Chapter 10

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Kiki sighed in distress. What was bothering her? Kiki wasn't one to be distressed...well, she was 3. Has anyone ever seen a distressed baby? Heck, I wasn't even there for most of her life. I was a terrible sister.

"It all started last year on my birthday.", she started. She looked away from everyone, looking down at her shoes. "Liam was there, like every other year. Except this time..." She sighed, tears slipping down her face. "He followed me up to my room. He said something about Kelly being a terrible girlfriend and inconsiderate to his needs, so..." She started to sob. "He raped me! And now I understand it all, he raped Kelly, too! Didn't he?"

I didn't realized that tears were slipping down my face until I nodded, my tears falling into my hands. "H-he was a terrible man.", I sobbed, burying my face into Kade's chest. "He almost k-killed me!"

Kade wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my head. "My darling, you know that I'll always be there for you.", he whispered. I nodded, pulling away to kiss him on the cheek. I looked back at my parents, who were staring from Kiki, to me, then to Kade in shock, repeating the whole process several times.

"So you mean to tell us", dad began, looking at Kiki and I, "that Liam is a bad man?"

Kiki and I nodded. "And you mean to tell us", mom added, looking from Kade to me, "that you two are together?"

I nodded, grinning. "I would tell you the whole story, but you have to keep it a secret." I whispered. I looked back at Kade for permission and he nodded. I smiled at him, then kissed his lips.




"I still can't believe that he's a werewolf.", Kiki muttered.

We were now walking along the forest edge, my parents, Kiki, Kade, and I. They were all eyeing him with disbelief. I grinned at them.

"Kade, shift.", I ordered him, putting my hands in my hips.

"Gladly.", was his reply as he stripped off his clothes and shifted into his beautiful black brown wolf. My family gave their own gasps of surprise.

"Oh my gawd!", Kiki shrieked. "He...he is a werewolf!"

I rolled my eyes. Did I seriously look like that when I first saw him shift for me? I laughed out loud at the thought. "Okay, baby, shift back and put your clothes on.", I said, patting his head. He obeyed, and soon enough, he was back in human form.

"OMG!", Kiki squealed. "I so want a mate! Someone to care for me, someone to love me, someone to-"

I cut her off. "Kiki.", I laughed. "Maybe you will, maybe you won't. It's not an everyday occurrence. Plus, you're too young to find your mate. You have to be at least 18."

Kiki pouted. "I wish I was 18.", she muttered.

Kade laughed. "You'll get your chance in 5 years, Ki.", he said. Trust me, it's only been 2 hours but the two of them have already developed nicknames for each other. Not that I minded.

"Oh, but, Kay!", she whined. See what I mean?... "I wanna be 18 now!"

"Don't worry, Kiwi, time flies by fast.", I said. "Once you're 18, you'll be wondering what the heck happened to the time."

Kiki sighed. "Yeah right.", she grumbled. I looked up at my parents. They were still eyeing Kade with disbelief. I gave out my own sigh. "Mom, dad, can you please stop staring!", I whisper yelled at them, hoping that Kade wouldn't hear. Who am I kidding?! Of course he'll hear me! He had werewolf hearing!

I heard Kade chuckle. Yup, he definitely heard that. Mom looked at me and forced a creepy smile onto her face, while dad just continued to stare at Kade. I groaned. My parents looked like zombies right now. What if they are? Oh my gawd, what if they were attacked by zombies while we weren't looking and just when they were about to attack us they-

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