Chapter 27

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I ran over and gave her a huge hug. "I was so scared that you had died or something," I said whispering into her ear.

"I was fine. I just felt a little woozy and light headed that is all."

"Well the reason why is because we are having twins."

"We are?" she asked me looking surprised.

"Yes, and I couldn't be anymore happy," I said kissing her on the cheek. "They have to keep you for tonight though just for observation reasons."

"O-o-kay," she said unsure of the whole thing.

"Oh by the way Brittany is outside waiting to talk to you so I will go get some coffee, and come back when you are done."

"Okay. Bye love you."

"Love you too," I said kissing her then her stomach.

Chelsea's P.O.V.

"Twins? I am having twins?" I said to myself unsure.

"How are you?" Brittany said looking concerned.

"I am good just really hungry now." I rang for the nurse. When she came in she took my order and took it down to the cafeteria. "Do you mind texting Beau for me please?"


"Because as I was getting into the shower I was texting him, and he asked me if he would ever marry me. That is the real reason why I fainted not because of low blood sugar. I bet he is probably really concerned that I haven't texted him back yet. Plus I don't know what happened to my phone during the whole ordeal."

"Yeah I can do that."

As soon as Brittany sent the text I heard a ping meaning she got a text back. "Chelsea, I am so glad you are okay! I was becoming concerned that I had scared you off or something like that with that text. Are you considering my offer? I know you are already engaged to Nathan, but please I feel like we had a spark. Also with the baby that is nothing I would love the child as if it were my own. With all my love. -Beau <3 Wow he really does love you!" Brittany said as she finished reading the text.

"Yeah, and I think I really love him too." As soon as the words left my mouth Nathan walks in.

"And I love you too babe," he said thinking that it was directed towards him.

Brittany then looked at me then back at Nathan with a nervous look on her face. She then pointed at her phone telling me that there was another text from Beau.

"Umm Nathan could you go find Nurse Amy and ask her if my food is done yet? She is either by the nurse station or down in the cafeteria. Thanks!"

"Chelsea could you please call me? Beau. Do you want my phone?" Brittany asked me as I snatched the phone out of her hands, and quickly dialed his number. He picked up after the first tone.

"Chelsea how are you doing my love? Is the baby okay?"

"I am doing fine Beau, and the babies are doing just fine."

"What do you mean by babies?"

"I am actually going to have twins!"

"Oh my gosh congrats! I am so happy for you!"

"Thank you! About your offer,"

"Will you consider it?"

"Yes I am considering it, and I will let you know soon. I promise. I have to go Nathan is coming back. Talk to you later. I love you."

"Okay I love you too."

I gave the phone back to Brittany as Nathan comes walking in the door holding a phone in his hand. I then notice the purple galaxy case on it and realize it is mine. Nathan's face is screwed up in a puzzled look, and an angry expression is on his face.

"What the hell are you doing talking to Beau?" he screams while striding across the room spit flying from his mouth. "Don't you love me?!?!?!?!?!"

"Nathan I can explain," I said trying to reason with him.

"No I am done with your excuses you ungrateful little whore!" As soon as he finished the sentence he flung the hot coffee at me and it landed all over me burning me.

Brittany then tried to push Nathan back and away from me but he ended up throwing across the room into a table and chairs. She wasn't moving. I tried to push the button for the nurse but then realized Nathan had it in his hand.

"Nathan please stop. I promise I will marry you if you just stop." I tried to get out of bed, but there were to many tubes hooked up to me that I couldn't. I could feel the burning of my skin, and I knew I had to get out of there some how.

"No I won't stop because you will keep on lying to me, and I don't like liars!" he said screaming at me. He then started to beat me in my face, chest, and belly.

"Stop!!!!!!!! Nathan please stop!!!!! The babies!!!! You are hurting them!!!!!"

"How do I know if they are mine anyways?" he asked me looking hurt.

"I promise they are yours and mine." But he still continued to beat me. When I got the chance I looked over to see that Brittany was breathing but she was badly hurt.I then noticed that the button was a few inches from my fingers. I reached and reached until I felt Nathan get off of me. I looked up to see Beau standing there trying to get him away from me. I reached over and pushed the button repeatedly until a nurse came in.

"Oh my god," she said then ran out of the room to call the police. She came back in with them and they arrested Nathan. Brittany was wheeled out of the room quickly because they said that she may have fractured her skull. They then wheeled me out to check on how the babies were, and any other damages.

"I love you!" Beau screamed out as I left the room.

"I love you too!" I said but a little more weakly, and connected by hands together to form a heart. Beau did the same thing.


Author's Note

I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Vote and comment what you think! Also I am sorry that it has been a while since I have updated! I have been busy with homework and work, but finals are soon so I will be free afterward to write! Also thinking about a sequel for this story!! More details will becoming soon! Enjoy the new chapter!!

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