Chapter 14

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I walked slowly behind Kade. I was not all for meeting up with the rapist. "Babe, can you walk any slower?" Kade asked sarcastically. I shot him a dirty look.

"You'd be walking as slowly as me if you were in the same situation," I shot back.

Kade shrugged. We continued to wll down the hallway. Before we knew it, we were back downstairs. Kade slid the doors open. He gestured for me to follow him. I slowly set my foot outside, then the other. Kade watched me amusedly.

I really did feel like flipping him off if it weren't for his intent gaze on me. Not Kade's, Liam's. "Hello, Luna...what's your name?" he said with a glint in his eye. It gave me a bad feeling. I looked around at Kade nervously. He gave me a reassuring nod.

"I, uh...I-I'm...I'm...Kel...Kel-Kelly," I stammered, still refusing to meet his eyes. I didn't want to get sucked into his almost obsidian colored orbs. I see him smile out of the corner of my eyes.

"Kelly," he dragged out the word. "Nice reminds me of someone I used to know." I saw him spare a pointed look at me. I nodded, still not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Kade, where'd you get this one from?" Liam ground out slowly. "She lacks in the Luna department. Ever heard of looking someone in the eye?"

I whipped my head up so fast that I could hear the sickening crack. "I can be a great Luna!" I argued, the corner's of my mouth twitching downwards into a scowl. "I-I...I actually don't know." I let out an agitated sigh, feeling someone's warm, tingly hand around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, baby," he whispered into my ear, glaring noticeably at Liam. "You'll make a fine Luna. Don't let anything he says get to you."

I nodded, glaring at my ex. I wish looks could've killed, because I wanted Liam dead. No, I thought to myself. You're not a monster. Don't think these things. "Please leave," I tried to say confidently, but it sounded more like an plea than an order.

Liam smirked. "Why?" he chuckled. "I was just going to ask you're boyfriend something."

Even though I thought that I really loved, Kade- wait, what? We've known each other for less than a month! I couldn't love him, yet. These new thoughts brought more negative thoughts to me. Why was I giving him a chance? We were like complete strangers!

"Listen, Alpha," Liam sneered out the word Alpha in displeasure. "I'm giving you a choice. Give me the bitch"- he jabbed a finger at me without en sparing me a glance -"or give me your pack. It's either or."

Kade growled lowly, his eyes darkening. "You will have neither, get off my land!" he snarled, his fists clenched. When he saw that Liam didn't budge, he raised his clenched fist. "Get off now before I tear you apart!"

Liam made a clucking sound. "Wow, Kade," he sighed miserably. "I thought you had some sense in you, but I guess not..." Before I knew what was happening, Liam lunged for Kade. I screamed.

Now two huge, furry wolves were on the ground, snarling, yipping, barking, and biting. "Oh my goodness," I squeaked. Through my fear, I was concerned for Kade. Would he be alright? Should I get help?

Suddenly, Kade let out a ferocious roar as Liam got ahold of his neck. I screamed again, but this time, there was some anger to it. Without thinking, I ran for the door. Throughout the house, not a word was to be heard. It was dead silent.

"Hello?!" I yelled in frustration. Kade needed help, asap. "Chris?!"

Chris rounded the corner. "Yes, Luna?" he had a grin on his face. Once he saw me, his grin faltered. He had on a deadly serious expression.

I felt like crying. Kade could be dead now, as we spoke. "K-Kade...he needs help!" I croaked. "Liam got ahold of his neck, and now..." Tears streamed down my face as I bawled. My vision went blurry, but I could make out Chris's figure running out of the doors. More vicious growls could be heard as battle erupted.

Silence. Pure silence was heard during the aftermath. I sniffled, wiping my tears from my cheeks. Suddenly I felt a familiar tingly hand on my shoulder. I spun around as quickly as I could and flub my arms around his neck.

"You're alive!" I sobbed, afraid to let go in case he was just some illusion. Illusion or not, I was happy.

He let out a small chuckle. "Come on, he was no match for me!" he teased. I pulled away as if he'd shocked me, a horrible thought coming to my mind.

"Oh my god, did you kill him?!" I shrieked. I didn't want my mate to be a murderer. Oh, may the good Lord bless him. Much to my relief, Kade shook his head.

"No, the stupid cunt got away," he murmured, anger igniting in his eyes. I nodded, relieved yet cautious. As long as he didn't die but was out of the way, It would be okay. Couldn't we just put him in a prison cell? Less monstrous.

Kade smiled. "Yea, I'm working on it, babes," he said, indicating that he had heard my thoughts. I smiled back. There was a moment of silence. It was pretty comfy though, not awkward. His eyes flickered to my lips. I realized that we were leaning forward.

Before I realized what was happening, our lips were connected and moving in sync. I was in heaven. The kiss was slow and passionate, the type I have always dreamed of and the type Liam had never given me.

Something brushed against my leg, causing me to jump a foot in the air and to tumble backwards.


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