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A watched pot never boils.

A timed apple never ripens.

A impatient egg never fries.

A Jacob with his girlfriend waiting for him to come home, never comes home.

I'd gone through every single method possible for wasting time, I'd sat down cross legged on the floor and stared at the door, I'd paced up and down the living room, I'd tried to play paper scissors rock with uncle em, I'd even doodled my name with 'black' tacked on the end (much to uncle emmets scorn)

That's how I'd found myself drifting aimlessly in and out of rooms in the black house. standing in Jacobs room, I try to memorise every single itsy busty detail of the room Jacob grew up in, but every single detail sends my mind drifting to alternate dimensions, memories flowing past my eyes.

Memories flowing really fast past my eyes apparently, its been like two seconds.

My eyes catch on a pile of crap.

To be more specific, it's like a condensed pile of crap in a room that is a pile of crap.

My 30-30 vision (at least I think that's what grandpa called it) picks up on the smoth and curved price of wood sticking up from the pile.

Walking/trudging over, I pick it up, after the rest of the pile pulls away from it, I recognise the guitar Jacob had shown me once before we moved away. he'd played me a soft and simple lullabye that only used three chords. my fingers find the first chord blindly, my perfect memory finally coming in handy.

The first line was simple, I sing the words softly before plucking at the guitar.

"Deep to close your eyes"

"Let the storm rain warm"

"How could I be lost?"

"How could I not be found?"

The last line evades my memory, I think maybe Jacob merely hummed the last part, or maybe I fell asleep.

Before I can remember the last part, I hear the front door click open.

My heart leaps so high I'm worried i might have an attack, rushing out, guitar clutched by the neck in one hand I sprint towards Jacob.

That awkward moment when the dark haired, dark skinned boy standing in next to emmet, isn't Jacob, it's Nahual.

"I though you were jacob" I say glumly stalking over to the price of floor next to the couch, and settling down with the guitar comfortably.

"Well obviously I am not" he supply's chirpily.

"No, your not" I mumble sulkily.

"What happened?" emmet asks him, "I got stuck babysitting and missed all the action" he jerks his thumb at me.

"The twins are dead"

My retort and uncle emmets statement dies in my mouth at nahuals words.

The witch twins, aros sacred jewls, just dead?

In my mind I see Janes evil smile in the clearing all those years ago, I see the face of alec, the boy, sneering at us.

"Wow" is all uncle emmet says.

"How?!" I demand.

"You seem to have ended the girls stretched out life" Nahual says wide eyed. in my opinion being 150 years old, he can't ca anyone's life stretched out. "The boy was ripped to shreds by your mother"

A huh, so Alec died after Jane, at least he got to feel afraid, upset, for part of his life.

"How did little Nessie kill jane?!" emmet asks exasperatedly. "even rose can beat her in a fight!"

"That's because Nessie never bit rose" Nahual supplies.

Great looks like they had a good old chat about me.

"But I don't had any venom, I used to bite jake when I was little"

"Maybe that has changed"

My hands fly instinctively to my teeth, as if I might suddenly grow fangs.

"Don't worry" uncle emmet tells me "venom can't kill vampires, you probably accidentally snapped her neck" quickly and sullenly, he grabs Nahual and drags him out the door. what happened to babysitting?

I look down at the guitar still resting in my lap, had I really killed jJane? how was I supposed to feel? triumphant? or repulsed?

I sigh and stroke the strings of the guitar, a sharp and rather un-pleasing sound greets my ears.

"God that thing hasn't been tuned in years" Jacob says from his spot beside me.

I lean over letting out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding, and wrap him in a tight hug, which he gladly returns.

"Your ok" he mumbles into my hair.

"So are you" I say.

"Well apart from my poor ears that just suffered from your -what exactly was that?" he teases, I pull away slapping his arm. "here let me tune it" he smiles at me warmly, his eyes never leaving mine as he leans across my body to tighten the strings, the guitar still resting in my lap.

For the first time, I register that he, my boyfriend, is shirtless.


As in no shirt on.

"There" he mumbles quietly.

My fingers find the strings as I sing quietly.

"Deep to close your eyes

Let the storm rain warm

How could I be lost?

How could I not be found?"

He strokes my hair as I sing.

"When a map lies from eyelids to you" Jacob finishes the lullabye for me, his eyes staring seriously into mine. "that was beautiful Nessie, just like you"

I blush slightly at the compliment.

"TThanks" I mourner shyly, once again very aware of his shirtlessness.

Without my permission, my hands find themselves on his sweaty neck, pulling him closer to me, our lips embracing and almost splintering the guitar which he deftly moves out of the way. His weight suddenly pressed against me as our lips try to mould against each other. I feel all of my worries and fear pour into the kiss, using it as fuel to pull him closer, to physically feel that he is ok.

"Ness" he mourners against my mouth "we have to stop"

"Why?!" I demand.

"Because your parents are here"



How long has a been since my last update? forever? sorry!!!!

I just sort of lose motivation, but your amazing comments on the last chapter made me write this one as soon as I saw then, you guys are awesome <3

Thoughts on Ness and Jake?

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