Chapter 5- home

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"Ness" jakes speaks in my dream, we're in the beach outside his house, he's smiling as he comes closer, his hand holds mine to his cheek, I'm happy, this is what I want, what I always wanted, jake is mine and I am his. His lips are almost at mine, his other hand is locked around my neck, his fingers tangled in my hair. I love him, and he loves me. My lips grow hot as I stretch to meet him half way. A centimetre of air divides us.

"Nessie" jake croaks hoarsely, my eyes flutter open, and I almost cry, it was a dream, we're still in the rabbit, it was just a dream, a perfect, wonderful, dream.

My hand is held against his cheek, oh god, he heard my dream, he knows, crap. He smiles at me apologetically but I know that really he isn't sorry, he's happy, he happy that I love him, but he is sorry, sort of that he eavesdropped.

"We're here ness" he whispers, "home"

"I missed this place" I whisper, it's dark, not pitch black, I can still easily see the black house, but it's hard to completely make out the details of the wood work.

"Come on" jake pulls me by my hips out his door, my feet hit the ground lightly and I stumble slightly, my feet un stable on the un even ground. I can hear the waves crash into the beach behind the house, I smile, this is part if my home.

"Does billy know we're coming?" I whisper to jake quietly, "coarse" he croaks, "why are we whispering?" I whisper back, "I dunno" he shakes his head still whispering, "jake..." I start but he just shrugs it off and starts to pull me towards the house, I can hear Billy's breathing, and someone else's, Rachel probably, but there's more than two heart beats I realise as I get closer, I start to slow un certainly, but jake just keeps pulling me, his fingers start to feel warm around my wrist, and sweaty.

"Come on ness" he tugs as we reach the door, he pushes it and it gives, no one locks doors when you have huge wolves as neighbours.

"Jake!" Lots of husky voices rush towards us excitedly, "hey gu..." Jake starts before we're tackled to the ground, wolves are heavy. Jakes hand is still grasping my wrist I can feel his grip slackening as he pushes his brothers of us.

"Good to see ya jake" Seth grins as everyone gets off us, Seth had been right on top of us, so he was last to get off. "Glad to see you too seth" jake tells him, almost all of the wolves are here, sam, paul, jarred, embry, quill, Brady, And Collin, I know that the others Leo, josh, john, mark, Henry, lacron and rocky are around here somewhere, none of them were exactly close to jake, so they probably weren't so fussed about seeing him as soon as possible like the others.

"Nessie" all if them suddenly surround me almost pushing me over if jake hasn't caught me. They're all screaming my name it's quite funny actually.

"Alright guys" jake lets just the slightest but of an order leak into his voice and everyone jumps off me groaning about jake being the fun police and not letting them have any fun, as I look over I see that I was wrong, Sam and Paul have hung back, Rachel is wrapped up in Paul's arms as she smiles at me, and Sams arm is thrown casually over Emily's shoulder. It's been five years and these guys haven't changed, it's strange,bi can't remember a week where I haven't changed at least a little bit, and the pack still hasn't changed at all. Especially Colin and brady, they still look 13 and they're supposed to be almost 20, I can only imagine all ways being stuck at one age never moving forward, ironic really, I mean in little under 2 years ill stop moving forward, heck my whole family has stopped growing old, at least the pack will eventually grow up, I know that that is what jake deserves, but it's something that he can never do with me, something that I can never give him, I know that some of the pack are starting to try and stop phasing, vampires are rare now, only the odd one that passes bye, they are always taken down, killed. Not that I'm upset about it, I mean those vampires might of been on there way to fed, maybe on granpa? Or sue? Or anyone that I care about. Of course anyone with yellow eyes or who knew us the villeins were aloud to live, if we vouched for them.

I know Sam wants to stop phasing, and start a family with Emily, Sam knows that unless he wants to start getting some funny looks he better start ageing, but Sam being Sam wants to make sure that everything is under control before he leaves, I think that he wants to talk to jake about while we're here.

It's funny to think about everyone's actual age, jake is actually like 25 or something crazy like that. I prefer to just think of him in his late teens, much less confusing.

Jake told me that most of the time the pack wouldn't stay werewolves for this long, but that with such an impact of vampires showing up, it's slowed down the whole process, I know that some of the younger guys are having trouble at home with the whole not ageing but my parents don't know thing, I'm just glad that I have no secrets with my parents, not that I could, dad can read my mind at all times, and all mum has to do is hold my hand up to her face, not exactly easy to have secrets.


A/N - I will love you forever if you are nice enough to vote :)

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