Chapter 20

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Chelsea: Hi Mrs. Sanderson this is Chelsea. I have a few texts that you should look at that Nathan has been sending me right after our huge fight. (Pictures of Nathan's text)

Mrs. Sanderson: Oh my gosh honey!! I am so sorry that he has been sending these to you!! Don't worry I will talk to him and his father about this. Thank you for bringing this up to me. I will tell you what happens later on, okay?

Chelsea: Okay thank you so much Mrs. Sanderson!

"He won't be bothering me!" I said turning and smiling at Brittany. She ran over, grabbed my phone, and started to read the texts. By the time she was done she was smiling to herself.

"Lets get this party started!!" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs into the kitchen to grab some food. When we got as much as we could we made our way back upstairs when my mom stopped me.

"Honey, could I talk to you alone?" my mom asked me looking concerned.

I looked over at Brittany, but she was already in my room closing the door, "Sure."

Then my mom wrapped me up into a huge hug, "I am so sorry that you had to deal with Nathan like that. Why didn't you tell me or your father that this was happening?"

"Well, it only started a few days ago, so I didn't have much time to tell you."

"I understand why Nathan would get mad at you though. You know you aren't supposed to talk to any other boys, the only exception is Ben."

"But Mom you don't understand. I asked Nathan if Beau could sit by us because he sits in the library by himself. But Nathan said no, so I went in to talk to him. We only talked about books, poetry, and music! That is it!"

"I understand, but you also have to see Nathan's side of the story too. Okay?"

"Okay Mom."

"I love you honey," she said giving me another huge hug.

"Love you too."

I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom where Brittany was at the door with her ear pressed against it to hear what was going on.

"What did she say?" she asked.

"She just talked about how it was wrong I went to talk to Beau, but she understood when I said I had asked Nathan if it was okay if he could sit by us and he said no. She told me to also consider his part of the story also."

"Well that isn't too bad."

"No it isn't. So what movie are we watching?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"I was thinking The Heat?"

"Sure that sounds good!" We were halfway through the movie when my phone went off. I just turned it off and went back to talking with Brittany and painting each other's nails. When we were finished with The Heat, Brittany went back downstairs to get more snacks and then I checked my phone.

Mrs. Sanderson: Hi honey just letting you know that Nathan, his father, and I have talked. We were wondering if you could come over sometime tonight and we will talk about everything together, your parents included? Just send me a text when you know! Thanks see you tonight!

I walked downstairs, told my mom the situation, and decided we would go over tonight as soon as my dad came home and Brittany had left. I told Brittany that and she was fine with it.

Chelsea: Hi Mrs. Sanderson we will be over sometime tonight after my dad gets home, usually 7 p.m. or so. I will let you know when we are leaving.

Mrs. Sanderson: Okay honey that sounds good!

My dad came home and by then Brittany had already gone. On the way out she wished me luck and told me she wanted to know all the details come tomorrow morning. As we got into the car to leave for Nathan's house I was so nervous and fidgeting with a string on my sweatshirt. When we pulled into their driveway, my stomach was doing flips and I was nervous. My parents walked up to the door and rang the bell. The door was immediately opened by Mrs. Sanderson.

"Hello," she said to my parents warmly, "It is so nice to meet you!" She extended out her hand and shook hands with both of my parents. "Hello darling!" she said sweeping me up into a warm hug.

"Hello Mrs. Sanderson. Thank you so much for helping me out with this whole situation."

"Not a problem, darling!"

I walked into the entryway where my parents were standing patiently waiting for Mrs. Sanderson to lead the way. She walked through the many halls until we came to a formal sitting room. I could tell it was only meant for the special guests because Nathan hadn't showed me this room. I walked into the room and immediately froze, there was Nathan with a bouquet of white roses and chocolate for me. He ran across the room, set the roses and chocolates down on the table, and scooped me up into a hug.

"I missed you, honestly I did." he said whispering into my ear then kissing me on the lips.

"I did miss you also." I said giving him a kiss back, but not as intense as he did.

He scooped the flowers and chocolates back up and gave them to me. "Thank you," I said smelling the flowers. My parents and his parents then sat down on two separate couches.

"Okay lets get things going," Mrs. Sanderson said.


Author's Note

Guess what?!?!?!?! My story has a thousand reads on it!!!!! Thanks you guys!! You are totally awesome and amazing!! I hope you like the new chapter!! Vote and comment what you think!! I have finals next week so I will be pretty busy. I will try to update sometime next weekend!! Hope you like the new chapter!!

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