Chater 11- Nahual

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"Nessie" I know that I am in heave as I hear the angels voice, it calls my name, if my angel is dead, and I can hear him, that must mean that I am dead, but it doesn't matter, if we are both dead, then I don't want to still be alive, if we are both dead, then dining is good.

"ness" this time I know that the angel is in pain, he shouldn't be in pain! If this is heaven, as it should be, then my angel should be happy, unless, maybe this isn't heaven, but the doorway from heaven to hell, my angel has always done the right thing, my angel will reach the doors of heaven, but now I know why his voice is getting further away, because I will not follow him, I will never pass through those doors, because I am not a human, not a soul, I have drunk human blood, I am a monster, I am not worthy, his voice is fading as he slips away, he will leave, I will stay here, a void without him, will be my personal hell, they don't need to torched me, a void without him is a thousand times worse.

"renesmee!" the angels voice is frantic, calls my name, I know now that I am fading away, why? Because my angel has just relised that I will not follow, he has just relised that I am slipping away, he has just felt the fire start to tug me away.


"I love you jake" I fight to open my lips, I want to leave jake one last reminder that I love him, I know he wil treasure it more than a goodbye.

"oh thank god!" his whisper is relived, didn't he always now that I loved him?

"she'll be okay" a new voice, thick with a strange accent, but slightly familiar, what is this man doing here as jake fades away,

"I love you too ness" jake whispers, his voice is becoming clearer as I feel myself drift slowly.

"stay with me" his voice is a hoarse whisper as I want to scream that of course I will, but I can't.

"please" Jacobs voice is pleading as I feel his warm, welcome breath on the lips that I had forgotten about. I feel my lips tingle, and then warm strong lips, greet mine ever so softly, they slowly and carefully remind me of the way I love my Jacob. With that my eyes fly open.

"Jacob!" I scream joyfully, I am sitting, or rather lying in his lap as he stares into my eyes, we're alive! In Billy's lounge, we're alive! I smash my lips into jakes joyfully, I feel the passion and longing that matches mine reflected in Jacobs lips, i feel the passion, the joy, the happiness.

"your alive" I yell joyfully, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, I bend my body to mold his, only physically feeling that he is here, in my arms, do I really accept that he is alive, that I am alive.

"Jacob" I mutter his name, it tastes nice in my mouth, "my jake" tears start to roll out of my eyes as I remember what happend, as I realize how it happend, but I don't understand, how am I alive, how are any of us alive?

"ness" jake sighs as he pulls away and holds me in his arms, I stare contendily into his beautiful eyes.

"ness I need to explain" pain leaks into his eyes, something did happen, I was hoping it was a dream.

"your mum and dad are on there way down" he tells me, "they're not happy" he grimaces painfully,

"what happend jake?" I ask scared

"it was a trick, there was a vampire, we could smell the stench, but it hurt to try and think of him" he pauses "it was repulsing"

"jake" I warn, he was doing do well with not discriminating my family,

"no ness it wasn't the smell, that's not what I meant, it was like, trying to focus on the infected guts of a friend, you are to repulsed to think clearly" I frown slightly, that's strange, and gross.

"we followed the stench, but we were all sort of nausead I guess, we walked right into the trap, those witch twins were waiting for us, one of them, the girl, she used her powers on Brady, we freaked we could feel the pain, we were howling, it hurt to much to attack, then it was all gone, we couldn't feel, see, hear, smell or even taste anything, not even each other, I could feel time slipping by, I though that they were killing us, but I couldn't tell, I didn't know" and then suddenly it's like nothing ever happend, it all goes back to normal, I could hear that witch screaming, I rushed off towards the screams, the others were behind me, I was just in time to see the witches running off, Sams pack went after them while I ran towards whatever it was that drove them off, it was a.... Friend" he turns to looks at the newcomer, he has dark russet skin like the pack, his hair is long and braided down his back, he is tall, he's dressed in jeans and a shirt and looks very un comfortable, his face seems familiar, but I can't seem to remember where...

"nahual?" I ask cautiously "your Nahual right?" I stand and edge towards him, jake wraps his arm around my waist protectively, "yes" his voice is thick with a south African accent I think,

"I was coming to find your coven, and found the witch twins scent, I followed and found you as there latest experiment, I managed to get them away, then Jacob came through the bush and phased to bring you back" he explains,

"my family doesn't live here anymore" I tell him cautiously "we moved"

"where?" he asks eagerly

"why do you want to know?" I ask suspiciously,

"I need to speak to your father" he tells me,

"why?" I ask suspicious still

"I need his help Nessie"

"why can't you talk to me about it?"

"you wouldn't understand"

"try me"


"why not?"

"because it will scare you!"

"I've dealt with a lot more scary things than you could ever imagine so if I were you I would tell me now as I happen to have a rather scary werewolf for a boyfriend!" I demand angrily

"ness" jake whispers in my ear, "it's okay calm down" he wraps his arms more securely around my waist.

"our family is on there way down now if you would care to speak with them" he addresses Nahual.

I turn to stare at jake confused "I'll explain later" he mutters

"jake" I almost scream in alarm as many frightened howls reach my ears.

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