Chapter 25

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I woke up to my stomach rolling so I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. Once I was done throwing up I made my way back to bed because I was exhausted. I crawled back into bed and Nathan sat up looking at me concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah I just threw up that is all," I said starting to fall asleep again.

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything else," he said gently kissing my forehead.

I rolled over and fell asleep immediately. A few hours later I awoke to find that Nathan wasn't in bed with me anymore. I crawled out of bed and made my way downstairs. When I came downstairs I found Nathan in the kitchen making some breakfast for me and him.

"Do you want some salsa on your omelet?" he asked me.

"Yes please!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I grabbed some fruit out of the fridge and also orange juice. I put them on the table and turned to ask him where the plates were. He pointed to a cupboard and found them along with some cups.

"How did all of this stuff get here?" I asked him.

"Well I thought we could spend the night here for once to get used to it once I got back from my trip."

"Well I am glad we did spend the night here," I said grabbing my plate from him and sitting down to eat. I then heard my phone go off, and I looked down to see who it was.

Brittany: So r we on for a shopping trip this afternoon?

Chelsea: Let me ask Nathan first to see if he wanted to do anything with me.

"Is it okay if I hang out with Brittany this afternoon at the mall?" I asked Nathan afraid he would say no.

"That is fine, maybe you two could buy some stuff for the wedding?" he said looking at me hopefully.

"Sure sounds good." I was so glad he said yes, and a little bit later I saw him slid a credit card over to me.

"Here you go, but spend it wisely," he said.

"Okay, but how will I be able to spend it without your signature?"

"We have a joint bank account already set up by your parents and mine."

"Okay sounds good. I better get ready then," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek then the lips. "Love you lots."

"Love you too babe," he said kissing me back.

Chelsea: I can come!! Plus we can look for stuff for the wedding!! Also I can pick you up in 30 minutes.

Brittany: Sounds good!! See you then!

I walked up the stairs and picked out my outfit. When I was finished I had 10 minutes left till I had to pick Brittany up. I grabbed my purse, phone, and sunglasses on the way down to the kitchen. I saw Nathan was sitting in the living room watching TV and also setting up a baby crib already.

"Where did you get this?" I asked him. "I still have 8 months and a few weeks."

"I know, I just wanted to get it done and over with now," he said smiling at me. "You look beautiful," he said standing up and grabbing me by the waist, pulling me close. We danced together listening to the music only him and I could hear, until I heard my phone go off.

Brittany: Where u at?

Chelsea: Oh sorry!! On my way!

Brittany: k see u in a bit!

"Sorry I got to go," I said kissing him on the lips.

"Okay, see you tonight. Here?" he asked me.

"Sure, what are you going to be doing today?"

"I was thinking maybe we could move everything in today?"

"What do you mean?"

"I would move my stuff in from my parents and yours from your parents?" he asked me looking very hopeful.

I debated because I wanted to do it together, but I really did like having our own privacy. "Who is going to help you?"

"I asked your parents last night and mine also, they were both fine with it. So they started to pack some things up, and I just texted them and they said they were almost done. My parents and I will pack everything up today which shouldn't take to long."

"Okay sounds good," I said giving him a kiss then hearing my phone go off I started towards the garage door. "Got to go! Love you!! Hopefully you get everything moved in tonight!"

"Okay love you too!"

I got into my new car, adjusted my seat, and opened the garage to go out. I finally found my way to Brittany's house after using the GPS system. When I pulled up to her house she came running outside her mouth hanging open.

"This is your present?" she said getting into the car.

"Yep, and we are also moving in together, well he is," I said smiling towards her.

"WHAT?!?!??!?!?!?! Why didn't you tell me?" she said screaming right into my ear.

"Because he just told me and I was also really excited about the idea."

"When we are done shopping you have to take me to your house!"

"Okay sounds like a deal. We also should pick up some furniture."

"Okay," she said looking excited. "How is the baby?"

"Pretty good except that I vomit every morning which I hate, but other than that I like it."

"That is good. I was thinking some Chipotles for dinner?"

"Yeah that sounds good!"

I pulled into the mall parking lot and went straight towards the furniture store when...


Author's Note

What do you think of the new chapter? Vote and comment what you think!! So sorry that I haven't updated in a while I have been so busy with my job and starting school again. The picture at the beginning of the chapter is Chelsea's outfit she is wearing. Vote and comment what you think!!! You guys are amazing to stick with my story!!!

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