Chapter 15

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I had gone to bed late that night after I made sure Nathan made it home safe. When he finally left the driveway I went into my room and got my pjs on. I got into bed, made sure my alarm was on, and got covered up. I had texted Brittany to tell her what Nathan and I had done tonight, but she didn't text back so I went to bed.

I got up the next morning in a pretty good mood knowing that Nathan and I should be on good terms with each other. I looked at my phone and saw that Brittany had texted me.

Brittany: omg u guys did do it?

Chelsea: yes but please don't tell anyone!

Brittany: I won't plus Ben and I have already done it many times before

Chelsea: k well I have to get ready for school see you in 45 minutes or so

Brittany: k

I got my hair washed and done up when I heard something scratching at my door. I looked out of the bathroom and saw it was Dixie and she needed to do her business. I let her out and she ran down the steps towards the front door. I asked my mom if she could watch her while I get changed, so I went back upstairs to get dressed. I was getting dressed when I felt someone come from behind and pull me closer to their body. I turned around and saw Nathan standing there with a smile on his face and wriggling Dixie in his arms.

"How are you beautiful?" he asked looking a little concerned.

"Good, are we on good terms now?"

"I feel like we are, but I am still going to be a little touchy about the whole Beau situation. Just please make the right choices Chelsea."

"I always do," I said getting little upset with him.

"Calm down. I know you do, but please stay away from that Beau guy cause it will be bad news for the both of us."

"Fine. Can you please get out so I can get changed?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked whining trying to be funny. "We already have seen each other naked."

"Yeah, I know, but still. Please?"

"Fine, I will be in the kitchen."

I was pretty sure I had upset him, but when I got dressed it was something I did alone cause I always sang songs and danced. I wasn't ready for him to see me that vulnerable yet. I got done and saw it was already time to go, so I grabbed a bagel from the kitchen and made my way out the door with Nathan right behind. I was nervous to see Beau at school because I felt if I did talk or even look at him Nathan would get mad at me.

"Are you ready for the second day of school?" Nathan asked me.

"I guess. Lets go inside because we have a pop quiz to get ready for."


I walked inside and saw Brittany sitting at our normal table. I made my way over there and plunked my purse and backpack down.

"What's the matter with you?" Brittany asked.

"Well my boyfriend won't let me talk to boys anymore because he can get jealous easy."

"We should have a girl's night or something. I think you guys may need some time off from each other."

"I agree. He seemed perfect at first, but now he is an old grump. Plus I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with him," as soon as those words came out of my mouth I knew I screwed up. Brittany wasn't to know that Nathan and I were going to get married at the end of the school year.

"Well the good thing is that you two can break up whenever you want," she said oblivious to my statement I had said a few seconds ago.

I was glad she didn't hear that because then I would be in more deep shit if Nathan and my mom found out that I had told Brittany. I felt somebody grab my arm, and looking over saw Nathan standing there with a smile on his face.

"It is time to go to class," he said.

"Oh, okay," I replied feeling my heart beat out of my chest.

Everything went smoothly until I walked up to the door leading to our French class. I stopped and Nathan did too because he was walking right behind me.

"It will be fine. Just don't make eye contact or talk to him and you will be fine," he said to me.

"O-o-k-a-y," I said in a shaky tone dreading to walk in there. I finally got the courage to go in there and sit down in a desk that was no way near him. Nathan sat across from me and asked if I was going to be okay. I told him I was, but if he didn't put some much pressure on me I would be fine.

We went through French class without an incident, until...


Okay first off what do you think of Nathan? Isn't he hot? I would like to thank kvanhooser for mentioning this actor to me!! Second off, CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!! :) I will try to post something more this week since it is Thanksgiving, and I have the whole weekend off! Plus you won't have to wonder much longer! Vote and comment what you think!! You guys are awesome for reading!!! Thanks again!!!!!

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