Chapter 13

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I heard my alarm going off so I rolled over and turned it off. I looked at my phone and saw that Brittany had texted me. I decided to wait and get into the shower and to get ready for school. I turned the shower on and got in nervous and excited for school to start. I got out and walked to my closet to pick out my one of new sweaters I got from Forever 21. I got dressed, curled my hair, and applied some make up when I looked down and saw that Dixie was pawing at the door. I let her out and she ran down the stairs towards the front door. I opened the door for her and she went out and did her business. She came in and I fed her then I started to eat my breakfast.

"Morning beautiful," I heard Nathan say to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, what are you doing here so early?"

"I couldn't wait to see you, plus I was hoping we could have some breakfast together."

"Oh okay," I said smiling at him. "Do you want Wheaties?"

"Nah that is okay. I brought some doughnuts for myself."

"Okay," I said smiling at him. "What time are we leaving?"

"I was hoping after we were done eating?"

"Okay that sounds good. What does your schedule look like for this semester?"

He showed me his schedule for both semesters and I saw that he had all the same classes I did.

"Do we have the same classes?" he asked looking at me hopefully.

"Yeah we do, I am glad. Also Brittany has the same classes as me so we will all be in the classes together."

He then looked at his phone and told me we should probably leave. My mom told me to wait and she took a picture of me and Nathan together. We finally got to leave and I told my mom to watch Dixie, but I am pretty sure she will because she is attached to her. We got into his car and I tossed my purse and backpack in his backseat. I finally looked at my phone and saw that Brittany had sent me almost 15 texts so I looked at them. The texts were just asking me about where I was at and if I was at school yet.

Chelsea: On my way with Nathan. Why did u need something?

Brittany: I was just wondering cause I heard we got a foreign exchange student from France, and his name is Beau Aston. He sounds really cute!!

Chelsea: u know u and I both have a boyfriend, right?

Brittany: I know I am just saying :) I am at the school and I just saw him walk past. he is handsome here is a pic

I looked at the picture and saw that he was quite handsome, but I still liked Nathan much more. I sent a text back to Brittany saying he was handsome, but I have Nathan for me. She sent one back saying she understood and would wait for me inside the lobby.

"Who was that?" Nathan asked me as we were turning into the school's parking lot.

"Brittany, she said that we have a foreign exchange student named Beau Aston."

"Where is he from?"

"France. Are you nervous to go to school here?"

"No, I am actually really excited to see where you went to school for the past few years of your life," he said smiling at me.

He parked his car and looked over at me, "Are you ready?" he asked holding out his hand to me.

"Yes let's go," I said grabbing his hand and then getting my purse and backpack from the backseat. We walked up to the front doors both holding onto each other like we were going to lose each other.

"Are you scared?" he asked glancing over at me.

"Yeah a little because this is the first time I have ever had a boyfriend. Everybody in my school assumed I would never get a boyfriend at all."

"Well here you stand and you proved them all wrong."

"I know and I am glad I met you," I said kissing him on the cheek. He kissed me back and we walked into the school. We made our way over to where Brittany was standing with her boyfriend Ben.

"Hey Ben how are you?" I asked.

"Pretty good, you?"

"Good. This is Nathan my boyfriend," I said pointing to Nathan who was standing awkwardly to side of me. Both Nathan and Ben shook hands and started to talk about football.

"Boys," Brittany said rolling her eyes and grabbing my hand taking me over to a table. "So have you seen the new foreign exchange student yet?"

"No, but I kind of want to."

"Well there he is right now," Brittany said nodding her head towards a boy with jet black floppy hair long enough to touch his eyebrows, but not long enough to cover his hazel eyes. "Isn't he handsome?"

"Uh ye-e-ah," I said stuttering a little bit.

"Oh my gosh you have a crush on him!!" Brittany said out so loudly that it felt like the whole school could here her.

"Shh Brittany, plus I have a boyfriend."

Then the bell rang so Brittany, Nathan, and I made our way to our first class. The day went by smoothly until the last class of the day. Nathan and I had French together, but Brittany had Spanish instead so it would just be us two. We walked into the room together, and I looked around to find two desks that we could sit by each other. As I was looking around the room there sat Beau looking right at me with a hopeful smile on his face. All of the sudden my stomach flipped nervously, so I hid my face all the while I started to blush. Nathan led me over to two desks that were in the back and one was right behind Beau. I sat in the one behind Beau and he turned around...


Author's Note

CLIFFHANGER!!!!! :) The reason why Beau is in the French class is because he wanted to brush up on his French again and make sure it is correct. Just like how we have to take English classes. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!! Vote and comment what you think! If you have any questions about the book send me a message and I will try to get back to you. Thanks again for reading!!!!

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