Chapter 3

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I woke up to the warm feeling of someone's arms around my waist. I smiled and snuggled against him. "Liam?", I asked, remembering my blonde haired an grey eyed boyfriend. That someone next to me growled. "Who's Liam?", he growled.

I sighed. Oh, it was just Kade.

"Liam was my ex.", I sighed, remembering the pain. "He was the reason why I moved to Alaska 10 years ago."

"Why, what did he do?"

"Oh, he just raped me and abused me, it wasn't really...bad."

Kade growled lowly. It was so low, I was afraid that he was going to become a wolf again, just like he said, especially of when a werewolf gets angry. "Calm down.", I begged. "Please calm down. He hasn't hurt me since, please calm down."

Kade looked into my eyes, and slowly, his eyes turned only their natural color. Beautiful amber. I smiled at him. "I'm fine.", I said again.

Kade nodded, still a bit angry. "But when I get my hands on him, he's dead.", he growled again. I nodded. "Okay, okay, I get it, he's dead.", I agreed. Finally, someone who really loved me. Someone that should've taken my virginity. Not some sore loser that didn't care if I was ready or not. It definitely wasn't real love.

But Kade and I, this is real... Wait, what an I talking about? I only met this man last night! I jumped off the bed. I know we were mates, but right now, I don't care. I mean I do, but... No. I have to go. I took one last look into Kade's confused eyes, and took of like there was no tomorrow.

Once I reached the hallway, I didn't stop. I ran through multiple hallways, up and down stairs. I couldn't stay, I was freaking kidnapped, mate or not! Finally I reached the living room. The living room was a fancy room with a TV, fireplace, velvet couches, ect. What disturbed and almost frightened me, though, was that there were more of them. More werewolves, probably Kade's pack.

They all snapped their heads towards me, growling. Their eyes flashed fiercely. I gasped. I definitely didn't expect this. "What are you doing here, hunter?", one man snapped. He had ginger colored hair and green eyes that slowly turned black. With the power rolling off of him, I guessed that he was Beta.

"I-I'm sorry.", I whispered. "I d-didn't m-me-mean to a-anger you."

"Come here.", the man ordered. I slowly came forward.

"What is your business here?"

"I-I don't want to b-be here, I'm sorry!"

"Then why are you here?!", The man stood up, snarling viciously while flashing his fangs. I yelped in surprise at the sudden movement. "When I call my Alpha, he will tear every limb off of your body.

I relaxed. "Yea, he could try.", I said weakly.

"What was that?", the man snarled in my face.

"I said he could try!", I yelled, anger coursing through me veins. No one snarls at me.

"Watch and learn, mutt."

I grinned. They had no idea. "Why are you grinning?", the man yelled again. "You're about to die!"

"That's where you're wrong, there.", I said. "You see, the Alpha brought me here. And we're-"

"Mate.", a voice growled. I spun around only to meet a masculine and rock hard chest. "Hi.", I said shyly, trying to walk away.

"Mate.", he growled again, pulling his arms around me before I could move again. He looked up at his Beta. "Christopher, if you lay a finger on her, I will personally kill you." Christopher looked at us in fear and surprise.

"I apologize, Alpha.", he whispered. "I didn't know."

"Yup, so can I go now?", I asked, squirming in Kade's strong grip.

"No." Kade growled.

I growled back, not that I sounded anywhere near animalistic. "Let go of me!", I whined. Kade growled again. "No!", he growled, but even louder this time. I whimpered, scared that he'd get louder and start yelling. But I had an idea. Men always have a weak spot.

I spun around and smiled apologetically. "Sorry if it hurts.", I said. Kade threw me a confused look, but that soon changed once I kneed his baby maker. I grunted in pain as he reached down to clutch it in pain. "Again, sorry.", I said. I squirmed successfully out of his arms, continuing l run all over the place to find the medicine house. I really need to find Dakoto. Without him, I'm nothing. "Dakoto!", I yelled.

At first I heard nothing. Then, a few seconds later I hear the sounds of cursing and yelling. And paw steps. I followed the sound of paw steps, hoping it would be Dakoto. It was. There was bandage wrapped around his stomach and one of his paws.

"Dakoto!", I cried, grinning from ear to ear. My baby is safe! Dakoto barked, his tail wagging from side to side. "Come here, Dakoto, let's get outta here.", I whispered, hearing heavy footsteps in the distance. I tugged on Dakoto's collar, urging him to follow. Together we turned the corner, hearing the footsteps get louder. I saw a door at the end of the hallway.

"C'mon, Dakoto.", I whispered faintly into his perked up ears. I silently dragged him along with me towards the door. The footsteps were getting even louder. "Kelly?", Kade's voice called. "I know you're somewhere around here!" As I had feared, Kade turned the corner. And looked straight at me. My heart stopped. Not only because I had been caught, but because of this stupid mate thing.

"Kelly!", Kade growled. "Get over here!"

Dakoto growled up at Kade. "Sh, boy, be quiet.", I warned him. "My dog and I will be going now."

Kade shook his head. "No you won't.", he said. "You're staying with me."

I laughed as if he was crazy. "I can't live with a man that I just met yesterday.", I said, shaking my head no. Without another word, I dragged Dakoto with me into the room. I watched as Kade watched with a scowl on his face. "I can break the door if you lock it.", he warned.

"I'll be gone before you do so.", I said. "I believe this is only the first floor, therefore, I can jump."

I slammed the door shut before a word could sink into his head. "Kelly, don't you dare!", Kade bellowed. The lower rolling off of him made me whimper, but I held my ground. Human's had a better chance of disobeying their Alpha mates. Walking over to the window, I threw it open, waiting for Dakoto.

"Jump, boy.", I whispered in his ear. He whined.

"Kelly, don't make me do this!", Kade roared outside of the door. I flinched, but again held my ground.

"Go, boy jump!", I screamed as the door flew off of its hinges. Dakoto decided to jump at that right moment. I watched as he ran off towards the cabin, which was pretty far off in the distance, but I knew where it was. It was always in the north.

"Kelly.", Kade growled lowly. He looked incredibly sexy when he was angry. I shook my head. "Bye", I chirped, falling out of the window.

"KELLY SANDERS!!!", Kade roared. Suddenly I heard the ripping of clothes.

"Oh shit!", I whisper yelled to myself. He shifted, no doubt. I knew I wouldn't be a fast a him, but I did the one thing I could. I gave myself a head start and ran.


Yayz! Do you like it. Things are bound to get interesting. What will Jelly find at home? Will Kade find her? Does she even get caught? :D Comment, vote and fan.

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