Chapter 22

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"MOM!" I said screaming from inside my bathroom. I had just thrown up all of my breakfast right into the toilet. The weird thing was I was really hungry and my stomach didn't hurt at all.

"What is the matter honey?" my mom asked rushing up the stairs. "Oh honey," she said gathering my hair back just as I started to throw up again.

"What is wrong with me? I am so hungry, but then when I eat I throw it all back up!" I said crying into my hands.

"When was your period?" my mom asked.

"My last one was last month. I haven't got mine this month yet." I said. "Crap!" I ran to my room where I kept it all documented on my phone and checked when I was supposed to have it. I saw I was supposed to have it last week, but it was late. "Last week when I was supposed to have it," I told my mom.

"You wait right here. I need to run to the store, DO NOT MOVE. Watch a movie or something." she told me.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the bed to watch something.

Nathan: Hey babe how r u doing?

Chelsea: Okay

Nathan: What is the matter?

Chelsea: I think I have the stomach flu or something.

Nathan: Oh Babe I hope u feel better! Love ya!

Chelsea: Thanks love you too!

My mom came back 20 minutes later and she was looking nervous yet happy. "Here you go," she said handing me a box. I looked down and saw it was a pregnancy test box.

"What? I don't need this! I am simply sick with a flu bug or something!" I said not wanting to believe what my mom was implying.

"You are not sick, and here is how I will prove it to you. You don't have a fever so that rules out a stomach flu. You have also missed your period, and I am pretty sure you and Nathan were doing you know what on the night of the meeting. So it lines up perfectly. Just go take the test," she said.

It did make sense so I took a pregnancy test out of the box an went into the bathroom. I peed on it and had to sit and wait for 2 minutes. I sat on my bed hoping, yet not that I was pregnant. My mom however was pacing the room nervous also. When the 2 minutes were up I looked down at the test.

There in big bold words was PREGNANT.

"Oh my gosh!!" I said screaming out loud. My mom ran over and looked at the test and also started to freak out which prompted my dad to come upstairs to see what was going on. He was also very excited.

Chelsea: Guess who is going to be a dad? :)


Chelsea: Nope here is the proof (Picture of the test)


Then Nathan was calling me.

"Hello," I said.

"I am on my way home right now! Don't move! Got it?" Nathan said sounding excited.

"Okay but how are you going to get here?"

"I have a private plane that will take us back. It will only take a few hours, I promise! I will be there soon. Love you babe!"

"Love you too!!! Fly carefully!!"

"Okay talk to you later!"

I hung up and threw my phone down only to pick it up again to text Brittany.

Chelsea: Big News!!!! Must come over right away!!! Need me to pick u up?

Brittany: Nope on my way!!! Can't wait to hear the big news!!

Chelsea: k

I picked up the TV remote and started to go through shows to watch on Netflix. I was about 15 minutes into 22 Jump Street when Brittany walked in, more like ran.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! What is the big news?!?!?!?" she asked jumping on the bed.

"Here you go," I said handing her my pregnancy test, nonchalant.

"YOUR PREGNANT?!?!?!?!?!" she asked screaming at me. "I am going to be an aunt and possibly the godmother!!!"

"Yes I am by two weeks already."

"I can't believe it! Have you told Nathan yet?"

"Yeah he is on his way back from Texas right now."

"That is so awesome and amazing!!!!!"

"Yeah I guess."

"What is the matter?" she asked immediately stopped jumping on my bed.

"You promise not to tell anyone? Not even Ben, your mom, my parents, your brothers, or anyone in this whole wide world?" I asked her staring into her eyes dead serious.

"Yes pinky promise to my best friend," she said while we did our secret handshake.

"I was hopping to break things off with Nathan, and start to date Beau. But now that I am pregnant I will probably have to marry Nathan and soon."

As I was telling Brittany this her eyes and mouth both started to get very wide. "Oh my gosh! You can't be serious! I could imagine you and Beau together, but you and Nathan is a lot of trouble! But I promise not to tell!"

"I know just after talking to Beau that one time in the library I felt like we had a connection, but now that may be over really soon."

"Well lets not worry about that right now. Lets celebrate that you are having a baby!!" she said gathering me into a huge hug.

"Okay," I said giving her a hug back glad to have my best friend there with me. "Lets go downstairs and get some food."

"Lets!" she said smiling back at me. "However I think I will grab some for you," she said looking at me with concern.

"Okay," I said smiling back.


Author's Note

So I decided as an early Christmas present to update early!! I hope you like it!! Vote and comment what you think!!! A lot has happened in this one chapter I know because I am thinking about ending it soon. But don't worry I will be coming out with a sequel!!!! The sequel will cover more about Chelsea and her pregnancy and also whoever she chooses!! Hope you like it!!! Merry Christmas!!! You guys are awesome and amazing!!

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