When I got the steps and looked up I saw Nathan standing there. He stood there with a movie and Chinese food.

"I was wondering if you wanted to spend the last night of summer together?" he asked me looking hopeful.

"Yes, totally," I said smiling at him. "Just let me get changed quick..."

"What you have on is fine." he said smiling at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, you are beautiful the way you are."

"What movie did you get for us to watch?"

"Do you like Blended?" he asked.

"Yes, I have seen it. But I love it, it is one of my favorites!!"

"That is good! Should we go watch the movie?"

"Yeah let's go," I said. "Can we watch the movie in the theater?" I asked my dad.

"That is fine. Have fun," my dad said.

"Okay, thanks dad."

I led Nathan towards the theater and the smell of Chinese food made my stomach grumble.

"Are you hungry?" he asked smiling at me.

"Yeah I ate about 6 hours ago." All of the sudden I felt this feeling come over me and I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. He was surprised at first, but kissed me back with such passion. He pulled away, and I gave him a hurt look.

"It isn't you, its just that my hands are full and I can't kiss you properly," he said giving me a sheepish looking smile.

"Oh duh sorry."

"That is okay. Should we try again after I put this stuff down?"

"Yes," I said giving him a flirtatious smile.

"Okay, but first she would eat?" he asked hearing my stomach grumble again.

"Yes, please."

We sat down in the seat and started to eat Chinese and watch Blended. When we finished our Chinese food we paused the movie and went to go get ice cream from the freezer. We scooped ice cream into the bowls and put sprinkles and hot fudge on. Nathan scooped some hot fudge off of his and put it on my nose laughing at me. I laughed at him and scooped some of my nose and put it on his. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my nose, licking the hot fudge off of my nose, so I did the same to him. When we got our ice cream together, we walked back to the theater. We started the movie again.

Halfway through the movie I turned to see Nathan staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing, just admiring how beautiful you look."

"Thank y-" I said blushing when he leaned over and gave me a kiss. He pulled me over onto his lap where we could kiss easier. We kissed for almost 4 minutes before we broke away gasping for breath. When we got our breath back we started to kiss again, but with more passion. He started to feel my body when I pulled away, "Please not yet. I am fine with kissing and holding my waist, but nothing else."

"Okay, I understand."

I then leaned forward and started to kiss him cautiously. He answered back by pulling me closer and kissing me back with passion. We kissed for almost 5 minutes before he pulled away.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing just that the movie is over," he said smiling goofily at me.

"Oh," I said smiling back at him. "Should we watch another?"

"I would, but it is past my curfew," he said giving me a sheepish smile.

"Okay, that is fine. See you tomorrow at school?"

"How about I pick you up?"

"Sounds good," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I walked him out the front door and waved at him as he backed out of the driveway. I told my mom and dad good night and went to bed early. I set my alarm to wake me up early, so I could get dressed up for tomorrow. I got into bed and kissed Dixie goodnight.


Author's Note

Vote and comment what you think about the new chapter!! I hope you like it!! Also thanks for sticking with my story, you guys are awesome and rock!!

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