Chapter 16

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The bell rang and as I gathered my stuff into my backpack I saw a note slip onto my desk. I grabbed it quick before Nathan saw it and put it into my pocket.

"Are you ready to go?" Nathan asked me looking a little to excited.

"Yeah lets go," I said. He grabbed my hand, kissed it, and we made our way out of the room.

"I have a surprise for you tonight," he said grinning mischievously at me.


"But we have to stop at my house quick to get it."

We drove in silence as we made our way towards his house. I was tempted to see what was on that note, but I didn't want to risk Nathan seeing it. So I decided to wait until I got home and was by myself. We pulled up to his house, and I looked up in awe of it. It was a huge house, the biggest I have ever seen before.

"Do you want to come inside and meet my parents?" he asked looking at me hopefully.

"Sure," I replied putting down my purse and grabbing my phone. We walked in and went straight to the kitchen where his mother was sitting.

"Hello my darling," she said air kissing my cheeks. "It is so wonderful to meet you finally."

"It is nice to meet you too Mrs. Sanderson," I said greeting her back as warmly as she did.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine."

"Should we go meet me my dad now?" Nathan asked me.

"Sure, nice to meet you again Mrs. Sanderson."

We made our way through the many halls until we came upon a heavy wooden door that had Nathan's father's name on it. Nathan knocked and entered when he heard someone say come in. He walked through the door and sitting there was Nathan's father who I have seen on some occasions. He got up to greet me.

"Hello Chelsea, my you look beautiful as ever," he said beaming proudly.

"Hello Mr. Sanderson, nice to meet you too."

"How is your father's case going?" he asked.

"Pretty good, he thinks he is about to crack it."

"That is excellent! Well I have to get back to work now. Nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too Mr. Sanderson."

We made our way out back into the halls. "So what do you think of my parents?"

"They seem very nice and warm towards me."

"Well that is good. I have one last thing to show you before you get your surprise."

"Okay, lead the way," I replied jokingly.

He lead me through more hallways and up a few staircases before we came to a door. He opened the door and inside was his room.

"So this is were the famous Nathan Sanderson sleeps," I said giving him a smile.

"Yes, yes it is," he said smiling back. "For my surprise I was going to have you sleep over and watch movies together and have fun. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, but what about my parents and Dixie and I need clothes for school?!"

"I got that covered. Your mom will take care of Dixie and she also packed you a bag to stay over already. It is right over there," he said pointing to the one thing that was out of place in this room.

"Thanks. Are you sure they are okay with this?"

"Yes, they are totally fine with it because we get to spend time together and get to know each other a little bit more."

"Okay. So what is for supper than?" I asked feeling my stomach growl.

"Is pizza okay?"

"Sure, let me go get changed into something a little more comfortable."

"Okay, you can use my bathroom and I will get changed out here. Just tell me when you are done."

"Okay," I said grabbing my bag and walking towards his bathroom.

I got into his bathroom and locked the door and finally opened the note. Here is my number, text me. :) It was Beau and it had his number on there. I decided to fold the note back up and stick it in my make up bag and text him later that night. I got into my pjs already and told Nathan I was ready, and so was he. I walked out and he had on a light blue shirt with gray shorts. I put on a purple shirt and gray sweatpants and put my hair into a messy bun.

"Hey beautiful," he said pulling me close. "What movie do you want to watch first? My whole collection is over there."

I kissed him on the lips and made my way over to see. I went through his whole collection before settling on watching Scooby Doo.

"Scooby Doo?" he said jokingly.

"Yep, I am in the mood for a good mystery," I said flirting with him.

He put it into the DVD player and we cuddled up on his bed to watch it. He went downstairs before the movie to grab some snacks and to tell his mom that we ordered pizza for supper. He came back up with some gummy worms and M&M's.

"Yum, my favorite," I said popping a few M&M's into my mouth.

We had gotten halfway through the movie when his mom came up with the pizza and two pops. Once we finished Scooby Doo I chose a romantic movie instead. We started the movie and as we went through the movie I started to drift off. I then saw the TV was turned off and somebody scooping me up and placing me in a bed. I grabbed the covers and pulled them up to my shoulders and rolled to face the middle of the bed. Laying there right next to me was Nathan smiling at me.

"Good night my love," he said kissing my nose gently.

"Night," I said sleepily.


Author's Note

What do you think of the new chapter? Comment and vote what you think! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!! You guys are amazing and awesome for reading!! Also check out one of my new books I am writing. It is actually a book about poems that I have written so if you are into poetry check it out. It is called Poems and it is by me. I hope you enjoy it!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!!

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