Chapter 17

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I groaned in dismay. My wounds were bandages and feeling much better, but why did I have to wear a stupid "bandaid" on my cheek? How the hell was that thing a bandaid? It was huge, maybe Dr. Gonzales got his facts wrong.

Dr. Gonzales gave me a stern look when I tried to peel the bandaid off of my cheek. "Now, Luna, don't touch it or else the infections will just get worse."

What he said made my hands drop to my lap. Infections? That damn bitch gave me infections?! I sighed, trying to calm myself down. Justine was a werewolf, whereas I was not. Justine could kill me any minute of the day, whereas I couldn't kill anyone except my own family in this building to save my life. Besides, everyone ( not including Justine ) has been so nice to me. Why would I want to kill them?

Hey babe, a voice that sounded an awful lot like Kade's boomed in my head.

I jumped. What the... I must've been imagining things or something. Maybe Justine had some poison in her nails or something, and I was just hullucitnating. Calm down, you're not hullucitnating, the voice said again.

I gulped. How did he get in my mind? At the moment I was a little freaked out by the fact that he could chat with me anytime he wanted, but at the same time, I was kind if happy about it. So if I ever got bored or lonely, this was a great opportunity. But how did I speak back?

Just think about what you want to say.

Alright then, I think. Hi!

I can hear his deep chuckle in my mind, and I laugh along with him. Dr. Gonzales stared at me oddly for a moment, before going back to his job. "Kids," he muttered. I stared at him. Kids? I'm pretty sure we weren't kids. I was 28, not a kid. Maybe he thought of it that way because he was about seventy years old, but still. I was not a kid.

I huffed. Dr. Gonzales just called us kids, I huffed in my mind.

He's just old, Kade said.

Well that's just great, I thought sarcastically.

Sarcasm is for kids, you know!

I rolled my eyes. Same old Kade.

Now that I thought about it, I really wanted to get out of this room. It was so claustrophobic and cluttered. Besides, I was feeling so much better. I really wanted to talk to Lins, Ky, or maybe even Kiki. You know, a little but if sister time.

I'm bored, I whined, and Kade chuckled again.

As if upon hearing this, Dr.Gonzales swiveled his chair around and looked at me with a small smile on his face. "Well, Luna, it seems you are fine aside from the infection on your face," he announced. "You're good to go, have a good day." There it was again. Infections. I scowled. And Justine had the nerve to do that to me.

When I finally got out, I was surprised to see Ky, Lin, and Kiki all waiting for me outside the door. I grinned wide to let them know that I was semi-okay, despite the burning sensation on my wounded cheek. I swear, when I saw Justine I was going to give her a peace if my mind. The girls all stared at me for a moment of shocked silence. I stared back.

Kiki spoke first. "Oh my god, you're finally out!" she exclaimed. "Are you okay? I heard about what the bitch did to you."

Ky, Lin, and I all looked at her funny. "Language," I scolded.

Kiki rolled her eyes. "I don't care," she sounded exasperated. "You do it, too!"

"Well..." she was right. "Touchè."

Ky giggled. "I like your sister, she's very...reckless."

Lin managed a horrified face. "Oh no," she whispered. "Are you going to her mentor? Oh no, you beat me to it!"

Ky stuck her tongue out at her sister. "Oh, shut up."

Kiki cleared her throat awkwardly. "Um, I'm good thanks," she declared. "I'm sure I can teach myself how to be pretty badass."

I gave her a sour look. Whether she saw it or not, I had no idea. "Language."

My sister groaned. "You know what?" she said. "I better go help mom unpack, I promised her I would. Bye!" And in the blink of an eye, she disappeared down the hallway. I prayed that she wouldn't get lost, but somehow I knew that that was a lost cause.

"Good luck to her," Ky snorted. "If she doesn't get lost in these hallways, I wonder what'll happen."

"You're so optimistic," Lin muttered sarcastically. Before another word could be uttered, she grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs, through a number of hallways, until we were in the living room. She let go of me and hopped onto the couch, patting the spot next to her. I sat next to her.

A few moments later, Ky came in with a bag of popcorn and handed it to me, since I was in the middle. Then she walked over to the movie rack and selected one, slipping it into the DVD compartment for the TV and pressing play. "The Notebook," she answered the unasked question. I looked at Lin for help. She gave me an incredulous look.

"You don't know what The Notebook is?!" she nearly yelled.

Ky turned to look at us. "Well now she does!" she said. "The Notebook is one of the most popular romance stories. I love it, Lin loves it, not so sure about Kade..."

I giggled. Of course he didn't. He was a guy, for God's sake. As if to answer my question he walked in. He took one look at the screen, gave us a "really" look, and walked back out. We all burst out laughing.

"Yep," Lin said. "Totally loves it."

We were at least thirty minutes into the movie when the sliding door slid open with a bang. I jumped and gaped at the wide open door. I watched as five figures, all glad in black bikers' outfits, strutted in as if they owned this place. Their leader looked around before holding my eye.

I gulped. He was hot. His dirty blonde hair was slicked back, and his light blue eyes held mine. He wore a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and a pair of black hard boots. He smirked at me before ushering his friends in and shutting the door.

"Hello, ladies," he said smoothly. "I believe I have met Lindsay and Ky before, but I don't believe I've met the beautiful redhead."

"Of course you haven't," Ky spat. "She's the Alpha's mate, Ryder, you and your crew back off. She's not in the market."

I wanted to ask her what she meant, but I was afraid to ask. I held onto Lin's arm and prayed that Ryder and his gang would go away. Instead, they walked towards us, blocking our view of the TV. My grip on Lin's arm tightened. I gulped again when J caught him staring at me. Ky placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Back off," Ky snarled. "Or we call Kade."

"Boohoo, I'm going to call big brother so he can protect me," Ryder mocked. I instantly disliked him.

I scowled at him. "I have a problem with bikers," I hissed. "So get your ass out of the way so I can watch the damn movie."

I saw Lin and Ky fighting back a grin after I said that. To say Ryder looked shocked was an understatement. He looked horrified. His friends looked surprised. I guessed that no one had the guts to stand up to the big, bad riders.

"W-what did you say?" He growled, his eyes flashing black.

I widened my eyes. Oh god. I couldn't afford to get attacked by two angry werewolves in one day. I wanted to scream for Kade, but I couldn't find my voice. So instead, I relied on my instincts.

I got up, walked over to the angered biker, smiled sweetly, and kneed him in the balls. His anger quickly faded and was instead replaced with pain. I could hear Ky and Lin giggling behind me. I looked from the biker group's fallen leader to them. They all took a step back from me and I smiled.

"At least you guys are smart," I said.


It's been a serious while. While you guys are at it, please check out LittleMissOddball's profile if you like Alpha rogue mates, and also check out SaturnKitty's if you like romances that start with donut shops.

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