Chapter 11

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We were back at the pack house, my family ushered into first class guest rooms. Kade was still grumpy that I had left him standing there, and trust me. Kade is extremely irresistible when he is grumpy. My knight in shining armor, yes ladies and gentlemen, was grumpy.

"Alright, what do you want?", I sighed, turning in my high chair to look at my mate. His eyes were furrowed, his lower lip jutted out. He was insanely sexy. It made me want to just...ugh.

"Why'd you leave me there?", he whined childishly.

I rolled my eyes. "You got a problem with my family or something?"

"Or something."

"Then what is it?"

"Couldn't you just tell me where you were going and what you were going to do?"

I laughed. "And have you follow me like a lost pup again?", I asked, raising an eyebrow. "No thanks, I think I'm great."

Kade's lower lip quivered, just to add effect. Well damn right it worked. His expression turned sad, and I felt the urge to take him in my arms and kiss him senseless. I scowled, placing my hands firmly on my his.

"Stop that.", I ordered, pointing at his lip. It just made it quiver more.

I growled in frustration. Will he ever give me a break? I had blocked my mind link, that was a plus, but was that what he was pouting for?

"What?", I asked irritably.

"You blocked your mind link.", he growled. "I thought I made it clear that that is a no no."

"Lins taught me how, get over yourself."

Kade scowled. "Lins will pay, I'll make sure of that."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Nah, I'll make sure she won't pay."

I stood up from the bed, dusting myself off. I gave Kade a glare. He can be such a big baby. I spun around and marched towards the door, leaving him laying there. "Aw, babe, come back!", he whined. Whiny big baby, may I add.

I shook my head, smiling to myself. "Geez, I'll be right back.", I said, waving him off. "It's not like I'm almost naked or anything like that."

I could hear Kade murmur to himself. Sadly, I was no werewolf. I had to incredible hearing powers, for I was just your average neighbor who said her "good morning"'s or "good afternoon"'s to you whenever I passed you by. Not that I live near I?

I walked thought the doorway, not bothering to look back at my handsome (whiney) knight in shining armor. He didn't exactly save me from anything. He just met me...and scared the living daylights out of me.

Once I was safely in the hallway, I knew where to go. I was definitely getting the hang of things around here. I could actually locate the kitchen, living room, Ky's room, Lin's room, and countless others. I seemed to learn more everyday.

My first stop was my parents and Kiki's room. It was no problem since the guest rooms were side by side, I was planning to show them the kitchen. Once I reached my destination, I noticed that there were suitcases outside of both doors. Hmm...

I knocked on my parent's door. Mom opened it up, grinning at me excitedly. What is that all about? "Hi, honey!", she squeaked, the way she does when she's excited about big changes. "Oh, you're probably wondering why we have all our stuff? Well, your boyfriend has decided to let us move in!"

I blinked in surprise. "He...he did?", I asked, trying to confirm whether I heard her right or not. Sure, I loved my family to absolute death, parents. Are. Disastrous. They're they type of parents that want to get all up in your privacy, believing that they're all cool enough to hang out with you an your friends. Yup. I was so screwed.

Mom squealed. "Yes!", she exclaimed. "Isn't it great? We're moving in! You have to introduce me to your friends soon! We can have a girls' might out!"

I resisted the urge to groan. The last time we had a "girls' night out", mom kept pestering us with "back in my day..." speeches. It was horrible. Torturous, even. I laughed nervously. "Great...", I muttered. "Mom? You aren't moving into the guest rooms, are you?"

Mom laughed. "No, sweetie.", she replied, staring at me as if I was stupid. "Course not! We're moving into some empty rooms one floor from yours."

Great. One floor from ours. I should just be glad that the floors are soundproof...because...Kelly! It's too early to think about stuff like that! But I couldn't help thinking about what Kade and I could do in a bed together...naked...

"Alright, mom.", I said. "I suppose you're hungry, I'm here to show you the kitchen."

Mom nodded eagerly, her eyes round and bright. Mom was a huge fan of caffeine. She was always up early in the morning, but up so late at night...or should I say morning? She never really did sleep at night.

"Let me go get Kiki, first, you go get dad.", I said, smiling at her. She grinned back.

"Okay, sweet cheeks!", she literally screamed while beaming at me. I have an odd mother. Nope, odd family. Correction. I have an odd life.


Sorry for short, uninteresting chapter, but just

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