Chapter 9

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So, ladies and gentlemen. Who's glad to see another chapter? I'm certain I am. Well enough chit chat, Im certainly planning to do all of the author's notes at the end of each chapter of each book. So yea, I hope this'll be the last time we all see a previous note.


Where was he taking me? My heart thumped with excitement. I don't think he warned me about a date. Is this a date? Oh no, I wasn't ready!

"Relax, babe.", Kade whispered into my ear. I suppressed a shiver. "You're going to be fine."

We were driving down many unfamiliar roads, but of course, I've lived in the wilderness for 10 years, what would you be thinking? Finally, we made a stop in front of a restaurant. Oh no...this really was a date after all wasn't it...

"Babe, calm down.", Kade said, climbing out of the car and appearing suddenly at my side. He opened the door for me, then grabbed my had and led me into the restaurant.

"Ah, yes, we're here to meet with Mr.Finch.", Kade said to the lady in the front. She nodded and handed him a clipboard, smiling flirtatiously at him. I couldn't help but feel pang of jealously as Kade faked a smile back at the woman.

"Right this way, sir.", she purred, not even acknowledging my presence. I'm pretty sure I was steaming as I walked, no, sulked, behind. We were led to a small room with floral printed carpet and neat yellow walls. In the middle of the room was a rectangular table that could fit 5 people. There were already 3 people sitting there.

When I took a closer look at the people, I gasped. They all stared back at me in disbelief, sorrow, and happiness. I couldn't believe this! I spun around to look at Kade. I threw my arms around him, letting my tears flow gracefully down my cheek.

I turned back to look at the family. "Mom, dad, Kiki!", I cried happily.

At the sound of her name, not-so-little-Kiki laughed with tears in her eyes. She was 13 now. My little sister was 13! "K-Kelly!", my mother gushed, knocking her chair over as she ran over to me. She held me away from her for a few moments to study me before pulling me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Kel, you're alive!", dad muttered, grinning. He opened up his arms and I didn't waste time to swoop down and pull my head against his chest.

"Yes, daddy.", I whispered. "I'm alive."

I looked behind my parents and at Kiki. My, has she grown. Her short choppy auburn hair now swooped down over her shoulders and past her chest. Her ice blue eyes were no longer round with wonder, but crinkled slightly and soft with knowledge.

"My baby sister.", I choked out before rushing to hug her. She was no longer the 3 year old baby girl that I was used to.

"Kel-Kel!", she shrieked, using her old baby nickname that she used when she couldn't pronounce my name.

"Yea, it's me, Kiwi.", I replied playfully, using my old nickname for her. My mother looked nothing like us except for her light blue eyes. Her hair was curled and dark brown. Dad, lets just say that's where we got our hair from. He had short flaming red hair and brown eyes that twinkled with laughter. Boy, I missed them so much. I just can't believe this.

"Son, thank you for bringing our daughter to us.", dad began, smiling triumphantly at Kade. "Now, after we all have a joyous meal, I believe we'll buy some tickets to go back to Cali-"

"No!", Kade and I both screamed in unison. Well, at least I screamed while Kade yelled.

"Why not?", mom asked, looking terribly confused.

"I-I can't go back there!", I said in a hushed, yet horrified tone.

"But Liam is waiting for you, sis.", Kiki said, her eyebrows furrowed. "Don't you love him?"

My heart ran cold. "Did you tell him where I am?", I said icily.

"Yes, why?", mom asked.

"You what?!", Kade yelled. "I thought I told you to not tell anyone!"

"I-I'm sorry, but the two are in love, he has the right to know.", dad said.

"No be doesn't!", I yelled, feeling frightened and angry at the same time. "I hate him! After what he did to me! He'll kill me! He'll find me and kill me! How could you?!"

"Dear, no he won't.", my mom soothed, but how would she know? She didn't. They didn't know of his treacherous crime.

"He will.", I whispered, tears of sadness and anger threatening the spill. "You don't know what he did to me before our wedding. You don't. If you did you'd hate him, too. He is the reason why I'm all the way in Alaska."

"Kelly, he loves you!", dad murmured. "He told us himself. He's a very trustworthy man."

"Not very trustworthy.", I spat. "I hate him. If you think he's trustworthy, you've thought wrong. He deserves to be in prison."

"What wrong has he done, Kelly?", Kiki asked, wringing her hands up in the air exasperatedly.

"Oh I dunno", Kade answered dryly. "Raped her, abused her, and tried to kill her."

My parents through their heads back in laughter, but Kiki sat there with a look of sheer horror on her face. Her icy orbs looking off into space.

My parents stopped laughing, my father leaning in with his hands folded and an amused expression on his face.

"Why, what a foolhardy accusation!", he chuckled. "My, Liam is an angel! He's taken care of my daughter for years now, he's definitely trustworthy."

My mother nodded in agreement, a small smile etched onto her face. "Yes, yes, of course.", she agreed, motioning for the waiter to come forward. "He is such a bright man. I just can't believe my daughter would leave him. Isn't that right, Kelly? You really still love him, don't you?"

"I don't!", I yelled, my anger boiling in my veins.

"Mom, dad.", Kiki whispered. "I have something to confess."

All eyes turned to Kiki's terrorized face. Her face was visibly pale and her eyes were wide and brimming with tears.

"Dear, what's wrong?", dad asked Kiki.

"I just said, I have something to confess.", she snapped, her eyes narrowed for just a second. "I've got to tell you something. What this man says is the truth, and I have proof."


Well guys! I've decided to make a cliff hanger ;). I want you guys to die, then come alive ( then die again cause I naught make another cliff hanger ). So, comment to infer ( I hate that word, it makes it seem like I'm in school again ) what will happen next.

Vote or I will take away your teddy bear (jk, or am I? Teddy beads are kinda useless...sometimes. Unless you needed to scare a friend in the dark...or just needed a comfy friend...or just needed something to take anger out on...I don't suggest theist part)

Comment or I will make 500 more dreadful and information seeking cliffhangers ( I don't think I'm losing on that one )

Fan or cut down a tree to smash you house (jk, for reals)

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