Chapter 23

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Brittany and I hung out for almost 4 hours before Nathan finally made it back home. He ran into my room and scooped me up while kissing me. He then brought out some white roses for me with a note on it.

Dear Chelsea Roberts,

From the moment I first laid eyes on you I knew you were the one for me. Spending time with you these past few weeks has been one of the best moments in my life. I know I was cruel, mean, and controlling of you and I am truly sorry for what I have done. Not being able to spend my vacation with you has been horrible and I thought about you a lot. When you texted me I was overjoyed to read about how your day was going, and I knew I would be back soon. I have two questions for you...

"Will you marry me?" Nathan asked down on one knee with a ring in his hand. I hesitated because I knew my freedom was about to end.

I then nodded my head yes, and also crying in the process. He slipped the ring onto my hand, stood up, and kissed me on the lips.

"My second question is will you also move in with me? Moving into our own house not with my parents," he said adding on the last bit after I gave him a weird look.

"Yes," I said hugging him and then kissing him on the lips.

We were the only ones in the room because my parents and Brittany decided to give us some time alone. He then placed his hand on my belly, "So there is a little boy or girl growing in there?" he asked in amazement.

"Yep and it is all ours," I said kissing him again.

"Shall we go and announce the news?" he asked me.

"Okay," I said taking a deep breath in while also looking down at my hand where there was a ring in place.

We walked out and down the stairs to where my parents, Brittany, and his parents stood talking amongst themselves. I hid my ring so I wouldn't give it away that we were engaged.

Nathan cleared his throat then spoke, "We have some big news to announce. Not only is Chelsea pregnant...we are also getting married and moving in with each other!!"

They all gasped in surprise and I held up my hand to show them. There on my finger was a huge gaudy diamond ring.

"I thought you said you liked Beau?" Brittany asked hissing into my ear while giving me a hug.

"I will tell you later when we are by ourselves," I said back into her ear.


My mom and Mrs. Sanderson then gave me hug all well telling me congrats on both the engagement and the baby. I was a little excited to get married, but I don't know if I made the right choice. We sat down at the table to figure out all of the details of how everything was going to work. It was decided that the wedding would be in two weeks on Saturday so I could still fit into my dress. We invited my whole family and including Nathan's side. Brittany and her family was invited including Ben.

"Can we invite Beau? Please?" I asked all of the sudden. Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned to look at me.

"Are you freaking serious?" Nathan asked me looking at me angrily. "You know the rules that you aren't allowed to talk to him."

"Yes I know, but we have such a strong connection and over these few weeks I have gotten to talk to him and know him better."

"You know the rules no boys," Nathan said.

"He is my friend why don't you understand that?" I said looking at him hurt.

"I think it is okay, if he is a friend it won't do any harm," my mother and father both said looking at me.

"I agree," Mr. Sanderson said, "it is only a friend that is it. But after your wedding you must limit the amount of contact you have with him. Those are my terms. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said feeling heartbroken knowing that I only had a limited amount of time with him left.

We all looked at Mrs. Sanderson to see what her verdict was on the whole thing. She sat there stiffly for a few minutes before she finally agreed. I was glad and everything continued on until we had all the details figured out.

"Mom is it okay if Brittany stays around for a few minutes then I can take her home?" I asked my mom.

"That is fine with me," she said.

"Wait," Nathan said, "I was wanting to spend time with my soon to be wife and baby tonight. Is it okay if you take Brittany home instead?" Nathan asked my mom.

"That is okay if Brittany is okay with it," she said looking at her.

"That is fine with me! I will let my mom know that I will be a little late."

Once Nathan's parents left, we decided we would spend the night at his house, I took Brittany upstairs to pack and to also talk to her.


Author's Note

So that happened! I just started to type and it all came out!! I hope you like the new chapter cause I really do! Vote and comment what you think! I have already named the sequel to this and it is.... (drumroll!) Be Forever Mine!!! It has a really cool cover!! I can't wait for you guys to see it!!! Thanks again for reading you are awesome!!!  The picture is of Chelsea's engagement outfit she was wearing.

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