Chapter 19

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To my surprise Nathan was standing there with the door open looking at me furiously.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!!" Nathan said screaming at me.

"W-w-h-a-a-t? What did I do?" I asked looking scared.

"YOU WERE TALKING TO THAT BEAU BOY AGAIN!!!! AND WITHOUT ME KNOWING!!!!" he said spit flying from his mouth.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked screaming back. "Can't I talk to a boy about poetry and music? Honestly that is all we talked about!!"


"NATHAN JOE SANDERSON!!!" I heard someone yell out his name behind him in the house. All of the sudden his mother came out pinching his ear and leading him inside. She stopped, turned to look at me, and told me to come inside. I obeyed not wanting to get in trouble. "What is the matter with you?" she said looking furiously at Nathan.

"She is talking to a boy at school!!" he said pointing his finger at me.

"Oh hush up boy. It is normal for her to talk to boys especially if they are her friends. You are too controlling you need to let her be herself and talk to people other than you, her friend, and her friend's boyfriend." his mother said looking upset and furious at her son. "If I so hear that you are controlling her life again I will tell your father. As for you," she said pointing her finger at me, "you need to not only listen to Nathan and what he has to say, but also trust in your heart, and do what is right for you. But you need to know that you are marrying Nathan no matter what happens."

Nathan was furious at me, and I wanted to tell him I was sorry. He ran up the stairs towards his room, and I was about too when his mom stopped me. "You and him need some alone time come back tomorrow and you two can spend some time together. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks Mrs. Sanderson. Here is the soup if he wants it."

"You are welcome dear, anything for my future daughter-in-law," she said giving me a hug.

I walked out to my car and started it, then my phone went off. I looked down and saw it was Brittany and she was just letting me know she was at my house waiting for me. I told her I would be there in 5 minutes. I pulled up, parked in the garage, and saw that Brittany was waiting there for me. I stayed in the car for a few minutes before Brittany came and opened the door for me.

"What is the matter?" she asked looking concerned.

"Nathan and I had a fight. It was about me and Beau talking in the library, and I knew he would get mad at me, but this was horrible worse than any other."

"What did he say or do?"

"He got mad at me and was yelling at me so loud that his mom heard him all the way in the kitchen, which is a good thing because she immediately stopped him yelling at me."

"Oh my gosh Chelsea," she said hugging me, "why didn't you tell me?"

"I honestly don't know why."

"Are you ready to go inside now, and actually talk about this face to face?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah that sounds good," I said wiping my nose on a Kleenex Brittany gave me. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car when my phone went off.

Nathan: Babe I am so sorry that I went off on u and I honestly feel really bad. Please forgive me I want to hang out again. Maybe sometime tomorrow and we can have a sleepover again at my house?

I was about to respond when Brittany grabbed my phone out of my hand. "You need to focus on yourself and not him. Let him squirm and think about what he did wrong. As for us we need to have some serious girl time!! Got it?" she asked.

"Yes. Do I get my phone back?" I asked in a hopeful voice.

"Yes, but after our girl's night out. I want to have your undivided attention. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

We walked into my room, flung my stuff on the floor, and threw myself onto my bed. I told Brittany I was going to change into comfortable clothes quick, as I made my way into the bathroom. I walked in there and got changed as fast as I could before coming out and seeing Brittany was on my phone her mouth in an O shaped.

"What the hell is wrong with this dude? He won't shut up!!" she screamed at my phone. I ran over to look at what she was yelling at. It started out okay, but then it got worse.

Nathan: Hey babe what r u doing? Going crazy not being able to talk to u. Text me back please :)

Nathan: Me again how is your girl's night? Let me know

Nathan: I am seriously going stir crazy!! Mom won't even let me out of my room!! Feels like a prison!! Please text me back!!

Nathan: I swear to god!!! Once I get out of here I will hunt you down and make you pay for this!!!

Nathan: Sorry about that last outburst. I really do miss u! Please text back!!

"This needs to stop," Brittany said looking over at me concerned.

"I know, and I know who can help us," I said looking back at her determined to get Nathan and my life under control once and for all.


Author's Note

First off I am sorry I haven't updated in almost a week!! I have had a ton of homework and work and finals coming up!! But I promise over Christmas break I will update as much as I can!! Second off cliffhanger!!!! I hope you like the new chapter!! Vote and comment what you think!! You guys are so awesome for sticking with me and reading!! I am almost at a 1,000 reads on this book!!! And I have 150 votes also!!! So thanks so much for reading, this means a lot to me!!! Update will hopefully be coming out sometime this weekend!! Hope you enjoy this new chapter!!

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