Chapter 9

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Chelsea's P.O.V.

I had asked my boss earlier if I could get off to get ready for my date and she was okay with it. So when it was 4:50 p.m. I grabbed my duffel bag, checked out, and headed towards the bathroom to get ready. I was nervous to be on a date with Nathan because it would be my first date ever! I looked at my phone and saw it was almost 5, so I slipped my dress on and my wedges. I got out of the bathroom stall and looked into the mirror to see if I could do anything with my hair. I decided to put it up in a messy, but chic looking bun. I applied some lip gloss and made my way out the door towards Nathan.

He was there waiting for me, holding the door open and everything. I reached out my hand towards his and he grabbed it planting a kiss on it.

"You look beautiful tonight," he whispered into my ear.

"Thanks and you look very handsome," I whispered back. He helped me into the car and shut the door and went to his side to get in.

"Are you ready for tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am really excited to see your surprise."

"I am taking you to one of the best Italian restaurants in town if that is okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good!"

We pulled up to the restaurant and he got out and opened the door for me. He lead me up to the door and it was opened by two men. We walked in and I saw it was a very romantic place. The waiter lead us over to a table that was out of sight and private so we could talk in peace.

"This is beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"I know I wanted everything to be perfect tonight since it was our first date together."

The waiter came over to ask what we wanted to drink I had a water and he had a Sprite. Once we were done ordering our drinks we immediately looked at our menus to see what we would have. I decided on having spaghetti and meatballs with breadsticks and Nathan ordered the same thing.

"I know this may seem early and not the right place to ask, but when will you propose to me?" I asked.

"I was hoping a few months before the actual wedding date, but I might do it a little earlier, it depends. Don't worry if you have a question just ask I will try to answer it as best as I can."


Finally our food came so we both settled down to our spaghetti. I didn't even make a dent in it before I looked up to see Nathan was done with his.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Yeah I think so," I replied.

"If so can I have some I am still hungry."

I just rolled my eyes at him and pushed my plate over to him to finish. I looked down at my phone and saw my mom had texted me.

Mom: Has is the date going?

Chelsea: Pretty good just finishing up supper and we are headed to get my surprise.

Mom: K let me know when u r on your way home. Have fun!!

Chelsea: K

I looked up and saw Nathan was done with the spaghetti and had some sauce on him. I grabbed his napkin dipped it into my water and started to clean off his face. He started to blush, but grabbed my hand and started to lean forward, so I also started to lean forward. When his lips met mine it was like my emotions were on a rollercoaster ride. His kissing started become more passionate and needy. He stood up a little more, and grabbed my cheeks with both of his hands. When he did he bumped the table and then we stopped because none of us could breathe. When we broke away from the kiss his eyes were sparkling with excitement, just then the waiter came over.

"Are you two lovebirds done?"

"Yes, I believe so," Nathan replied handing him his credit card. The waiter immediately returned with the receipt and we were free to go. We walked to his car where he asked if I was ready for my surprise. I said yes and we headed off towards the surprise. When we pulled up in front of the animal shelter I turned to look at Nathan and I was really excited. I had always wanted a dog, but my parents never let me have one. We walked into the shelter and the employee immediately took us towards the dog kennels. I walked through the cages looking at them each carefully before coming to a dog that was silent but wagging her tail hopefully at me. It was golden color toy poodle.

"That one doesn't have a name yet cause she was just born two weeks ago, but dropped off here cause no one wanted her," the employee said.

"Well I choose her. Her name will be Dixie," I said.


Author's Note

Thanks so much for reading!! Vote and comment what you think!! Thanks Amirhoesinghazi for the dog names!! You guys are awesome!! Thanks again for reading! New chapter will hopefully be coming out soon!!

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