Chapter 18

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After finishing the movie I went upstairs to look for Kade. I hoped-more like prayed-that I would find him somewhere around here and soon. It was awfully lonely, even though I had Ky and Lins and my family. I guess you couldn't call me lonley, actually. All I wanted was him at the moment.

"You looking for my brother?" a voice I distinguished as Ky asked from behind me.

I turned around. "Uh, maybe," I answered, but the blush that crept up my face said otherwise.

Ky smirked at me. "I'll take that as a yes," she teased. "Anyway, my brother's downstairs in his office. He doesn't usually let people in while he's working, but you may be an exception."

"Alright, thanks." I walked away from her with a blush still evident on my face.

Standing in front of Kade's office door, I worried about what Ky said. What if he didn't let me in? What if he did let me in but he wouldn't be happy to see me? What if I would just distract him from his work? What if-

"Kelly, stop playing the what-if game and just get in here," I heard Kade laugh from the other side of the door.

I pushed the heavy oak door and scoffed. Kade was behind a large oak desk that was covered with multiple stacks of paper. He was leaning back as far as the deluxe leather seat could go. His eyes were closed but I could tell that he sensed me. His lips twitched upwards slightly.

His eyes opened and he grinned at me. "Welcome, lovely, to this wonderful room where back-aching work is induced and no one leaves the room without thinking 'damn, that's a shitload of paperwork'."

I scoffed again, but I had to admit. That was a shitload of paperwork. If he hadn't said it so nonchalantly I would've worried about it. But then again, it seemed like something you'd worry about. I sat down on the one edge of the desk that wasn't covered with paper.

"Don't you think about getting organized?" I asked, grimacing at a scattered pile on the floor.

Kade sported a lopsided grin. "Well, do you want to do the work?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "No thank you, that's your job."

"I always thought it was a woman's job."

I punched his shoulder. "Now you're just being sexist."

Kade rubbed the area I'd hit. "Alright, sorry, geez." Then he noticed where I was sitting and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Why don't you come sit on my lap?" he asked, "It's way more comfy."

I rolled my eyes but went to sit on his lap anyway. I'll secretly admit, it was a bit comfy, but no way am I admitting that aloud. Kade wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned back to rest my head on his shoulder. Damn, he was made of muscle. But he was still pretty comfy to sit on.

"See? Much better," Kade's voice was husky now.

I could feel his breath on my neck. My breathing hitched. I was pretty positive that I was leaning into his touch. Slowly, he lowered his lips onto my neck as if I were some figment of his imagination. Honestly, I felt like I was going to disappear and wake up from this dream, too.

And then the mother of all nuisances happened. Of course, someone just had to open the door. Kade and I jumped apart, which was hard considering that I was practically sitting on him. In fact, I still was.

I blushed when Christopher walked in. He shot me an icy glance before looking at the Alpha. I had a feeling that he didn't fancy me very much, being human and all, but other than that he seemed like a good guy. Well... somewhat of a good guy.

"Well, now, how's your job going, Alpha?" he mocked.

"Just fine," Kade growled. I could feel his grip on my waist tighten. I placed a hand against his chest to possibly calm him down before things went awry. His breathing slowed down and his hard stare faltered.

"What is your business here, Beta?" Kade asked again. He stressed out Beta as though to remind Christopher of his place. If the Beta noticed he didn't acknowledge it.

"Two things. Luna, we have gathered your pets. I'm afraid I feel more comfortable discussing the second thing without a female audience."

A wave of anger hit me. "I am grateful that you've brought my wolves, but I don't think you have to be so sexist," I defended.

Kade nodded. "She's right, whatever you have to say you can say it in front of your Luna."

Christopher nodded stiffly. "Alright. Well, the patrols have found a few fellow pack members dead in the woods just right now."

Kade stiffened and I knew that all ideas of a happy make out session were out the door. "What? How?" he asked. Concern for his pack was laced into his voice.

"There's a warning note. Wouldn't you like to know who it's from?"

"Who is it? Tell me!"

"Well, it's Alpha Liam, of course."

I froze. I swear, my heart froze with it. Liam killed innocent people from my pack just right now. I don't even care if it wasn't even his work, maybe he ordered his pack to do it, but that was just crossing the line. He needed to be punished, be brought to justice... but then again, what could a simple human girl do? What could I possibly do?

"Beta, what was on the warning note?" I asked quietly.

Christopher smiled warily. "Sadly, he demands that we hand him a certain ruby ring that, may I add, we don't even have."

"Ruby ring? What... what does it look like? Did he describe it?"

"Yes, it's described as a Ruby ring with emeralds surrounding. Apparently it was gifted to a rather young maiden..."

That ring. I know that ring. It was my wedding ring before I ran away. I ran away with it. Of course, I still have it. Unlike the promise ring that I threw into the ocean, I kept my wedding ring.

I was going to be sick.

"Kelly?" Kade asked worriedly. "Kelly, what's wrong, babe?"

"Luna, you look pale."

People killed because of my doing. I should've just left the ring behind. Innocent people killed just because of my one selfish action. What will Kade think of me now? What will my pack think of me now?

Kade lifted my chin up and forced me to look into his eyes. His eyes, glowing amber, held so much love for me already. I wanted to cry. How could I already let my pack down and I just got here?

"Kelly." Kade said my name slowly but sternly. "It's not your fault, alright?"

I nodded, but I was barely reassured. Kade was still staring at me, making me feel even more self conscious. I wanted to curl up into a ball and just cease to exist.

"Christopher, privacy please," Kade barked.

The moment I heard the door click shut I started to cry. Kade kissed my tears away until I finally stopped. I looked up at him.

"Why would he do that for just a ring?" I demanded.

Kade only shook his head. "I don't know, babe. I've always known that that man has no soul."

"We have to so something. Anything. But what?"

"Anything he wants is probably bad, so we're going to have to keep the ring."

"Then what do we do?"

"I say we declare war."


I'm sorry it's been a while. It's only been a few months, but uh, I think that's still a while.

So, vote for a cookie.

Comment for a little piece of cake.

Fan for a lovely whole cake.

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