Chapter 5

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Hey guys! A new chapter, more drama. Some people don't like drama, but whatevs. But everyone should love a great story!


"Ooookay.", I muttered, slowly walking backwards towards the door with a blush on my face. "Guess I'll be going." I spun around and dashed for the door. But before I could even reach the handle, strong arms-Kade's-wrapped around my waist like a vine.

"Where do you think you're going?", he whispered huskily in my ear and I shivered.

"Um, home.", I replied, trying to escape his grasp. "Let go of me." As I wiggled around in Kade's arms, I turned to plead Lou with my eyes to get the man off me. Lou just shook his head, watching us in amusement.

I gasped in fake hurt. I was being kidnapped by an Alpha. Again. And Lou won't do anything to stop it!

I screamed for help again, and fortunately, I got help. Except it wasn't from Lou. It was from a woman about Lou's age with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. "Kade!", she yelled. "Put the girl down! You're scaring the poor thing!"

Kade cursed under his breath and threw a glare at me, which I quickly returned. He threw me down onto the floor. "Ow!", I complained. The woman swooped down to help me. "You okay, dear?", she asked kindly. I nodded.

"Yup, couldn't be better.", I said, sighing as I got up.

"Darling, leave the two alone, it's normal behavior.", Lou said, smiling at the woman. "That's Kelly, Kade's mate."

I blushed as the woman gave me a knowing look. "Well, I'm Wendy.", she said, grinning while looking from Kade to me.

Kade groaned. "Okay, okay, now can I please continue to kidnap her?!", he whined.

"No!", I yelled, while Kade's parents said, "Go ahead." I shot both of them a murderous glare, squirming as Kade carried me up the stairs.

"Next time you're naughty, I'll have to punish you.", Kade whispered in my ear. My eyes widened as I stopped squirming. "You wouldn't.", I whispered under my breath.

He chuckled. " I would.", he said. "But don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

I sighed, going limp against his back. It was a rather comfy spot. As if sensing my thoughts, and I'm pretty sure that's what he did, Kane chuckled again. "I agree, babe, it is a rather comfy spot.", he said. I groaned. Can't I go one week without him in my personal thoughts?

"Nope, I have to check your thoughts every minute of the day.", Kade said.

I groaned in frustration. Now how do I block him?...

"Don't.", he growled. "One of my major rules that I expect you to follow: never block me out of your mind,"

Jeez! He sounded like some overprotective father! Father... I miss him. He probably thinks I'm dead. And so does mom. And Kiki. And Liam. But that's the reason why I won't go out into public ad tell my family that I'm okay. Liam. It's better that they all think I'm dead.

"Stop thinking about him.", Kane growled in my ear, making me jump. "It makes me angry."

I sigh again. Nope, I can't go a freaking week without him all up in my personal business. Screw him.

"If you insist, I'd be happy to screw."

I gasped angrily. Fuck him. He was so...I don't know! Immature! Get him out of my mind! Get him out NOW! I can't deal with men like him!

"Yes you can, just obey my rules and commands and you'll be fine."

I am not a house wife! I let out a scream of frustration. Who did he think he was?!?!

"I'm the Alpha of his pack, who do you think you are?", he chuckled.

Give me a break! How the hell do I block him? Finally, ending my misery, we made it back to Kade's room. Not that I was terribly happy about being held hostage. Again.

"Tell me why I'm here.", I demanded.

"Because you're my mate, and you're not supposed to run away from mates.", he said, laying me down on the bed. He put his muscular arms on either side of my body as leaned in close. "Especially Alphas, they'll make you regret you ever ran."

His warm minty breath fanned across my face. I tried to sit up and wriggle away from him, but dammit. He had strong arms, I was helpless compared to him.

"So what if I leave you?", I asked warily. "What use am I to you?"

Kade seemed to get angry at this. "You are my mate.", he said again. "You're designed to love me, and I'm designed to love you. Also, I so happen to be an Alpha. An Alpha can't lead the pack without his Luna by his side. I thought we've been through this before?"

"We have!", I exclaimed, exasperated. "But it just so happens that I don't want a mate, I'm done with love, thank you very much!"

Kade growled. "Liam did this to you didn't he.", he muttered. "Is that why you've been running away from me?"

"Maybe...", I muttered.

"It's either yes or no!"

"Fine, yes! It's all because of him!"

Kade's eyes softened. "Please baby.", he pleaded. "I promise I won't be like him. I would never intend to hurt you."

"That's what they all say." Even though I said that, I couldn't help but believe him. Maybe it was a mate thing. Maybe Kade's using my feelings for him to his advantage. Maybe he'll trash me like Liam did. I can't trust him!

"Kelly!", Kade yelled. His face was confronted with pain. "You can trust me. I'm your mate for crying out loud! I'm supposed to love you, and I promise I will! I will never trash you like your ex did! Please, you have to trust me!"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Kade.", I whispered. "My past has taught me everything. All men are the same."

"Not all men are the same! I'm not like Liam. Why can't you understand that?"

"And why can't you understand that I don't want a mate? So just back off, I'm nothing to you."

Kade's lips were on mine before I even knew what hit me. The kiss was rough and demanding, as well as possessive. It created sparks between us, and it was the best thing that I've ever felt. When he pulled away, I was too shocked and in heaven to speak.

"That kiss proved how much you mean to me.", he whispered huskily. We were both breathing heavily. I still couldn't speak. All the love was packed into that kiss. Could I believe him? Tht was one hell of a kiss.

"Fine, I'll give you a chance.", I whispered. "But if you blow it once, I won forgive and forget."


Yay! She's finally given him a chance! And just a little side note, I want to see who's managed to try out the server that I put up. Just comment and stuff, maybe send me a message.

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