Chapter 12- upper hand

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"go!" I scream at Jacob hurriedly as the howls peirce my ears, Jacobs hand grabs my wrist and tugs me along behind him like a puppet. I don't object, however much I want Jacob to be safe, the wolves are my brothers, his brothers, if they die, he will die on the inside, and so will I.

"nahual go!" jake yells as nahual takes off into the night, alone. I hope he gets eaten by a hungry wolf, im not a baby for crying out loud, he can tell me whatever he was planning on telling dad, not that I want to know whatever it is that's wrong with him, I hardly care, but I could handle it, I have been through more than that stupid interfering idiot could ever dream, I could handle whatever he could throw at me.

"ness" through one word I knew exactly what he was doing, we had this move perfectly synchronized, his hand grips my wrist tightly and throws me up above his head, my hair flips around my face, his clothes rip to shreds as a huge wolf appears under me, my legs fit easily over his strong muscular and rather furry back, my fingers in twine with the thick russet fur that I love.

"I will come with you" Nahuals thick voice calls from below me,he has appeared suddenly. I look down and nod curtly, this time I will be thankful for numbers.

Huge howls pierce the night once again as I almost scream in terror. Our brothers are in pain, and we cannot reach them.

Jacobs heavy footfalls will alert the twins to our presence, they probably already know what's coming, I wish mum and dad would hurry up.

"Jake" I whisper hoarsely into his furry ear,

"Nnnn" a low whine greets my ears.

"They know.." I whisper my plan in his ear as we come closer to the death trap,

"Mmmm" he whines as he turns his big head to lock eyes with mine, I nod, his meaning clear, he doesn't like it, but its our only chance.

"I love you jake" I whisper as I leap lightly from the safety of his warm back, I hear him stop, he will wait for my signal.

My footfalls are silent as I skip lightly around the clearing, The ferns and leaves part lightly before me, I keep my gaze straight ahead, I don't want to see what's happening in the clearing, I don't want to know.

As I reach directly across from where I know Jacob stands, nahual will be behind him.

I slowly turn my head dejectedly from the tree that I locked my gaze securely onto, there, in the middle of the clearing, the witch twins stand, there black cloaks face me, cowering under them, my brothers stand, Sam is the only one that looks even remotely alive, apart from their rapid breathing, they lie like the dead.

I lock my teeth together hard to stop the growl that threatens to escape my lips, getting caught wont help anyone.

My hand grabs hold of a knot on the tree, my feet find holds as I slowly scale my way up the huge tree. When I reach the top, I will send the signal.

The cool air blows my hair in ripples down my back, Sam is slowing his breathing, they won't last much longer.

I raise my hand up as far as I can, not only a salute of respect, but the signal for attack.

The tree disappears from under me as I whiz through the air, my arms spread, ready to lock around the witch.

"Grrr" a deep rumble shakes the ground as my huge russet wolf bounds towards the other one.

At not even full grown i still have the upper hand size wise of petty Jane, as long as she can't see me, she won't be able to use her power over me.

My feet land on her shoulders lightly as my hands grip her eyes, I'm not as strong as a full vampire, I won't be able to pull her head off. But I can still cause some damage until jake is finished with Alec.

"Grr" a high pitched screech echoes in janes chest. Her hands grab onto mine and try to rip them away. I curl my fingers around her head, trying to penetrate her ice cold skin.

"Grr" she screams again as she launches herself onto the ground, the grass smells strongly of blood as I grind her head I to the unyielding dirt, my foot stamps down hard onto the top of her back, my hands grip her wrists tight as I pull her arms up above her chest. She can hardly move, but how do I kill her? I can't rip her apart, I could bite her, but how? And where? I can hear metal screeches from the other side of the clearing, Jacob is almost done.

I feel her start to move, I can't hold her here forever, she will escape soon, very soon. Her head turns sideways, out of the dirt, her eye can almost reach me, my heart flutters even fatser, what can I do?

I reach down fast a split seconds notification as pull on her arms hard, my lips reach just under the back of her jaw bone, almost as if reaching for a soft caress, my teeth sink deep into her marbled, revolting skin.

"Raaaaaaaa" she screams her body shaking in helpless spasms as the dark crescent shape I created grows deep purple. I didn't think I had venom, the bite should of only hurt like a human biting another, not like a vampire biting a werewolf.

"Raaaaa" her screeches set my teeth on edge as I try helplessly to keep her shaking figure to stay still.

"Grrrrr" Jacobs howl pierces the air, it's one of pain, but at least he can still howl.

Where is nahual?

He was supposed to be helping me!

"Rraaa" Jane turns over suddenly as I lose my grip, venom is frothing from her mouth, her eyes roll back into her head. I feel a rough hand clse around my shoulder. I turn to see only a huge tree trunk moving rapidly towards me. I crash into the tree as it shakes.

A growl escapes my lips as I look over towards janes now maimed figure. Dad stands with her arm and body is separate hands.

"No!" I scream as I run up towards them. My feet fall un-even as my world spins.

"Woah, no you don't" uncle emmet steps infront of me with his hands stretched out blocking me from helping.

"Let me" I snarl angrily as I try to push past him. My hands ball up into fists as I try to pummel my way through him.

"C'mon" he sighs as he catches my small fists easily and swings me up into his arms bridal style.

"Noooo!" I screech as I try to wiggle away from him.

"Shhh ness it's okay" be chuckles as we make our way away from the clearing.

"Nooooo!!!" I screech louder as I stretch to see what has happened.

"Nessie" he grins as he laughs at me struggling.

"No!" I sob into his marble chest as i feel his feet hit gravel.

"Shhh it's okay" he soothes me as we enter the blacks house.

"No" I murmur as I feel the blackness draw me in.

"No" I croak for the last time before the blackness truly takes me.


A/N- hello silent readers :) it would mean a lot to me if you would VOTE :) or comment please :) so VOTE OR COMMENT PLEASE :) love ya lemon drops :)

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