Chapter 2- our field

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"Ready ness?" Jake smiles at me like always, his russet skin is glowing in the setting sun. I smile at him, and nod slightly, letting him know that I am ready to hunt.

He's just wearing shorts, he'll phase when we reach the woods. Mum and dad usually come with us when we go hunting, but today dad wants to talk with Carlisle about sonething, me probably, and mum decide to wait and go with him tomorrow. Uncle jasper and aunt Alice are away visiting our cousins in Denali. Aunt Rosalie and uncle emmet don't hunt unless there alone, if they can help it. So that leaves me and jake. I know that jake only hunts so I won't have to go alone, and sometimes I even consider eating normal human food for him, but then I remember how disgusting it is and decide to just keep hunting. I can't believe jake can actually eat that revolting thing he made me try once, he called it a... Cake? And said something about a chocolate flavor? It tasted like well the closest thing I can think of is the blood of a long dead elk that I once caught a whiff of, the bloody things taste bad enough when fresh, stupid herbivores.

"Have fun" mum calls from the lounge as we leave the house, I smile at jake as we walk at human speed towards the forest, he smiles back at me. Our shoulders keep brushing and each time I can almost feel jakes smile.

Eventually he gives in and wraps his arm around my shoulders protectively. I smile sadly, I love him so much that i want to cry, but I don't deserve him.

When we reach the woods after what feels like a lifetime, but I don't mind. I was with him.

The woods I know has thick overhang towards the right, jake turns and stares into my eyes before leaving to phase, I look in the opposite direction politely even though I know that he will be well concealed behind the trees. I look up at the sky and see the bright sun, it makes my porcelain skin glow slightly, not like how pretty it makes mums, just a faint glow that says, she's different, but not special. I look closely at me arm, it's glowing obviously, I stare and see the slightest rainbow reflected in me. Even my strong eyes have to strain to see them but they are there.

"Grrrr" I turn to see jake as a wolf, grinning in the strangest way. His eyes almost say, hurry up, don't keep admiring yourself, I smile slightly and with a burst of speed run past him, my speed will slowly drop but its fun trying to beat jake. His furry face ripples with pleasure as he keeps pace with me, a huge grin breaks across my face and laughter escapes my lips, it sounds of bells. Jake grins at me, his huge brown orbs sparkling with happiness. I know my brown eyes sparkle with the same smile.

Suddenly I catch its sent, it smells almost like a human, it's not mouth watering, but I will gladly drink it. I race towards it. Jake squeals and follows me. My face rids it's self of all smiles, leaving only thirst.

It's a bear. A grizzle, it's huge.

Jake leaps at it first, biting its furry neck, blood leaks from the marks left by jakes teeth. I leap on it too now. I can't let him have all the fun and glory. I know he's trying to stop me hurting myself, but he knows that I won't just walk away so he try's to kill it himself, silly wolf, he is bigger than the bear, but I can't just sit here and wait for him to do all the dirty work.

My hands catch the creatures neck, I grab and pull in the strangest direction I can find, hoping to snap it, but I can hear the creatures distress so I merely give a straight punch to its head, killing it instantly. It falls to the ground and I only just have time to jump away before I'm squashed. I crawl back to the bears dead body and look questioningly at jake, he nods his head towards the beast and I know that he won't be having any. I bite through the weak skin and taste the sweet, thick blood that flows through my body as I drink.

Jake must of run off while I was occupied coz he's gone when I looks up, I'm not worried though, he's probably just decided to go and find a stag for lunch. He doesn't really approve of the type of animals I choose to drink from. But still he admits that it's better than humans at least.

"Heyo Nessie" his voice breaks through the thick bush, I look up surprised to see him human and dressed in shorts and a singlet. I walk towards him smiling. "Hi" I smile broadly, what is wrong with me today?

"Come on I want to show you something" he takes my hand and pulls me towards the thickest of the bush. I smile as in towed away, my hand fits so perfectly in his. A few twigs catch in my thick bronze hair.

"This way" we change angles slightly at his command.

The bush suddenly disappears. Leaving a small clearing of flowers and sweet grass. My eyes grow huge a small smile tugs at my lips.

It's so perfect. So wonderfully perfect. It's like the story's mum tells me about the meadow her and dad share back in forks. But it's just for me and jake.

I walk towards the middle of the field, pulling jake along with me. As I reach the middle I turn in delicate circles, my eyes focusing only on jake. I take his hand and pull it closer towards me. He steps forward eagerly, and sweeps me up into his arms, cradling me like a baby. Our laughter a chorus of the most perfect happiness.

He spins once again in circles and the rest if the world becomes a blur of colour, only jakes face exists to my eyes. He puts me down suddenly in the sweet grass and goes to sit across from me. I smile at him.

My hands drift through the flowers and grass that surrounds me, my fingers find a wishing flower, I hold it up deliberately letting jake see it, and hold it up to my face, closing my eyes I whisper, "I wish that I could stay here" I blow lightly and all the buds blow towards jake who never stops smiling, he never stops looking into my eyes. I smile and laugh happily for no reason than pure happiness. My eyes close for a few seconds and I feel him next to me. His breath tickles my cheek, "ness" he whispers his fingers stroking my cheek. I stay as still as I can, as I feel his lips moving towards me.

And then I feel them pressed ever so lightly to my delicate cheek. And I pass into a void of utter happiness.


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