Chapter 6- beach

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"Nessie" jake shakes me awake as I stare at him un-comprehending why is he waking me up? Where is mum? Why is my bed so small? Oh crap that's right, I'm in forks!!! With jake! And it's time to put my plan into action. "come on ness" jake shakes my shoulder, his warm hand squeezes my shoulder slightly and I sit up groggily, "come on time to go ness" he shakes me once again before I look into his eyes and smile at what I see, his smile has made those perfect brown eyes sparkle. He's closer to me than ever before, I can almost feel his heavy breath on my face. "I'll see you in the kitchen ness" he grins again before he bounces out the room.

Rachel's old room is tiny, but I like it, it feels cozy. Of course technicly now it's the spare room, since she and Paul bought a house across the reservation, I know that Rachel wants to be as far away from this house as possible, her and rebecca still hate the house where they're mother died, Rachel doesn't even want to be on the reservation, she's just waiting for Paul to stop phasing so that they can both leave la push. Together. As man and wife, hopefully they will decide to get married before they leave. I've known Rachel for most of my life and I hope that she will tie the knot here so that I can watch.

"hello renesmee" billys old story tellers voice greets me as I enter the kitchen, I'm dressed in an jeans and a shirt, with my waist length hair pulled back in a ponytail. "hey Nessie" jake tacks on after his father. I smile at them both, and look over at the kitchen, Emily stands there brining at me, I smile back wonderingd what she is doing here, I hear the sizzling of oil as I walk towards the couch. I try not to wrinkle my nose at the smell of butter and cooking pancake batter, but everyone just ends up laughing at my attempt, I laugh along with them, not wanting to be rude.

"we're gonna go down the beach Kay ness?" jake asks me between mouthfulls of pancake smoothed with something brown and runny they called it a something syrup? Smells bad.

Jake is done with a whole stack of pancakes reasonably fast, though I can't quite understand how he manages to get it down his throat .

"ready ness?" he grins at as he walks towards the door, I smile and walk close to him. We reach the beach and he grabs my wrist to stop me from falling. Patches of driftwood are scattered everywhere, finally jake feels content with huge half buried white washed log. He sits down and looks through his eyelashes out to sea, I sit down next to him mirroring his actions.

"jake" I ask cautiously "what's up ness?" he asks suddenly concerned, I look down at my lap where my hands are twirling nervously, "what do you feel when you look at me?" I ask stuttering over my words, I can tell that I have caught him off guard, he wasn't expecting this, "I feel as if I'm looking at my everything" he tells me as those big warm brown eyes bore into mine. "what does that mean?" I prod lightly

"ness" he breaths "it means that you are all I can think about, all that I am, you are the reason I'm alive, but that doesn't mean you have any duty to feel or do the same" he emphasizes the last words "ness I need to tell you something, I'm so sorry, I forced this onto you, I didn't do what I should of done"

"I forgive you jake" I smile "but don't you want to grow up? Live? Have kids? Grankids? Grow old? I can't give you any of those things jake!"

"shhhhh" jake hushes me "I don't want any of those things ness, not without you!"

"but you have a duty to produce heirs!"

"where did you hear that!" he half growls

"I heard Sam talking about while I was little" I explain,

"I have one duty and one duty only ness, and that is to make you happy for your whole life! Nothing else is anywhere near as important!" jake is almost right on top of me now, "if you do this" I caution "your throwing away everything, anything and everything that you deserve"

"it's worth it if your happy" he breaths tickling my face

"it would" I breath back "and I would be even happier if you would kiss me"

Jakes eyes grow huge as he leans down hesitating a few centimeters from my lips "go on" I encourage as I lean in to meet him half way.


A/N - PLEASE vote you will make me smile :)

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