Chapter Twenty

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Second to last chapter :):

+ Sky +

On December 19th, 2014 at an estimated 12:32 A.M. Rachel fell into a coma.

On December 24th, 2014 at 11:55 P.M. Rachel's heart stopped beating.

On December 24th, 2014 at 11:59 P.M. Rachel was proclaimed dead.

On December 25th, 2014 at 12:00 A.M. a miracle happened and her heart started beating again.

On December 27th, 2014 at 3:15 P.M. I'm waiting at her bedside, in hopes she'll wake up today.

This whole experience has been absolutely terrifying. I can barely eat, having no desire too, and no means of keeping it down. I can't sleep, every night I'm awoken with the nightmares of Rachel dying. I have no will to do anything but sit by her bedside and wait. I should be getting my final performances in since I'll be leaving soon, but I have no desire to perform while Rachel is like this.

The doctors are unsure of what exactly happened to her. Then again who could blame them, no one has any idea what happened before I found her. Police went to search her room to see if they could find any clues as too what happened. The first theory was drug overdose, solely based on the fact that she had no external injuries, not even a bruise. All they found in her room was a case of Advil, still filled to the brim. They took a blood test, nothing. It wasn't drug overdose.

The next theory was stress and anxiety, but doctors found her stress levels were average. Her anxiety levels not so much. It still wasn't enough to cause her to shut down in such a matter. 

The quest for answers to the puzzling question continues. Nothing seems to match up though. For some reason her body just shut down, a reason that no doctor can find. They even brought in specialists, medical professors from Northwestern and other Universities, even doctors from other countries heard what was happening and came to help, but nobody can find an answer.  

That's the worse part. With no knowledge of what happened it is almost impossible to help wake her. All doctors are able to do at the moment is put her on life support and wait.

She has laid here for nine days, motionless. Actually that is a lie she had a seizure right before her heart stopped beating. Other than that she hasn't moved.

I hate to admit it but I've lost all hope. There is no telling what happened to her or how to help her. Many doctors say she may never wake up and they can't keep her on life support forever.

"Will you at least go and shower?" I hear Josh say shaking me out of my thoughts. "If anything's going to kill her it will be your stench."

"Not cool," I mumble.

"We all just need to accept the fact that she isn't waking up," he says.

"How can you say something like that?" I ask peeling my eyes from Rachel and turning to him. He's standing in the doorway with his arms folded, seeming like he couldn't care less.

"I've already lost her," he whispers. "The only pain that's worse than someone you love being dead, is them being alive and wanting nothing to do with you."

"You know she cares about you," I say.

He frowns, "She chose you," he says sharply. "The last time it seemed like I mattered in her life was before I made my mistakes," he says. "Ever since then I've been the dead one." He walks away from the room, I can't help but feel bad for him.

Suddenly a flood of doctors and nurses file into the room. They all seem to be in a panic.

"I can't believe we missed this," I hear one say.

"Sir," someone taps my shoulder and I turn to see a nurse. "You are going to have to leave," she says trying to stay calm in all the chaos.

"What's happening?" I ask starting to feel panicked too.

"All will be explained later," she says and ushers me out of the room.

When I'm out of the room I hear something that makes my stomach drop.

"Get her to surgery now, we only have a few hours before this kills her, and hearts don't fix themselves," a doctor shouts.

If there was anything in my system it would be making a return trip. Thankfully there is nothing to take the unwanted journey.

On December 27th, 2014 at 3:35 P.M. Rachel is wheeled into surgery.  

On December 27th, 2014 at 3:38 P.M doctors begin operation on Rachel.

I pace in the waiting room, biting each of my nails to the nub. I'm not the only one though, various people in this room are doing different tactics to deal with our anxiety. One lady is knitting and rocking back and forth, another is listening to music and sobbing, another man only a few years older than me is doing the same tactic as me, and another person is on their knees, praying.

I wait and wait. I don't hear any news for hours.

On December 27th, 2014 at 7:46 P.M. Rachel's operation concludes.

On December 27th, 2014 at 7:50 P.M. a nurse came to talk to me about the operation.

"You are here for Rachel Bailey, correct?" She asks while flipping pages over on her clipboard.

"Yes," I say starting to tap my toes and bite my nails. "Is she okay?"

"She made it out of surgery and is in recovery, as far as we know nothing worrisome happened to her during the procedure. What had happened was that during her coma her heart started failing and wasn't sending blood to her brain, this may be why she hasn't been recovering but we aren't sure. Now it will be even longer before she recovers." She explains.

"Can I see her?" I ask.

"Are you family?"


"Then, I'm sorry to say that for the first twelve hours after surgery only family can see her," she says.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"You've been here almost the entire time she's been here," the nurse starts. "Trust me you need these twelve hours, get a good night's rest and come back in the morning."

I do just that.

When I get to my hotel room which I haven't been in for a little over a week I take a shower, which I almost fall asleep during. Afterwards I just put on sweatpants, brush my teeth, shave, and immediately fall asleep, even though it's barely nine o'clock.

When I wake up I get ready and start to head back to the hospital. I get there in ten minutes and I get to Rachel's room at nine thirty.

On December 28th, 2014 at 9:34 A.M. Rachel wakes up.

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