Chapter 24

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"So what is your whole deal with I love Nathan one moment then it is I love Beau?" Brittany asked me looking at me confused.

"I absolutely love Nathan and I can't wait to get married to him. However with Beau I felt like I made a mistake getting engaged to Nathan. It feels like I should be marrying Beau, but that will be out of the question."

"I feel that you should take a break from all of this stress and come with me to go shopping at the mall." Brittany said looking concerned. "Plus all of this stress isn't good for the baby."

"I know," I said packing my PJs into my suitcase.

"Here let me help you," Brittany said as I was struggling to latch my suitcase together.

She finally got it closed when I heard Nathan calling up to me. "I am coming!!" I said yelling down.

"Thanks for listening to me. I really do appreciate it!" I said hugging Brittany.

"Your welcome," she said giving me a hug.

"I was starting to think you were going to stay the whole night up here!" I heard Nathan say to me as I turned around. He gave me a kiss on the head and asked if I was ready to go.

"Yeah got everything packed!" I said.

"Okay lets go!" he said looking excited.

"Talk to you later promise," I said turning to towards Brittany.

"Okay sounds good," she said giving me a hopeful smile.

We made our way out to his car and I placed my stuff in his back seat. "Are you ready to get married?" he asked me coming from behind and also scaring me at the same time.

"I guess, but I didn't expect it to happen this fast!" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay lets go then." he said opening the door for me and helping me to get into the car.

It didn't take long for us to get to his house when he said he had a surprise and told me to wait in the car. He went into the house and came back a few minutes later with a piece of paper. He got into the car and backed out of his driveway.

"Where are we going?" I asked him looking a little concerned.

"Just wait and find out," he said with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Okay," I said looking skeptical.

"Don't worry! You will like this surprise! I promise!"

We drove for a few more miles before we came to a light blue two storied house with a red door. It also had a perfect lawn with a few wicker chairs on the porch.

"What is this place?" I asked Nathan looking confused.

"It is our new house, and I was wondering if you would like to spend tonight in here?"

"Yes," I said leaning over and giving him a kiss on the lips.

"There is a surprise for you in there," he told me a goofy grin on his face.


I made my way up the sidewalk towards the house. It was beautiful and all, but I couldn't imagine myself in that house with Nathan all I could think of was Beau for some odd reason. I shook my head and told myself I was marrying Nathan and that was final. I opened the front door and in there was a note saying to go to the garage. I made my way to the garage and opened it to find a new car. It was a Volvo S60 Cross Country car and it was in a cherry red just like Nathan's Ford.

"It is beautiful!!!!" I said exclaiming running over to Nathan and giving him a kiss and a hug.

"I am glad you like it! It was just released last week and you were the first one to get one. Are you tired?" he asked me looking concerned all of the sudden.

"Yeah," I said stifling a huge yawn. "I haven't gotten much sleep lately."

"You should be now that you are going to be a mother soon."

"I know, and that is why I want you to carry me up to our bedroom."

"Yes your majesty," Nathan said chuckling to himself while he swept me up in his arms and carried me up to the master bedroom. He then laid me gently on the bed pausing to kiss my belly ever so slightly then kissing me on the forehead. "Night my love. Love you, sleep good."

I rolled over and gave him a kiss when he got into bed, "Love you too."

I curled up next to him and he put his arm around me. "I really do love you," I said to him.

"And I really love you too." he said kissing me.

Then a wave a nausea overtook me, and I ran to towards the bathroom were I made it just in time. Then I felt some hands gather my hair back and hold while I threw up my supper into the toilet. When I was done I washed my mouth out and made my way back towards the bedroom. When I walked in Nathan was standing there with some soup, crackers, and a movie.

"Hungry?" he asked me.

"Yes, and I have two people to feed here!" I said joking around with him. I grabbed the tray and made my way to the bed and Nathan then put the movie in. He got into bed with me and started the movie.

"I can't believe in two short weeks you will be all mine Chelsea Sanderson," he said using his last name instead of mine.

"Me too," I said but I honestly don't know if I was going to marry him or Beau...


Author's Note

I am so sorry that I haven't updated in forever!!!!! I have been a lot busier than I thought!! But I promise I will update more before I go back to school!! What do you think of the new chapter? Vote and comment what you think! Who do you think Chelsea will end up with? Comment what you think! I hope you all have a Happy New Year!!!! And a safe one!!! The picture at the beginning of the chapter is what I imagine Chelsea's PJs look like. Hope you approve!! You guys are awesome and amazing!!! Thanks so much for sticking with my story!!! I really do appreciate it!!!!!

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